Are Nihon Ken really like potato chips?

edited August 2009 in General
So, are Nihon Ke really like potato chips? [ can't have just one... ]

After you had one did you just have to get another? How long did you wait after you got your first one? Do you plan on getting more? Why?

Thought this might be fun ;) ~


  • edited November -1
    One... but that doesn't mean that's where I'm stopping!! AH AH AH
  • edited November -1
    I might always have a nihon ken, along with "regular" dogs. Right now we have one shiba and I think our second dog will be a non-nihon ken. I would love to rescue a mutt from the shelter as our next dog ;o)
  • edited November -1
    I don't feel like they are potato chips. I have one, I treasure her. I love having 2 dogs. I love even more that they are different breeds.
  • edited November -1
    I just got Tetsu right now as far a nihon-ken go, but I have a deposit for a shika and want to talk Tom into rescuing a shiba (or at least fostering one)
  • edited November -1
    I have half of 1. I came here to learn about that half, since his Kai nature is stronger than his more typical other half. (he's a Were-Kai)
    Possibly as I learn more, Dog Three may be a 100% kai ken, because while it took some learning, now that I understand his Kainess better there are things I love about it.
  • edited November -1
    lol Chrystal
  • edited November -1
    Not fair about not counting long term visitors! They pretty much are my pack at this point, we will miss them when they go. 2 is a great number though, for housepets in a working family. Having these girls (and having to eventually give them back), is giving me trigger fingers on adding more, however.
  • edited November -1
    Well, I'm a hypocrite for saying no but I have the desire to branch out and discover the different types of dogs I want to share some time with eventually (fostering or adopting).

    However, right now in my life - I like a clean, easy to groom, quiet cat-like type of dog so Nihon Ken suit me really, really well right now. I guess we'll see what the future brings in terms of my staying in the 'genre' but I do have a list of dogs I want to look into outside of the Japanese spitz eventually.

    Next on the list after Shiba & Shika = pibble <3
  • edited November -1
    Be forewarned, one you get a pibble, you can't imagine your life without one. I cannot possibly describe the love you feel when you rescue one.
    oh papa! I love you!
  • edited November -1
    My soul melted! That is just an amazing pic - I'm so glad Ruby found your family!
  • edited November -1
    We are too. She is pure love. My girlfriend Megan is terrified of dogs (she worked for a guy who was a Cesar protege, who would force his employees to "test" his dogs, GSDs, dobies, and pitties with issues). While she likes Miko, Ruby has made her want to rescue a pit bull one day.
  • edited November -1
    3. THREE! The next wave of dogs, in 12 years or so, will be rescues, Nihon or otherwise. I think adding the third was just as easy as adding the second. We've got a pretty smooth routine around here and have lots of free time to dedicate to them. I don't want to imagine what kind of debauchery we'd get ourselves into if we had all that spare time.
  • edited November -1
    I have my two sheebs and that is probably where I will stay. I love them both to death.

    Jess, that Jay and Ruby picture is just too much cuteness. Ruby is so lucky to have your family :)
  • edited November -1
    We are even luckier to have her
  • edited November -1
    Jess, Ruby really makes me want a pibble. Unfortunately our co-op has a no pit policy. Maybe in the futre when we get our own house and can make our own policies. in the mean time I love having Katsu, she's the perfect dog for us and I've really fallen in love with her shibaness. We have a smaller place but I'd really love to add one more. A rescued male Shiba, is on the top of the list. Dawn really likes Shikokus though, but I'm sort of leaning towards Kai's. Right now I'd say two is the limit. But with a larger house and more property who knows.
  • edited November -1
    That is the most adorable picture ever....

    And we have no nihon-ken yet.. and won't for a few years.
  • edited November -1
    Two Shibas are all I can handle right now... But I would love to have a Shikoku in the future... Along with a Malinois, a Malamute, and possibly another type of working dog or three.

    But it will be awhile until I can afford the land I would need for those dogs. :)
  • edited November -1
    I often ask myself about how much attention I can fairly invest to have well connected relationships with the number of individuals in my nuclear world. This goes for Jeff, our daughter, Sage, Reilly, and the cats: Loki and Finn.

