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  • you should get your dog neutered as soon as its possible to be done. if a male dog, learns to be territorial, then there is a high chance that even after being neutered he would still be territorial. also, neutering your dog also helps with the com…
    in Neutering Comment by Wolfii June 2009
  • So, just an update!! nothing was wrong, it was just purely shedding season, and they look fine now. I also changed their food to EVO red meat little bite!! just incase =] and i have felt that their fur has been much much softer. thanks for everybo…
  • OH MY GOODNESS!!! lol Im a small animal lover so i have pets from, chinchillas, to rats, mice, rabbits, and ferrets!!! but.. i guess its a good thing, that I got my shiba at 3 months of age. They get along with all my of small animals =] Kenshin ev…
  • yea, i believe that my two shibas have reached their length size, but what i mean is. i guess the width?? ive seen videos on youtube, with this really fluffy shiba inus, with much wider faces =] im definitely looking into the better foods, and a v…
  • thank you everyone who had made a comment in helping me with my shiba inus =] THANK YOU!!!~
  • ALSO!!! How long does it take for a shiba inu to reach full size? They just turned 1 a few days ago, but they are still small (puppy look) compared to some of the other shiba inu ive seen. I heard they sometimes take up to 3 years to grow full siz…
  • My dogs are not on the best food, Im only an Sophmore in College, So, i buy them what i can afford. They use to be on Eukanuba, but ive switched them to IAMS tiny bites. I couldnt find Eukanuba at BJ, so I chnaged them over to IAMS. What food sh…
  • My two shiba inu, and my two pits are always together, and the four of them gets along just fine =] sometimes, when the pits arnt in the house my two shiba inu, spends all day with my rabbit =]