Space's Space: 9/2 :(



  • edited November -1
    he's probably missing that ground meat! That stuff has a texture and aroma that no dog can resist!
  • edited November -1
    Katsu's doing the same thing with the picky eating. How many days before Space adjusted?
  • edited November -1
    Space began eating normally around the end of the first week, I'd say. And he's still not really on an easy to manage potty schedule.
  • edited November -1
    Been awhile since I've posted some shots of my boy. He's adjusting really well! He has his second vet appointment tonight in which he'll get another round of vaccines. I really can't wait to take him out on walks.

    He seems to be pretty well people socialized, as I've only seen him bark once at a person, and it was the mailman! Shibas are still dogs, I suppose!

    Potty training is the hardest part, as he's just so picky about where and when he poops and pees. He also doesn't give me any warning when he has to poop. We can be playing and running around like crazy, then all of a sudden he'll duck under the table and be quiet for a bit, and before I realize whats happening, its too late. Oh well. He's a good boy though.

    Sorry for some of the crappy photos, I really gotta start snapping pics with my regular camera and not just my iphone.





  • edited November -1
    Mike he is super cute.

    And P.S. its the 14th.
  • edited November -1
    Fixed, thanks!
  • edited November -1
    We picked up a bottle of Grizzly's Salmon Oil and now Katsu eats fine. Space is turning out to be a very handsome doggy. Its so funny that Space and Katsu play fetch. Has Space learned any commands yet? Sit? Down?
  • edited November -1
    Now that I've finally joined the Flickr community, providing some Space Spam might hopefully be a lot easier. But seriously, how does one even figure all this stuff out? I've got videos, should it go on Flickr or Youtube? And what of my facebook friends? Which pics go on Flickr? Ayyayy.


    Space came with us to visit the girlfriend's family in upstate New York, aka Farm Land. We had a nice day fishing, where Space was happy to sprint all the way up to the very edge of the water, but stop short from taking the plunge. He also really wanted to eat the fish I caught.

    He then got to play with a 1 year old lab. I was a bit nervous at first because a lab that's lived on a farm might not know its own strength. I watched carefully as the lab would put its whole jaw around Space's neck, but Space never seemed to mind, and would always go back for more. I knew everything was OK after Space let out a yelp and the lab immediately backed off.

    Here's some highlights, and here's a direct link to his flickr.

    Space doing his humping (sorry about the wind noise on this one). Listen for his silly Shiba noises.

    Lazy playing

    Don't mind my ridiculous outfit

    Here look I'm being good

    And Finally:
    little brushwood dog
    little brushwood dog
    Good Pic of Space from Joanna
  • edited November -1
    Finally!!! Some Space spam. He is so cute. What a little man
  • edited November -1
    Love the Space spam!!!! His dark muzzle makes me happy :o)
  • edited November -1
    I love his expression! His coloring is so gorgeous too. He looks like he's on fire.

    He looks like a fiesty little humper too. Did you guys get him spuetered?
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Space is turning into such a handsome man. That'd be awesome if you guys were able to come to the MA forum meet up in September
  • edited November -1
    The humping, in this case anyway, its definitely a play thing. Thats a rough and tumble play session and he seems really into it (over stimulated, maybe?) and does exactly what my (speutered) shibas do! And the Lab does what the recipient dog in my house would do - move, roll over, jump, whatever to get out of the "trap" :)
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Space is so handsome now that he's all grown up I love his color.
  • edited July 2009
    Space has yet to be neutered, though his day of doom is set for Friday of next week. He really is a humpy little guy, and from what I've read I shouldn't really expect that to stop after his neutering.

    It is definitely just an excitement thing for him, he'll do it to any dog. I do my best to intervene when it looks like he's got a good hold on the victim.
  • edited November -1
    THat's funny Katsu will be going under the knife on the 24th too.

    Do you knew what state Yoko ended up in?
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow! Space has grown! He is turning into quite the handsome dude. :)
  • edited November -1
    Joe and/or Dawn,

    I haven't heard much about Yoko. She's the black sheep of the family I suppose!

    Funny coincidence about the speutering dates!
  • edited November -1
    Space looks adorable. Looks nothing like Ichi from what I'm seeing so he's definitely coming into his own. The video of the humping is adorable and I wish you well in trying to keep the little bugger immobile when he recovers from his D-day (dismemberment day).

  • edited November -1
    Awwwww he's a cutie! I love the lazy playing video. "Oh look. a camera. let's be cute and play." "but I'm hot and tired." "yeah, me too. but this is probably going on Nihon Ken." "Ok. Let's just half-play." "Deal."

    Oh, and it kinda looks like you caught a fish from a field. ;0) Hahaha
  • edited November -1
    Awwwwww....I cant seem to get the videos to load!!!! DANG IT!
  • edited July 2009
    As some of you who have been following the Spaying of Katsu may know, Space and Katsu are brother and sister, and their speutering was coincidentally scheduled for the same day. I'm happy to see that Katsu's surgery went well, and she seems to be on the road to recovery. Space's surgery went well too, and here's my account:

    I got the neutering done at DocSide Vet in Baltimore city, which has a reputation of being a high quality/expensive Vet. Both were true. I dropped Space off early Friday morning, received a call that the surgery went well, visited him at 4 PM where I snapped this pic of the groggy fella:

    3 Hours after Surgery

    He was coughing, which apparently is a side effect of being attached to an IV.

    At DocSide, their policy is to keep neutered dogs overnight, unless you really want to take them home the same day, and so even though it killed me to hear him crying when I left, I thought I'd best leave it to Vet.

