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  • I feel it is a persons right to protect their property. I would not post a "beware of dog" sign. I would not want to warn an intruder to watch out for, or to befriend my dog. My dog's bark should be ample warning enough. I have never n…
  • Just viewed the video from Netflix. The movie is a little cheesy, but Little Bear makes it a great movie. Everyone loved the movie. Reminded me so much of Shadow. We have decided to get another Kai. We just decided to foster/adopt a Chihuahua. …
    in Kai in movie? Comment by Davo July 2011
  • Shadow was my rescue pup. I came across her at a car show in Michigan. She had been wandering the streets and neighbors had been feeding her. I think she was raiding trash cans too, she demonstrated a real weakness for butter wrappers. This lady…
  • She is a beauty! People always comment about the red brindle coloring. These very special dogs!
    in Ayu Comment by Davo February 2011
  • Not sure if it is a breed trait, but Shadow will wander, but always comes home. When I first got her she would not leave the house even with the gate wide open. I live in a small town and she knows every dog and most of the people. She will go v…