    Finn demands, and gets, very little of my attention- his primary relationship is Loki then probably Jeff. Loki demands more, and she wants it from anyone so she gets her attention from Raye mostly, and then me, then Jeff or Sage- who enjoys Loki. The dogs revolve around me, then each other, then Raye and Jeff. Sage needs more from me, Reilly gets more out of less attention than Sage gets.

    As long as there are enough satisfying quality relationships between group members, everyone is getting what they need from SOMEone, not necessarily me, I think the number in the group is healthy. When we have had a third dog here (usually my sis' labrador when she goes away) I find it is not too much and she just plugs right in. Sage is happy with an extra playmate. I think I personally have the relationship capacity for one more pup, (most important because the dogs and I are a pack within a pack) and I think our household does too, especially as my daughter gets older and has more capable attention to spare. Four dogs has always felt like more than I have capacity for quality with, though.

    My friend Ann recently added a dog to their home- which contains herself, her husband and their 8 yo son. She commented that while they got the dog to be a pal for their son, the dog prefers her. I said, well, that's a nice thing though, to have the love of a dog. She said actually it's just another person who wants a piece of me. I think Ann is a bit overwhelmed, and that while I am sure they will keep the dog and see it through, it is a telling story about adding relationships, knowing thy family and not getting a dog "for the kids."
  • edited November -1
    That's a really good point, actually... a really good point!

    While we can foster, even if its a busy semester or not great time wise, it's always kind of "easier" because we know they will eventually get adopted, so we do what we are supposed to do (teach it to be a model family member) and move on.
    This has held us from adopting a permanent third family member for the last year and a half. Now that my post-grad work is coming to a close in the fall, I will have a TON more time to devote to our family. My dogs are fabulously bonded and rely on each other for a lot of their fun play time, and come to us when they want, and engage us in their play daily. The four of us are really bonded, and I think we have more love to give now more than ever.
    We feel that we're now in the best position of our lives for a third permanent family member.
    You really HAVE to assess yourself, your family, your life.. you can't just bring in dog after dog unless you KNOW you CAN!

    Awesome point, Chrystal!
  • edited November -1
    Right now I just have one Saya my princess shiba inu, but I plan to get a shikoku one day and maybe a kai ken too it'd be so nice to have all of the nihon ken breeds with 16 acres of land they would love it maybe once we build onto the house for more room I'd like to add another.. =)
  • edited November -1
    I have the one Shiba, and I know I want to add either a Shika, or a Rottie (maybe rescue) or both to make a pack of 3. As I said before, Rottweilers have a special place in my heart and pibbles not being too far off the mark, may find their way into my future home too. Alas, a home with land is first and foremost on my priorities before I increase my pack. Maybe in the next year or two if fortune smiles my way. For now, Ichi will have to be satisfied with me terrorizing him. :)

  • edited August 2009
    I 'only' have one Shiba, Mylo. I'm sooooo glad I got to adopt him from NYCSR and bring him into my home. I would absolutely love to get another dog (maybe another nihon ken [I'm thinking Akita], maybe a husky of some sort) but I think I'm going to have to wait. There are two reasons why. 1) Mylo doesn't get along with other dogs so I couldn't put that stress on him. He was here first, and I'm first and foremost devoted to him. And 2) The rest of my life is too 'hypothetical' to provide for another dog. For now I'm living in an apartment (not enough space for another dog), and I have no idea what my future has in store for me... I might be moving to Colorado, I might be moving to Toronto, I might be moving to somewhere in British Columbia... I have no idea. I think I really need to solidify my lifestyle (aka graduate from school and start my career) and THEN add another dog (or two) to my pack. It's only fair that way. For now, I've got my Mylo, and he has me. And that's pretty much all I know about my future for certain =0).
  • edited November -1
    I have two "in my pack" but only one in my heart, if that makes sense. Snickers is like my doggy soul mate. Nothing compares. I love Secret too, but she's really my daughter's dog. Our pack = 2 ppl and 2 Shibas. :)
  • edited November -1
    Here we have only one Akita but if I get what I want we'll one day have at least one more Akita. Our other dog is, as many of you already know, a Soumenlapinkoira :)
  • edited November -1
    Definitely interesting! Thanks for sharing all!

