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  • Sorry I didn't reply sooner but, I wanted to say thanks again for all the input and answering my questions. Also thanks Niniel for asking more questions. Glad this thread has been useful to other Akita fans :D Also thanks for the pitbull suggestio…
  • Thanks guys. I'm thinking maybe no Akita for now...which is sad. I'm such an Akita fan-girl. I was thinking before I posted this that maybe their double-coat might make them a less than ideal choice for AZ, considering I want to be outside a lot.…
  • Thanks guys for the replies, I really appreciate the info. It doesn't sound like there is a huge difference between the AA or the JA which is neat. I'm still not sure which one's body structure I prefer more...the AA look like teddy bears to me an…
  • Yay reply number one! Thank-you so much! Your reply was really helpful and I couldn't help but smile at the "professional couch warmer" haha. Anyone else want to share? :D
  • Wow thanks, those were some really great answers and they really cleared it up for me. It makes sense that socialization would help define normal for the dog. Thank-you!
  • I hope you do post pictures if you visit. That's sad that the founder passed away.