Meaning behind your pups name

edited August 2009 in General
It is always so interesting to learn and hear the stories about all the many pups on this forum. But one thing that I have been wanting to know is the hows and whys of each pups name. Why did you name your pup that name? What is the meaning behind it? Where did the name come from?

For Tetsu, I couldn't find the right name for him and he had remained nameless for 2 weeks until I found it. We were in Maine at lobsterfest and taking a break from all the walking and crowds. Sitting down, I remembered how one description of a shiba was that they had an 'iron-will' and were know for their stubbornness. I had brought a English to Japanese dictionary with me, promising to have named him by the time we returned to NY. In it, I found a word that translated to 'iron' (as in the metal) and it stuck. Though for the longest time Tom kept calling him Tetsuo often thinking of the character from 'Akira'. His long name is Kaizoku Ittetsu, but I forget how that had come to be and even what I thought it might have translated to. But I know that I had always loved the name 'Kai', but it didn't quite suite my shiba pups.

For Tikaani, Tom had wanted to name him some sort of 'Eskimo' name, so he compiled a list of different words that he had liked the sound and meaning to. Then he decided that he wanted to name the pups 'Blizzard' cause he was totally white. But he started to turn gray and Tom was like "Blizzards aren't gray" and changed his name to Tikaani which means 'wolf'. If we didn't have a falling out with his breeder, he registered name would have been 'Jalerran's African Blizzard', to resemble his father's registered name 'Teeco's out of africa'.

What is your dog name story?


  • edited August 2009
    *edited to add nicknames

    Mookie is named after Mookie Wilson who used to play on the Mets. We are big Mets fans, hence the name. He has many nick names including Mooks, Mook dog, Mookle Dukes, Dukes, Dookle, Nibi (shortened from Shibi Nibi), McNibin (from Shibin McNibin), Sonny, Momma's boy and probably more. He answers to all of them too. LOL

    Penny's name comes from the Hanson song Penny & Me which was stuck in my head for a while when we decided to add another member to our pack. We knew we wanted a female so the name would work. When we met her for the first time, the name just fit. Whenever we play or sing the song, I'm convinced she knows and gets a little more cute and happy. Her nicknames include Mei mei (which is little sister in Chinese), Pennifer, Nurse Penny and Penny RN. We got the nurse thing because she is always grooming Mookie and it's like she is his little nurse. Also when we get hurt, Nurse Penny always comes over to check us out and lick us to make sure we are okay. :)

    I'm looking forward to Brad's long explanation. lol
  • edited November -1
    Ichibi got his name as the one-tailed demon (tanuki/shukaku)of Japanese folklore. The better half and I are avid Naruto (a Japanese anime) followers. The story goes that the strongest and powerful demon, a 9-tailed fox (kyuubi) was restrained by a powerful ninja who sealed the demon within his newborn child. The child was destined for greatness. Anyway, naming our dog the 9-tails demon fox, Kyuubi, would be a bit much, so we named our dog the one-tailed demon fox, Ichibi. "Tanuki" was also considered as Ichi's name, but "Ichi" just fit.

  • edited November -1
    Ike's mother was Proud Mary (aka Mary), and his sire was American Idol (call name Simon). In line with the musical theme, my boys call name is "Ike" as in Ike and Tina, with a registered name of San Jo Idol Eyes, like "idolize". Not a fan of the Ike and Tina reference, because Ike loves the ladies and isn't a hater, so I usually say the breeder was an Eisenhower fan to jerk people's chains, which is more inline with the little man's personality anyways, he thinks he's the Supreme Commander of Shibas over here.
  • edited November -1
    Isabella's name comes from my mom I'll have to ask her why she picked it only reason I can think of is all the dogs we have owned was named by her husband or me so it was her turn to name the pup and she really likes the name Isabella so that's what we call her Bella for short.