    The question was spawned out of reading & hearing many shiba owners say "Shibas are like potato chips, you can't have just one!"

    So I was very curious to see how accurate this was.

    Wow. I'm surprised there are 7 of us on here still waiting for our first, glad I'm not alone! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    Jon and I have two shibabas. After Pongy, I wanted her to have a companion. Turns out.. she's been nicknamed Grumpy because of Jada. Lol. I'm not planning on getting another ADULT shiba until I get a house but JON keeps pushing it. "Gotta catch 'em all!" Just kidding!
  • edited November -1
    LMAO Jenny! That's the other thread title I was considering haha ~
  • edited November -1
    Well, you guys know how many we have... and, while it may seem like I would say "yes, they are like potato chips", they really aren't.

    It may be easy if you have Shiba to see it that way (potato chip), but once you start to add the larger Nihonken to the picture it really is a "less is more" type thing, imo.

    Recently Jen and I read some one's blog where they said (paraphrasing): "I am looking to add a new dog to my pack; since I already have a Shiba, I figured I'd get another Japanese breed, since they are all basically the same. I'm looking at getting a Kai Ken"

    I gotta tell you, that statement can't be further from the truth. Shiba share very little personality traits (IMO) with Shikoku or Akita. Kai can go either way, some seem more Shiba-ish while others are more like Akita. Akita really have little of the same personality traits of the other Nihonken; you could (maybe) draw a connection between some of the Kai personality traits and Akita but would be just a few traits and just 2 of the Nihonken breeds.

    I don't have experience with Hokka or Kishu, but I just wanted to point out that these breeds are all very different in many many ways (probably in more ways than they are similar).

    It seems to me there are very general traits they all share...

    - Pricked ears
    - Curled tail
    - Don't like to be dirty
    - Rugged/Sporty by nature
    - High Prey drive

    That's about it, IMHO. I really feel the over-generalization of the Nihonken breed's traits hurt the breeds individually and help to fuel some breed-hype.

  • edited November -1
    We don't have any nihon ken at the moment, we were interested in getting an Akita Inu but saw some Americans and John fell in love, then we ended up rescuing an American Akita. I've always wanted to live with two dogs (and we'll probably never move away from the spitz type) but whether we'll be able to add more of any we'll have to wait and see. We will eventually live with a police dog (either malinois (sp?) or german shepherd I believe) but thats not for a few years!
  • edited November -1
    Well, I wouldn't say that "Nihon Ken are like potato chips". It's more like the breeds you admire. There's this need to have them and then there are others you can just admire from afar.

    I currently have 2 Nihon Ken. After I acquired my first Shikoku, it was about a year later when I got my second Shikoku. In the beginning it was "a need, a necessity". And yes, I will be adding more Shikoku to my pack...but I'm content with the two for the time being.

    Concerning Nihon Ken, I'm mainly Shikoku only, however I'm thinking about adding 1 or 2 Kai Ken to the pack - when the right Kai Ken come my way -smiles-. I don't feel the urge or see the need for me to own any other Japanese breeds. I may do fostering though whenever possible, but I will mostly just admire them from afar.

    - Both Shikoku & Kai to contribute to North American bloodlines for our breeding programs here.
    - To have another kind of dog to try various venues with; see what they're capable of and what they excel in.
    - Um...I wanted a Japanese dog that was "me" and one that was suited to the kind of lifestyle I lead.
    - Also, as a challenge. Sure, my Malinois makes me look good, most of the time, lol. However, I'm not a "real" dog trainer unless I can get similar responses from a Japanese dog! And believe you me...Shikoku...though intelligent and quick at learning behaviors...are very difficult to get the kind of precision I would love to see. Very different dogs...

    On a side note:
    As for "Non-Nihon Ken", mainly Malinois, however for the purpose of "breed-only" competitions and to evaluate myself as a dog trainer/'ll probably see me with a German Shepherd and Dobermann somewhere down the road. A Siberian Husky as well (rescue; housepet). And who knows what else may come my way (you'll see them in quanties of...just one, lol).
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