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  • Oh my god...that nose! I just want to poke it. :O~ Gives me the warm fuzzies.
  • The PS2 version was the original game and made for standard size tvs (4:3). For the Wii version, another company "translated" the controls to the Wii motion controls. They also change the aspect ratio to widescreen (16:?) and made the co…
  • T.T I think I have a shiba withdrawal...I went to my shiba meet-up again and fell head over heels in love again. Maybe I have a shiba related sickness... I'll need to cold turkey it and sit in the SPCA for a while...I think...
  • Hehe. This reminds me of the time I brought mochi for my friend, and her tiny non-shiba managed to eat 3 while we were out. Poor guy was so chubby afterwards I don't think he could run off that sugar...but he did have stinky poo for a while.
  • Tsuki you it it right on the head for my situation. I really do want to experience a dog-dog first. Not to say Shibas aren't dog-like... Let me put it this way... When I told my Dad I wanted a Shiba with: pointy ears, furry fur, fluffy tail, wou…
  • Loki's blog is a wonderful read! It is the thing that tipped me to hold off on Shibas for a little. I never thought of what happened to the guide dogs that only stopped at the red light 90% of the time. :O