Brad and Jen A-I have a stat reproduction Q

edited August 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Any others with girls who have been in season before and males in the house (Andersons, Corina, Pam), can you tell what the pre/estrus signs were? I think my visiting girl Alona is comming in season. She was last in heat mid March, and I DON'T want her bred primarily as they are related and neither have finished with health checks, so would it be about the right time for her to come into season again? It sucks because I'm not done working with her and we have some shows, so I think I have to take her back to the breeder early :(, which is fine, the breeder definately wants her to return if she is in heat.

Her vulva is swollen, no discharge when I check, but Ike is suddenly SUPER interested in seriously mounting her, following her everywhere, nose in her business etc. They are really flirty in their play, also. Both girls are cleaning themselves more and Alona is trying to hump everything that moves. This sounds stupid asking, but these are my first intact girls and they are visitors at that so I don't want any "oops" occurances. Does this sound like the beginnings of the real deal, and do I have a little time still? I am keeping them seperate when I don't have my eyeballs on them.

Thanks! I figured you folks would know.


  • edited November -1
    Yes swollen, cleaning a lot, and humping other females is a sure sign something is coming. If she is swollen then I would give it just a few days before she starts to bleed. If your other female is intact she may pull her in too... this is the time for it. Most intact Nihonken will be coming into season over the next few weeks.

    If Ike is that interested, are you sure you didn't miss the bleeding? If she has already ovulated (stopped bleeding) then you REALLY need to keep Ike away.

  • edited November -1
    She had a small dribble of clear mucous about 11 days ago but nothing after that while we were out of town.I know they can be sneaky and fast, but I was certain that I didn't see one drop of blood anywhere in the house since she has been here. I even put white sheets in her crate since she has been here and nothing on them-wouldn't it show up on those if she sat down or do some just not give any evidence like that?

    Regardless, I think I will be making the trip back to the breeders this weekend to be safe.

    Just wondering, do your girls tend to drop coat or just come into coat when they go into season? I didn't know if this is a pattern with coated breeds. Thanks for the info! I am re-reading my canine reproduction books now.
  • edited November -1
    Yes! That is one of the ways we know it's coming, they blow their coat and get the nicest fluffy coat right before they go... but this time, for Loa, her coat is not looking great... dunno why. It was warm this year so maybe that is why. This applies to our Shikoku and Akita.

    Good observation.

  • edited November -1
    Good to know-they are rolling on their backs and licking each others teeth right now and Alona is naked as a jay bird so she must be fairly close. Thanks again!
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