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  • We (Josh and I being Ellen) are located in central Florida and being we are already owned by two shibas it would be nice to get in with a shiba rescue but my heart it not set on it. I would like to help and breed i can! but it is a little ways away …
  • congrats! The second one is fun!!! As long as your idea of fun is shiba 500's and bunches of playing
  • That the way i feel as well when you bond with an animal it really doesn't matter where they are coming from just that they are coming home with you. But i can tell you i can not wait to buy a house and get a third I'm addicted they are like drugs i…
  • well basically it's a toe sprain, The doctor said the bone in which it applied to but not going to school to be a vet it went over my head. But she seams to be doing better slight limping still but much better. The only problem is keeping a puppy ca…
  • Well it was a sprang. I have no idea how it happened but she is on paid med's and basically on bed rest for two days but nothing to serious. Thank you again for your well wish's.
  • thank you for your well wishes and trouble shooting!
  • that is our thoughts but if it went away and came back it rules out a splinter, and i walk them bare foot so i have little hope of it being a bug bite. but who knows i hope it something as simple as a bug bite .
  • it's her front right leg and it seams just to be her paw when i noticed it was swollen i touched her pad on her paw and she started to whine a little. the med's seam to be helping. the only good thing is my oldest pup is protecting tenshi and is t…
  • OMG he is beautiful. congratulations on your new addition!!
  • well i am a day late to wish Oli a happy birthday!! but i am very happy with my puppers and i'm happy to hear pet store shiba's are here and if i have any concerns i will have people to ask.
  • Ritoru (Image) Tenshi ...and yet another D&D dog! she is the master of the d20 (Image) Ritoru plays magic...she is her fathers dog lolz the girls being cute (Image)
  • Ritoru is 9 mo and Tenshi is 4 mo thanks for all the comments i will be posting more as the grow and when i get my actual camera fixed. but the pictures are not bad for taken from my phone :-P Oh and my shirt was a birthday gift so i have no idea so…
  • thanks. i knew i needed to spam them some. there will be more pictures to come.
  • i would HAVE to agree! no one reprimands our dogs or cats... well our room mate does but we worked with him after he moved to so he knew the right commands. But wow the nerve of her; i would asked her to leave but, i'm mean when it comes to my anima…
  • i have never heard of a tea cup either but, you know how the people at the dog parks know everything about every breed. toru is just small oh well it happens she growing just slowly.
  • it funny i get the same thing..kinda toru only plays when she wants other than that she will sit in a chair next to me or on me and she is small. i think she is a late bloomer she growing slowly. people have ask me if she is a tea cup shiba... umm n…
  • well pet store pups still need love so they can come home with me :) i think of it as rescue. Both Ritoru who we have we have nicknamed toru if you haven't caught on and Tenshi were on sale, i don't like to think about where they would have gone( ot…
  • thank you tj i know they were not trying to put me down for where i bought the pups. but i thank you for you input. I have two wonderful pups and that all i care about. However i did read the link and it was interesting, and i'm glad i got a second …
  • again we knew that their could be issue so we had them both checked out by our own vet, the one we use for our cats and other than tenshi's under bite their is nothing wrong with them. I was also questioning that they sent us to one of their vet so …
  • thank you... and who ever said shibas don' like to cuddle. every time i fall asleep some where other than the bed this is what i wake up to.
  • Ritoru was born on November 27 2008 and tenshi was born on march 5 2009 so 9mo and 4mo. we got toru on December 29 and tenshi we have had 3 weeks today...poor thing is at the vet getting fixed right now. it's the only way i had time to finally make …
  • Toru (red) and Tenshi (cream)
  • I'm going to have to re size my pictures before i post more of them
  • Number 2.
  • Ok, let me restate that... you don't literally "hose" it... however you just take a big soapy rag to it, and rinse it. So, instead of steam cleaning upholstered floors.. you scrub them real quick.
  • Looking for a great Animal car... Honda Element, hands down. never having driven one myself it might be odd that I suggest it. Look at it this way. Fold Down stadium seating, with a big hatch in the back of the SUV. Big plus is that the inside o…
  • wow KFontaine04, that's incredible.. I just printed that out, I may not use it line for line, but it has a ton of great suggestions!
  • okiron, that's another good point. as far as a first aid kit goes, what kind of thing's for the dog might you guys suggest? most of the generic bug/skin ointment stuff goes both ways, just wondering if there's anything dog specific you can think of…
  • good call Tsukitsune! She's on Advantage Multi so she should be covered, and the trip will a week after her monthly. My concern is largely thing's like, central floridas native Brown Recluse and Brown Widow spider population but, those nearly kill…