HIMIKO!!!!!!!!(new cute picture 4/11/09)



  • edited November -1

    Jessica beat me to posting the picture again! We are so excited, too - they just get cuter and cuter. Jessica, are you going to BC to pick up your puppy?


  • edited November -1

    We don't know yet. We were going to drive out first. But we just bought a house and my husbands work got a little insane. When I worked out the budget for the drive, with fuel, lodging , food (we're vegans and our dogs are equally as high maintenance), it was going to be about $3000, Then of course there is the work time lost. So now we are still kicking around what we are going to do.

    It is the first time I ever wished I had a credit card (I'm old fashioned I stopped using those things a few years back and won't go back) But at least I would have been earning miles.


    We shall see I guess. 

  • edited November -1

    I went over to visit Katja last weekend and see the puppies.  They are all so cute, and FULL of personality.  I'm so jealous of everyone who gets one, but I guess I'll have to wait my turn (the next litter I hope).

  • edited November -1
    Chris, I am so jealous! You met my puppy! I want to meet my puppy dammit!
  • edited November -1

    On April 8 one of these babies will be mine!!!!!!! I am just waiting to hear which one Jonathan picks. But I can't lose they are all beautiful!!!




    Do you know how hard it is to type when you are jumping up and down!!!!! 

  • edited November -1
    No, you definitely can't lose. They're all beautiful!!!
  • edited November -1
    You're right Jess, they are all gorgeous! I can honestly say that after close inspection, I have absolutely no preference. I'm soooo psyched for you!
  • edited November -1

    They are awesome! So cute! They all have the Shikoku "Lazy Sit" already... so cute.

    Yea, you can't go wrong, its a win-win-win situation. :c)

    (I really like #2)

  • edited November -1

    OOOH! Sooo cute!

    I think #2 has Himiko written all over her cute face but they are all so cute!


  • edited November -1
    Oh!!!! they are so adorable!!!  Im so excited for you and SUPER JEALOUS!  You lucky biotch!
  • edited November -1
    They're so cute!!! You really can't loose there! Have you started the countdown?
  • edited November -1

    I'm so jealous. Everyone is getting a new puppy. I wish we had Keigo as a pup. He must've been soooo cute. It'd be interesting to know how fast he grew. He was 9 months old when we adopted him and he was already 91lbs!!

  • edited November -1

    I know, it's crazy how fast Akita grow - 10lb/month till 6 - 7 months then 5lb/month till 14 - 18 months (depending on the dog, breeding, and type of course)!

  • edited November -1

    So I just got off the phone with Katja, and Johnathan has first pick. She said he was deciding between the two white chinned pups. I really like the one without the white chin. Which Katja pointed out is the slightly more submissive of the 3. She and I agreed that a more submissive dog in my pack would be a good thing. So unless Johnathan suddenly decides he doesn't want a more assertive dog...Then this is Himiko!!!!


  • edited November -1
    Also, with the house, and actually having to PAY taxes this year we are having Himiko flown out. Which isn't half as fun as a cross country road trip, but apparently the person getting the third female is having theirs flown to same airport as us! Which means they will likely be close by. It would be so cool if Himiko could play with her sister with some regularity!              
  • edited November -1
    Wow, thats awesome!!!  That would be so great if you guys could have regular play dates!  BTW, she is SOOOO adorable!!!  She has a very sweet look about her.
  • edited November -1

    Yay!!! That one is definitely my fav! I love the way he's sitting. Oh so cute!!!

  • edited November -1
    Very very cute! Congrats Jess!
  • edited November -1

    Cool! Number 2! I love her... she is super cute! Congrats!

    That would be cool if she could play with her siblings... small world!

  • edited November -1

    She's soo cute!!! She does have a look I normally associate with more submissive pups.

    Congrats Jess and Jay!!!! It would really be great for her if she could play with her sister/brother. 

  • edited November -1

    Yay number 2!!

    I KNEW she was Himiko!!Laughing


  • edited November -1
    Such a cutie. Congrats again Jessica :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Yay!!! She's looking at the camera like "And what do you think you're going to do with that??" She's adorable!!! When will she be flying in?
  • edited November -1

    Oh my gosh, they are so CUTE! It is amazing how fast they change too. Congratulations! And it is only a bit longer wait till she comes!


  • edited November -1
    Jessica, we did decide on one of the white-chinned puppies, so the little one above is yours. They are all so adorable it was hard to choose - Katja told us that they are all pretty similar and that the differences between them are not major. I'm glad we both got our first choice!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to both of you for getting your first pick!!! That's awesome! Im really happy for you guys!!! Can't wait to see pics of your babies!
  • edited November -1
    Such a sassy cute look! Congrats on your new furry baby.
  • edited November -1

    We are picking her up 10:20 am on April 9th. Apparently the other puppies Pap will be getting his from the same flight. I am going to try to arrange that we can meet up at the same time.

    Diana and Jonathan, you are in Florida right? If you ever head to the Northeast with your bundle of joy, you will have to let us know so we can have a little family reunion.

    I am so happy that everyone gets the puppy they want.

    Now comes the waiting...ugh. I suck at waiting.

    My mother always said that my own personal prayer would be "God, grant me patience...NOW!" 

  • edited November -1

    So I just got off the phone with Paul (the papa of the third female, Mura). Our pups are arriving at the airport at the same time. But he can't get right there. So we are going to keep his baby girl company until he can get there and then we are going to take them to a park together. That way they have each other while they are still getting used to us!

    How cool is that!! And he doesn't live far from me at all, so we can have puppy playdates! He has the first Massachusetts shikoku and I will have the first Rhode Island shikoku. YAY!!!! 

  • edited November -1
    It's great that you can give them the chance to keep playing together!
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