    My Shiba inu comes from the anime OVA(manga and anime series) Blood + I really loved that anime and the characters in it. I also looked it up to see what's it's meaning in Japanese and I think it means "Swift Arrow" which fits her since she loves to run fast it's her favorite thing to do it seems.
  • edited November -1
    toki was bought on this past year's election day before the results were known, so I said we should name him after whoever won, obama or McCain...but that was vetoed and smoking housemates thought it would be good to name him toker...which then got changed to toki for practical reasons.
    Luckily for me toki in japanese means "time of opportunity" which seems fitting for the time in my life and in korean it means "rabbit" which works cause of how silly and bouncy he is sometimes...I am both Japanese/Korean.

    it was a strange beginning for toki but I lucked out and got him all to myself in the end. :)
  • edited November -1
    Haha Tetsu is a traitor. You damn pirate :P

    Bacon was named Bacon because I really had a thing for bacon at the time lmao. I was eating bacon like once every other day if not everyday.
  • edited November -1
    At the time????? I STILL have a thing for bacon lol!!! If I didn't think I'd die eating it everyday I TOTALLY would :oP

    I'm totally going to pick up some bacon salt sometime, it just sounds amazing.

    Not to mention... the PNW now has Bakon Vodka - talk about the ultimate breakfast cocktail!!! mmmm bakon blood mary... mmm....
  • edited November -1
    ...I'm locking my deep freezer up :P
  • edited November -1
    To be honest, I couldnt decide on a name. So I put a bunch of names into a hat and drew them. All three times I got Kelly. Although I like the name, i thought that since it was a human name, it might be kind of weird. So I flipped some coins. Heads meant that I keep the name and tails meant that I had to keep thinking. Well I am still not exactly sure what happened next but I flipped and got head 12 times. Different times during the day and a few on different days. All 12 times there were witnesses. Since then, why people ask why I named her Kelly, i ask them to say out loud "heads means keep the name Kelly and tails means change it." I'm not exactly sure what the record is but I know that I've only seen one tails and it must be somewhere around 30 times where we've flipped the coins. I invite forum members to try too, but im not sure if it'll be the same since you cant see her or me in person. This experience just made my connection with my dog so much more special and it's a fun story to tell.

    ps. I usually dont believe in this kind of stuff. Being "lucky" or waiting for signs but even I can't refute this one.
  • edited November -1
    Tiger was the name he had when he came with us, since he didn't/doesn't respond with it we played with changing it to 'Kita (no idea why, aside from it's a shortened version of Akita. It rolls nicely off the tongue) but then I took Tiger for a short run and John watched us from across the carpark and commented how he "runs like a tiger" because of how powerful his body is so, we kept it.

    Our puppy has already been named regardless of the fact she's nothing more than a twinkle in her sires eye. We settled for "Eski" which is short for "eskimo" because of how they look, I suppose. We argued for 3 days over a name and as soon as we found one that we both liked we jumped on it. John prefers "eskimo" whereas I prefer "eski" but it's a close enough agreement!
  • edited November -1
    Reilly's shelter name was Walnut, that had to go, but my daughter (then 4) suggested we name her "Jumpy-Barky" - She was jealous of the attention we were giving the puppy- Puppy Reilly was neither jumpy nor barky. (she was chewy though.) I picked Reilly because it just seemed like it was her name. As we spent a lot of time at the Field, I met four other Reillys/Rileys, one of whom is in our Wild Rovers Pack now, so my friend Kathy and I say My Reilly or Your Riley or Reilly Brindle or Riley Springer. I am amused and sometimes impressed by formal dog breeder names, so I made up one for Rei: "Sterling's Marble Rei" (She came from Sterling Animal Shelter, and looks like that tasty brindle bread...)

    Sage's name was Kobe, which I thought was cute but Jeff said he didn't like that name b/c "Kobe Bryant's a jerk." (?? I dont follow basketball). Sage's real name is Seiji, after the violin maker in "Whisper of the Heart" Seijji Amasawa- we loved that film because it is about being a young artist, making stuff, and inspiration and polishing your geodes. We thought he should have a Japanese name, being half Kai. Nobody I meet knows Seiji Amasawa, so we tell them it's like Seiji Ozawa. We would have named him Pazu, (paat-zoo) the boy in Castle in the Sky, but I knew I would get tired quickly of people around here saying "Potsy? I loved Happy Days!" Sage is shorter than Seiji, and I soon learned that he is my Teacher-Dog, so it fits our relationship well.