    In the morning I brought one of his favorite toys and picked him up. He was certainly quite happy to see me, though clearly still either in pain or highly drugged up. The Vet said he had to wear the collar because he seemed to REALLY want to get at his incision, and that I should keep it on him whenever I can't devote my full attention to him.

    When I got him home I took a look at his incision. I've never actually seen an incision spot post-op, and I was actually really surprised at how clean it appeared to be. The stitches are all internal, and he does not have to return to have them removed.

    I would assume most everyone here can handle the image of a doggie neutering incision, but JUST in case, here's a link to the image.


    I also had two bottom front (baby) fangs removed, as the adult ones were growing in behind in a second row, and the Vet said this can cause a problem. The teeth were removed, but those adult teeth are pretty far back still, and I can actually see an indent on the roof of his mouth where the adult teeth make contact. I'm really hoping they slide out to the exterior, and grow in normally now. I'd like to snap of a pic of this, but I'm not sure how easy that would be.

    Space at home is a lazy, lazy boy. He's never given me the impression of being in pain. I was given Rimadyl, an anti-inflammatory, which he takes twice a day. Here's a shot of him doped up on the couch, and then later on, seeming to be enjoying himself amongst some (human) friends:

    Doped Up

    Seems Pretty Happy

    Lastly, here are two videos from our attempts at walks. If the videos don't load, you can go to the Flickr page in my signature, where they should work.

    In this first one, you'll see he refuses to move. This was the day after the surgery.

    In this second, you'll see he's doing this odd stop and start thing. I'm guessing his incision becomes itchy? Either way, it makes walks pretty hard. This was taken this afternoon, a full 72 hours after the surgery. I'm only slightly concerned. If it continues, I may have to take him back to the vet.

    I apologize for the crappy camera phone pics, I'm pretty jealous of the high quality shots of Katsu.
  • edited November -1
    aw, poor Space...well at least the worst is over.

    About the fang issue, I had something similar with Tikaani. His lower puppy fang didn't come out in time, so the adult fang was growing more towards the inside of his mouth. It eventually started to cut the upper part of his mouth, which gave us much worry. We took him to a dental vet, and $140 later he prescribes that Tikaani chews on a lacrosse ball each day 3 times for 15 minutes.

    Check out the thread I made about Tikaani's teeth:

    And see if it is similar.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, I'm so glad to hear that Space's Speuter went well! Hopefully the stop/start walks will work themselves out. I love Space's snout! The colouring is adorable.

    That's interesting about the teeth. I love the treatment process prescribed to Tikaani. Theoretically, it should work, much like elastics on braces. Oh dear, I just pictured a dog with braces hahahahahaha.
  • edited November -1
    Don't laugh, doggie braces do exist...Well, it is kind of funny
  • edited November -1
    Yogi did the exact same sit-move when he was neutered. You're right, it was sort of a pain in the butt, and he actually wouldn't allow me to walk him at all for almost 2 weeks. It was a huge shiba screaming scene and I just gave up until he finally asked to come with us one day when I was taking the other guys out. You're lucky you don't have to deal with the antics I did... a grown woman carrying a flailing, wailing dog down the sidewalk with 2 more dogs pulling frantically in every other direction. I'm jealous of you ;)
  • edited November -1

    Space's teeth actually look further in than Tikaani's in that pic, however, they aren't quite cutting him yet.

    I'll try to get him to chew on a ball, but he's not much of a chewer.
  • edited November -1
    awww...poor Space. He kinda has the same look on his face that Katsu did....(wtf did you do to me?!?!?!?) lol - Glad everything went well with his spueter! Thats so weird that they got done on the same day! His incision looks really nice. I'm sure you checked out Katsu's page. Her's was pretty scary until she cleaned it. I can't believe how big he's getting! How much does he weigh now? It must have been hard to leave him there over night. We never would have been able to do that. We've been sleeping out in the living room on the couch since friday night when we brought her home. Just to make sure she doesn't have any problems (thats where her crate is). I know, pretty pathetic. Today was her first day home by herself since the surgery an I was a nervous wreck. We haven't had to put the lampshade on her (supposedly girls don't bother their incisions like boys do) so I was so worried today that since she was alone she was playing with it all day and (god forbid) ripped out all her stiches. But she was a good girl. It doesn't look like she even touched it. We should definately schedule a meetup or something so they can see each other again! I wonder if they would remember each other?
  • edited November -1
    Joe and/or Dawn,

    Yah, Katsu's incision looked a bit worse for sure, but I hear its worse for girls anyway.

    Space currently weights about 16 pounds, and I'm getting the feeling he'll end up on the smaller side for a male Shiba. He'll probably be lucky to get to 23 lbs.

    I've spoken with Alyssa about a meetup eventually. I would REALLY love for Mac, their true father, to be there too, but thats probably wishful thinking. Well, hopefully Miyagi will be there too (see pic). Either way, its DEFINITELY gonna happen at some point. I sure hope they'd remember each other.

    Attached is an image of Mr. Miyagi, our breeder's elder statesman around the house. He is an absolute champ. 12 years old and looks like he's in the prime of his life.
  • edited November -1
    Yea Mr. Miyagi certainly is a champ. I remember when we went to see the pups, he was so friendly and he is solid! He's all muscle. Katsu is only about 12.5-13lbs. I think she's going to be a little small for a female shiba. I think they both get it from Ariel, their mother. She was kinda small.
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