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  • On another note....I got to meet my first Kai today!! Actually a few Kais: an adult female and two 9 week old puppies. Tain was so generous with her time and drove over an hour to our home. She then spent over two hours with us, sharing her knowledg…
  • Sorry for the delay in posting. Nwexperience, I'm glad to hear another testimony of the Hokkaido being quick to recover and move on from a stressful situation. I'm also happy to know that both of your dogs bond equally with you and your wife. I know…
  • Calia, thank you. This has been so helpful for me. I know that any of these NK breeds are going to have a certain 'wildness' about them, I just want to make sure I don't force a dog into being something that they're not. My dogs go everywhere with m…
  • PoetikDragon, thank you. I love your descriptions of your dogs. I feel like I can get a really good sense of what they are like through your posts. I just saw a picture of Minira btw; she is gorgeous. :)
  • You all are amazing! Seriously, I can't thank you enough. PoetikDragon, your comment in regards to 'quick recovery' is exactly what I meant and was hoping to avoid. I don't mind a dog startling easily as long as they can 'stay in the game with me'…
  • Disregard my last post. The website you provided answered my questions regarding health :)
  • That's great news for me! :) Thank you for sending the link! I will be reading through each page. Looks like great information and pictures too! Other than CEA, are there any known health issues that are prevalent in the breed? Other than that, i…
  • I have more questions now. Sorry, lol. If anyone's getting tired of me, please just don't click on this thread... For those that either own or have owned a Kai and Hokkaido or have experience or knowledge on the two breeds can you offer some insigh…
  • Nwexperience, you're answer is more than satisfactory, thank you. :) I know all dogs are individuals and exposure and training will have a lot to do with it too but I'm relieved to hear that they are not known to be excessive barkers. Love that the…
  • Calia, thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. Your insight is extremely helpful for getting a clearer picture of what the Kai is really like. I think you finally confirmed for me that I will need take the Shikoku off of my list. Althou…
  • Nwexperience, I just checked out your blog and found an answer to one of my questions: Umma's size :). Love that she's only 30 lbs., I was getting a little concerned when I read the Hokkaido can get up to 66 lbs since that's quite a bit over the siz…
  • Thanks again to everyone who has replied! This community has been wonderful and I am so grateful for all the help and advice it has offered. PoetikDragon and nwexperience, I'm glad I waited to post again because you answered some of the questions …
  • Thanks WrylyBrindle. I've already contacted Tain and we're in the process of finding a good time to meet. Looks to be great timing since she will have Tavi but also two 8 week old puppies with her. Be great to meet Tavi but very excited to spend som…
  • Oh my gosh, I didn't realize HAYAIKAZE kennel was in western WA! Thank you so much for mentioning them WrylyBrindle. It's so funny, all this research I've been doing and I skipped over the breeder that's in my own backyard!
  • Thank you WrylyBrindle!! I can't tell you enough I how much I value your input. You are confirming my suspicion that I need to do some more research on the Hokkaido. I've visited Brad's website and Akashi seems like an amazing dog. I was actually …
  • You guys were supposed to help me narrow it down not add more breeds to my list lol! I'm only half kidding and again, am so thankful to have everyone's help in all of this. I'm going to add the Hokkaido back on to my list and research them again (it…
  • PoetikDragon, I'm definitely interested to hear more about the Hokkaido. It's certainly the breed I know the least about other than perhaps the Kishu. I think the reason that I didn't look into them further was because I read about them having issue…
  • WrylyBrindle- thank you so much!! Your post gave me such a clear picture of the Kai and they sound like a dream. It's funny that you mentioned everyone migrating to the Facebook pages. I thought when I didn't get a response for a few days that may…
  • TheWalrus, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond to my post. This is exactly what I needed to hear and why I came to this forum for help. It gives me a lot to think about while also adding clarity to what I have been reading and re…
  • Thank you so much SKR and Poetik Dragon. Since I've only worked with a few of the NK breeds and have never actually lived with one, I really value and appreciate your input. I really want to make the right choice for the breed that fits our lifestyl…