    When I learned that his facial deformity is called a Wry Face or a Wry Bite, I told him we could have named HIM "Wryly" too. (the word Wryly thus represents both my dogs.)

    Towards the end of our tenure at the Field, the dogs and I were nearing the gate and there was a Weimaraner galloping around, freshly arrived and pretty excited. I knew Sage was tired and possibly not up for a pleasant greeting with an excited Weim, so I called him, "Sage! Sage! Come!" and he and the weim were goofing and playing and not listening. The other owner was calling "Sage! Sage!" too, and I thought this guy knows my dog? or is he saying something that *sounds* like Sage? We leashed up the dogs, and I heard him speak to his dog Sage, and I said "your dog is named Sage, too?" He said yes- yours is Sage? I said Yes, Seiji, shortened to Sage. He said "hers is short for Sagacious-"

    I had to go home and look that up and felt completely out-nerded.

    Nicknames for Reilly- Rei, Reill, Rei-Rei, Reillos, Brindlicious, Reilly-Gal, Gal, Greyhound Girl, Wagatha, and "you spindley-brindley dog'
    Nicks for Sage- Sagebrush, Brush, Brushie boy, Brindle Brother, Boy, Kai-guy, Amasawa-san, Seijiko, Michael Stripe

    my daughter also has saccharinely sweet nicks for Sage- like "Cutesicles" and "Cutey Boy" and she describes his expression as "crestfallen." I think in the end, I am glad that as much of a grumblepuss as he seems to the owners of strange dogs he snarks at, there's a ten year old girl who cuddles him and calls him things like that.
  • edited November -1
    Names were bestowed upon TeamLaika by their breeder. The litter started with 'T'. Their sire and dam are both from Estonia, so they got some Estonian or Russian names.

    Tuli by itself means 'fire' or 'burning'. However it is an abbreviation of Tulitekitaja which means 'mischief-maker- or 'troublesome'. How they knew this when she was a mere 2-day old slug, I have no idea, but perhaps Tuli thought she had no choice but to live up to this name! ;)

    A Triepak is a lively jig or folk dance. It's appropriate. He is a jaunty fellow and when he gets excited he will bounce up and down and twirl. He always twirls to the right. We joke around that if we took him to Australia, he would reverse. We also joke around that he is like the guys in Zoolander and incapable of turning the other way.

    Guska is also an abbreviation. His whole name is Tunguska. The Tunguska event was a proposed meteor explosion in northern Siberia in 1908.

    Their other littermate, a male who does not live with me is named Tolik. Tolik is something like a precious metal or ore...
  • edited November -1
    The brat's names are Katsu Tonkatsu, her registered name will be Niji's Victorious Panko Porkchop. We were playing with a few names before we got and we picked Tonkatsu, or japanese porkchops. We shortened it to Katsu because the "tonks" sound is too masculine for me. It reminds me of Tonka, even though Tonks is a female character in harry potter. I think with my stomach and Tonkatsu made perfect sense. If you look at a piece it has a reddish, golden brown outside with underlying whiteness just like a shiba.

    We were informed that Katsu meant victory so we just through the two together and got Katsu Tonkatsu.

    Some nicknames are Brat, Baby, puppy.

    When we get another shiba or nihonken (I'm working on Dawn right now) I want to name him Tanuki Bunbuku Chagama. It's from a japanese kids story my mom used to read me about a racoon dog who turns himself into a teapot. Obviously he would just be called Tanuki.

    I'm also thinking about sticking with the whole food theme, and even the repetition in Katsu's name.

    Maybe Maki Negamaki?

