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  • Excellent question, I'm sure they will change a great deal. I'm hoping that if we get the most drastic color, like the bottom female, when the coat lightens it won't lighten as much as the others will. But I could be very wrong in that hope...*shr…
    in Puppies!!! Comment by JillH April 2009
  • I know! I wuv em wuv em wuv em! We are crazy about the last one too, she's our fav. And the 8mo boy, we love him, he just looks like a goofy, mischievous ball of fun! It would be nice to not deal with puppy stuff. But the concern is that he hasn…
    in Puppies!!! Comment by JillH April 2009
  • Sorry about the pic problem, I fixed it. :) Still new here.
    in Puppies!!! Comment by JillH April 2009
  • That's very disappointing news. I don't get it, they are just DOGS! For crying out loud! I don't understand why this is such a big deal. *sigh* I really wanted to save one of them, but I think maybe we're not the right home for them. Things hap…
  • Thank you for all the support and well wishes!! :)) Thanks Gen, I really appreciate your help. I'm meeting with Ling today to talk about the Shika's some more. I get to see her Shiba babies again and I'm soooo excited! :)