Dew You Have REAR Dewclaws?

edited May 2009 in General
Sage has front dewclaws, but he had his back ones removed when he was neutered before I got him because they were not attached to bone. (When I met him, he had his backlegs taped up like a racehorse!) Reilly never had rear dews. I guess not all breeds have rear dewclaws?

Do/Did your dogs have rear dewclaws? (I assume they all have front dews...)


  • edited November -1
    Neither of my girls have rear dewclaws. I am assuming (as I have never seen a Shiba with them) that Shibas are not genetically disposed to have them. To be quite honest, I am not sure if I have ever seen a dog with rear dewclaws... if I have I was just not paying attention (which is quite possible!).
  • edited November -1
    Remy's front dew claws were removed as a pup before we got him, and Guinness still has his front ones. Not sure about the back will have to wait til I get home to look
  • edited November -1
    Nope! Mookie and Penny both have front ones but no rear.
  • edited November -1
    hmmm I thought herding dogs had back dew claws. I'm sure there's someone out there that knows way more than me though.

    Kai's have front ones, but most breeders remove them before you pick them up.
  • edited November -1
    I have never heard of someone removing front dewclaws...I didn't know anyone did that. I have much to learn...
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Mine both have front dewclaws. Ryu accidentally pulled one of his out in daycare one day but it has since grown back.

    No rear dewclaws.
  • edited May 2009
    Official U.K.C. Breed Standard

    The feet are of medium size, round in shape, well knuckled up, with thick strong pads. Nails should be hard and black in color. Dewclaws may be removed."

    man I really can't type today. lol
  • edited November -1
    No dew on the back on either of the pups.
  • edited November -1
    Doesn't someone on this forum have a Jindo that has rear dewclaws? I've heard that they can sometimes have two...

    Jindos and dew claws

  • edited November -1
    From what I've experienced, most breeds do not have rear dewclaws. Some do, and some even have double dewclaws(two on one each foot)!

    It's not uncommon for breeders to remove dewclaws from their pups. They do this by the time they're 5 days old. It's especially common in the toy breeds, since they are more prone to accidentally ripping their front dewclaws out.
  • edited May 2009
    Keiko came to us sans dew claws (front and back). Loki has dew claws (I think?) that are sharp as freaking razors... but only in the front. Although I always thought dew claws were on the back of the paw/leg, his seem to be on the inside.

    ( I just wiki'd dew claws, and those are indeed what Loki has)
  • aykayk
    edited May 2009
    I would not remove front dewclaws. They're still functional (all out run, grasping bone, climbing a tree, etc.). All dogs should be born with them.

    Not all dogs are born with rear dewclaws. The rear dewclaws I would remove as they are non-functional and are likely to be painfully ripped off.

    Yes, there are Jindos that have rear dewclaws and even double-dewclaws. There are some Koreans that wrongly believe that they indicate a closer kinship with Chinese wolves.

    There's currently a shelter Jindo (not available yet) in LA county-Carson shelter which seems to have the double dewclaws. The outer ones tends to stick out perpendicular to the leg.

  • edited November -1
    Both Sachi and has neither front or back dew claws, Akira has front dew claws. I have seen rear dew claws on Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Rottweilers, Dachshunds, thats all I can think of atm.
  • edited November -1
    Double rear dew claw on a dog at the humane society:

    DCHS Dogs 05-21-09-3805

    Belongs to this guy:

    DCHS Dogs 05-21-09-3793
  • edited November -1
    My guys don't have rear dew claws, but my sister's schipperke does. I really wish she had gotten them removed when he was fixed, as they look loose enough to pull right off should they get caught on anything. I heard from somewhere that the rear dew claw runs the risk of getting caught on objects and ripping off, giving the possibility of a torn Achilles tendon or muscle.
  • edited November -1
    Haru has front dewclaws. I second Ayk about the front/rear dewclaw thing.
  • edited November -1
    Yoshi's got his front ones, but no rears
  • edited November -1
    Both my pups had their dewclaws removed when they were new babies.

    My moms Shitzu has its front dew claws and he rips them on EVERYTHING!
  • edited November -1
    So I have learned that nobody's nihon ken were born with rear dewclaws that they know of...but that breeders will remove them very early on if they appear, and that breeders sometimes even remove FRONT dewclaws, too. Can ANY dog have rear dewclaws-meaning: is it a DOG thing or a BREED thing?
  • edited November -1
    I think rear dewclaws are based upon breed.
  • edited November -1
    Dew You Have REAR Dewclaws?

    No I don't! :P
  • edited November -1
    Neither of my two have them, a former foster shiba (male) had larger nubbies on his back legs that may have been dew claws that were removed, though I can't be too sure.

    I know of a chow mix with rear dew claws.
  • edited November -1
    I don't think you would want to breed a dog with rear dewclaws and pass those genes on UNLESS that was specifically in the breed standard, like with the Beauceron. It's too problematic dealing with the digits getting caught and torn (rears usually aren't attached). Therefore, I do believe it's generally an undesirable trait in purebreds so is not selected for. I don't know if spontaneous mutations can cause this in any dog, but I believe it's more of an inherited thing. I have seen it in many large breed shepherd/chow mixes, but I have never seen it in Shiba (the scars would be ugly, too).
  • edited November -1
    How about Akita, kai and shika?
  • edited November -1
    Himiko (Shikoku) has front dew claws but not rear.
  • edited November -1
    Tojo and Rakka just have front dew claws. Skella has double rear dew claws, just like an Iceland sheepdog should.
  • edited November -1
    Josephine (our 2+ year old Kai) has both front and rear-dew claws. We do have to keep them trimmed (I guess she does not do enough of that stuff that should keep them more reasonable length, like tree-climbing!)... My husband stops by the vet to have her nails trimmed periodically. I have not heard him indicate the vets find this condition unusual. I have not noticed Josephine get hers caught (front or rear) on anything.
  • edited November -1
    I've only seen one dog with rear dew claws, it was a Siberian Husky at the pound. They were just like big toes flapping around, I must admit I thought it was pretty gross, they looked kind of like another foot was trying to grow there!

    You can't really see them, but this is the only photo I got of her. She was a really sweet girl!

  • edited November -1
    They're like thumbs!
  • edited November -1
    Greta, my baby GSP, had her dew claws removed and tail docked at 4 days old. It is very common in hunting breeds to remove the dew claws because they can get torn off while they are chasing/tracking game. Also, with the tail docking, apparently it can get cut up really bad, again while out in the field hunting. I love her little tail!
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