    Chrystal you could have named him Kobe. I'm pretty sure it's Kobay not Kobee. Although I think Sage is a better fit. Is it really that bad to be out nerded?
  • edited August 2009
    Awesome thread... I think we've had one or two before but I'll just put mine in:

    Tsuki was going to be Yuki since she was all powder puff cream as a 4 month old pup, but it didn't seem to do it for me. My husband wanted to name her Hikaru (after Utada) but I'm not really into any of her music besides the one from Kingdom Hearts. He found the word Hikari joined with the phrase "Tsuki no hikari" which our old neighbor told us meant "moon beam". Tsuki just means moon and I really like that. When we picked her out of her cage at the millers, it was just about midnight with a full moon. Somehow, it all came together.
    Other names we toyed with for Tsuki were Ichigo or Hachiko. We named a foster Hachi.

    Kitsune's name was Trotter (aka Fox Trot) when we adopted him, but I really couldn't say it and he didn't even know it, so we just looked up the Japanese word for fox and it stuck. I had a whole slew of names I wanted for him (like Kuro, Jiro, Hokusai, Hanzo), but as he and my husband bonded so fast, the husband finalized Kitsune.
    We named a foster Hanzo :)

    Our next dog will most likely not have a Japanese name. I dearly love the homage I feel is paid to their breed heritage by choosing a Japanese word/name, but I'm thinking a strong mythological name might be more fitting next time around.

    TeamLaika - all their names are just fascinating! My great grandmother was from Estonia, I love the language.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I love the food names (esp. Miso and Sake!)

    We picked the name Kenji when we were on our way to pick up Ryu. It means "Second Son; Strong and Vigorous" All the way home, I was texting everyone saying "Say Hello to Kenji!" Then we got home and within 5 hours, he took 3 separate LONG naps! We knew that he wasn't as "Vigorous" as his name implied. We started calling him our little sleeping dragon when we found him wedged between the couch and the side table. I looked up dragon and found Ryuu! Just shortened it to Ryu and butchered the pronunciation. It was and is still the perfect name for him :) Though, we still get teased for changing his name on the first day.
    From Ryu
    As for Roxy, I picked the name Nala way before we even started fostering. I just knew that our girl dog would be named Nala. Then I met her and it just didn't fit. Then I really wanted to name her Nami. I loved that name so much. I was calling her Nami on our 7 hr drive home (her foster name was Sango) and I just knew that she was a Nami. Then we got home and Tim took one look at her and said "She looks like a Roxy." I looked into her eyes and said "Yea, you're right" And that was the end of Nami! :( lol

    Great thread!
  • edited November -1
    Shao New was nameless a day or so, and it bugged my husband decided to call her my pet name from a child, which means little girl in Chinese, or little wriggler (which does fit her since she likes to wriggle around alot to get out of leashes, collars, harnesses, seatbelts). I almost named her Yoshi, but i don't think she's a nintendo dinosaur. Had Spuds been a boy, the husband would have named her Musashi (some historical Samurai).

    Her alt names are Spuddy (b/c she looked like a potato), pup, psycho, cat, and anything else she reminds us of.
  • edited November -1
    Jazz's official name is Wynhaven's Cme I'm Jazi - I got Jazz when she was 4. We shortened it to Jazz because I like the music style and she's pretty mellow. I've had dogs named Duke, Ellington, Coltrane, and many more. I've only had a couple of dogs (my husky, for one) whose names weren't tied to Jazz music. When we were dealing with the possibility of adopting a 2nd dog, we had settled on Fletch (because of Fletcher Henderson). I doubt I'll ever stray to far from naming dogs after Jazz music.
  • edited November -1
    Pong Pong means fat fat in Mandarin. There was a dolphin in one of Taiwan's amusement parks name Pong Pong and I liked it! Then when I got Pongy, i was like 'Pong Pong!'

    Jada was when we're driving home from getting her, Jon wanted to name her Jade. Then Jadakiss was on the Jada!
  • edited November -1
    I didn't really have a reason for naming Toby his name. ;) I really liked the name Toby, and the second I held him when he was 5 weeks old I was like 'He is totally a Toby!' ... my dad wanted to call him Bruiser. :( ew. lol
  • edited November -1
    LOL Jenny. I don't know why I never connected Pong Pong with fat in Mandarin. I always wondered why she was Pong Pong and not just Pong, although I guess it would be fat either way. Cute little Pongy, she's not fat, she's just big boned haha. :)
  • edited November -1
    Miso got his name from my sister. The day I got him I sent my sister a text saying I got a Shiba Inu and she sent me one back saying "You got a Japanese dog, so you have to name him something Japanese, Like Ninja...Or Miso". And it just stuck. He was the color of Miso Soup, so I said OK and he has been my soup ever since.

