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  • @Ajax yes, unfortunately I don't have a very good video of the behavior I'm talking about. The video that I linked is really just their normal play, although some of those nips left scabs on Jude's ears. Thanks for taking a look! I have had a tra…
  • Here is the link to a video of them playing. The third dog is not mine, and their behavior is the same whether he is there or not. It's not a great quality video or a great example of the roughness that I'm talking abo…
  • Thanks for your response. I would not consider Yuri's body language loose. He is very stiff as he crouches down and stalks, and I can't break his concentration with my voice. He is also pulling his lips up and showing his teeth while putting his …
  • Thank you for posting this. I am very interested in learning about Nihon-ken conformation as well. I wish that I could give you some feedback, but I am in no way qualified. He is a handsome dog, though.
  • I agree with Kaja. I trained my dog to come when called normally, but I also have a stronger recall command to use when he is going to be going off leash. I use a silent whistle because they are easy to carry around and provide a consistent and uniq…