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  • I would guess that it took Tiger a couple days to figure out what that weird taste in his food was and how to avoid it. They are fairly expensive, but I like the Greenies pill pockets, which are soft cups that you can mold around a pill. I believe y…
  • Here's some info on demodex... Again, if this is what's going on, it could be a lot worse!
  • Just wanted to add that my Shiba puppy was just yesterday diagnosed with demodex...he had been scratching, but not obsessively, and had some hairless patches. I took him in for skin scrapings and they found mites. It's not that big a deal to treat, …
  • You guys are awesome, I really appreciate the support. I don't see any dog parks in this little guy's future, but many of my friends have dogs and it would be really nice if he could befriend a few of them. Or at least ignore them calmly. As has bee…
    in Puppy sounds Comment by abbodo June 2009
  • The puppy class trainer told me tonight that I'm probably overthinking the growling - I might have startled him, he might be vocalizing irritation, he might have been initiating play, but it's likely not aggression and it's an easily managed behavio…
    in Puppy sounds Comment by abbodo June 2009
  • She's surprised, both by the dog aggression and his growling at me. His parents were why we wanted this puppy - I really wanted to take his father home! I'm not sure about his littermates, but I am meeting up with her to talk in a few days.
    in Puppy sounds Comment by abbodo June 2009
  • He's 11 weeks. He's three weeks into a puppy class and we've got a behaviorist. I am working diligently on his issues and use positive reinforcement for everything. He's also from a breeder who has been referenced in this forum as having dogs with g…
    in Puppy sounds Comment by abbodo June 2009
  • I think my question is more a vague query than a request for analysis. I thought I knew about Shibas, I've been acquainted with three, I did research, met my breeder's dogs, but my puppy's behavior is blindsiding me and I don't know whether it is a …
    in Puppy sounds Comment by abbodo June 2009