    When we got Sake I knew I wanted to stick with Japanese food. I wanted to name her Mochi (Japanese Ice Cream) but Chris didn't like that name. Then I said, well she is white like rice, and Sake is made from rice, so she will be our Hot Sake!

    So we have Miso Soup and Hot Sake...if the cat wasn't already named cookie when I got her she would be my Spicy Tuna Roll.
  • edited November -1
    love the Jada name story.
  • edited November -1
    I recently met a dog named Deogy. Pronounced De-Oh-Gee. Think D-O-G. Got a kick out of that one.
  • edited November -1
    I had a neighbor with a dog named D-O-G, that was engraved on his nametag, pronounced De-Oh-Gee.
  • edited November -1
    I've met a couple dogs like that.
  • edited November -1
    I love everyone's stories! :)

    Weeks before we picked Tank up, we went down the alphabet & picked out names that we liked or sorta liked. We narrowed it down to 5: Able, Bowser, Kenji, Leo, & Tank. One week before, we settled on Bowser. We started telling EVERYONE about Bowser and were certain that would be the name.

    On our way home with our pup we called out Bowser a few times but he didn't respond. We then went down our list and he immediately responded to Tank. :P
  • edited November -1
    Tank is such a cool name. I guess it was just meant to be.
  • edited November -1
    My favorite Dachshund name = LOWFEETO

    LOL Some people are so clever!
  • edited November -1
    Our Kishu pup which we're looking forward to picking up from the airport in the middle of September, we're going to name Amaterasu. Amaterasu is the name of the Sun Goddess according to Shintoism.

    I was really hoping for a male puppy but none were available in this year's litter. I was going to name him after one of a set of historical samurai that I am fond of. In particular I was thinking I'd name the male pup Soji after Soji Okita, who was a member of the Shinsen Gumi, a group of samurai who fought against the Restorationists during the tumultuous 19th century in Japan. Soji was a quintessential sword genius, licensed in Tennen Rishin Ryu, who was known to be a strangely easygoing, good-natured guy who liked children and candy. Anyway, hopefully my wife will let me get a Shikoku pup in a couple years who will have to be a boy. :)

    We talked about naming the puppy Tomoe for a famous lady samurai, but my wife really wanted to call her Amaterasu, because the litter was born within a couple of days of that big full solar eclipse that washed over Asia the other week.

    I think we'll call her Tera for short. Not sure about the full name for the pedigree papers yet.
  • edited August 2009
    Kenshi, I like the name Tomoe! Although her role as a "lady samurai" is largely legendary/fictionalized in Heikei Monogatari, I still like it.. The samurai from the senkoku period to me are much more interesting than the rabblerousers of the Restoration. ;P

    As for all three of our non-nihonken's call names..

    eh, we just liked how they sounded. Yoshiki wanted to call Luna "Goma" but it sounded too hard and masculine to me. It's a cute name, but... :S

    Originally I wanted to name Lilith "Carbuncle" because I thought "Lantis, Luna, and Carbuncle" sounded like a comedy trio. But Yoshiki's Japanese tongue couldn't quite wrap itself around pronuncing it, so that idea was dropped..

    I'm thinking of names for our 4th dog we'll get sometimes in the next few years. It'll be a nihon-ken this time, but we'll probably conform to calling our pups Western names.

    Incidentally, I think a few of the people-named dogs on this site is funny! Though, technically Lilith could be a person's name..
    Naming a dog Kenji, lol! I love it when people name their dogs people names with their last name. At the dog park, this lady has 4 dogs.. they all have human names like "jessica" or "annemarie".. and when the dogs don't listen.. I always laugh when she gets upset and says "ANNEMARIE JOHNSON. You come here right now!!!" :)
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