A Step in the Right Direction...

edited June 2010 in General
Breed Specific Legislation in Virginia has taken one step closer to being abolished.

This passed in April, but will take effect July 1, 2010 in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Taken from here:

RICHMOND- Governor Bob McDonnell has amended a bill passed by the General Assembly to insert a prohibition banning breed-based killing of dogs in the Commonwealth.

In 2006, then Attorney General McDonnell issued a formal opinion that public animal shelters could not euthanize dogs based solely on breed. A bill introduced this session to codify McDonnell’s opinion into state law, HB 429 patroned by Delegate Morgan Griffith (R-Salem), was narrowly defeated in the House Agriculture Subcommittee. During the bill review period the Governor decided to take the language of Griffith’s bill and insert it as an amendment to HB 281, patroned by Delegate Dave Albo (R-Springfield), which was a successful bill increasing the penalties for animal cruelty in Virginia. The Governor’s amendment will add the following language:

“No pound may euthanize, or prohibit the adoption of, any dog based solely on breed…”

Speaking about his amendment to prohibit breed based killing of dogs, Governor McDonnell noted, “No dog should be euthanized solely because of their breed. As Attorney General I issued an opinion that this practice was not legal under Virginia law. However, there have continued to be questions regarding this matter. Therefore it is important that legislation be passed making it the clear law of the Commonwealth that no dog can be euthanized solely because of their breed. This is a humane amendment, and I urge the members of the General Assembly to accept it when they return next Wednesday.”

Virginia Kilmer, President of the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies noted, “The Virginia Federation of Humane Societies supports efforts to eliminate breed discrimination. If enacted into law the amendment to HB 281 will compel the few remaining public shelters that kill solely because of breed to end the euthanasia of otherwise healthy, happy and completely adoptable animals and truly change the future for all sheltered animals in Virginia.”

And while, there are unfortunately other BSL's in effect in Virginia, this is a start to ending breed discrimination. I hope that other states will begin to realize that judging a dog based on its breed is just as inhumane and wrong as judging a person based on his or her height, race, gender, etc.
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