The big Shiba decision



  • edited November -1
    I agree - there are 2 days a week where Jazz is left by herself in my room - it's the two days that my brother works overnight and is sleeping. Things are different now that it's summer - the kids are home. If it was like this 5 days a week - I would've looked into doggie daycare for Jazz.
  • edited November -1

    Doggie daycare is great for your pup if you have to leave them for work. Our Shibas did ok when we worked 8 hour days... they would just sleep the whole time - I had a webcam setup so I could watch them and that's all they did - sleep.

    When Maui was very young he chewed on a lot of stuff, but that was our mistake for not keeping him in a crate for longer... we learned our lesson and now we always crate puppies when we leave, for up to two years of their lives.

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    My husband and I worked long (9-10) days since our Shiba was 7 weeks old. He turned out OK in our eyes :-) But, as soon as we could get him enrolled in daycare (had to be 6 months and neutered), we signed him up ASAP :-) He really enjoys it and it wears him out pretty good! If you have to leave him for that long and can't do the daycare route, I would suggest a dogwalker or maybe coming home at lunch if you're getting a puppy.
  • edited November -1
    Welcome Marie! Glad you came by this thread on making the shiba choice. These members, I have found, are very helpful and knowledgeable about shibas. They have helped me out a great deal. Good luck with your decision.

    so on another note...
    YAY Shiba Party!!!
    The Shiba party was soo fun yesterday! We went to the party/picnic that was held in a park in Novato. It was a blast, and there were soo many shibas! Ther were quite a few breeders and rescue groups there to help point us in the right direction for puppies (apparently there are some local breeders that arent so good to get puppies from). Oh, and of course, lots of shiba owners! We enjoyed a great potluck picnic, cute shiba contests, and getting to walk around meeting everyones shibas. There were even some little puppies to play with! It really was so helpful in our decision, and watching the contests was the best part. They had contests for the smallest, tallest, tightest tail, best trick, most tricks, most/longest treat catch, and (my personal favorite) best costume. The hockey player (complete with jersey, shark fin, stick, head brace, and black eye) won, with hula girls 2nd and a hiker 3rd. Jeremy and I are really lovin the shiba thought now. One of the members on here offered to meet with me to introduce her shikoku to me (which I'm equally excited about. Thank you!), so after that we will make the final decision. Though, I can say we are really excited about the shiba now!
  • edited November -1
    Nemo does fine by himself for 7-8 hours a day, he just sleeps all day. He isn't really a dog that would do well at doggy daycare, so he stays home.
  • edited November -1
    Lol glad you and Jeremy enjoyed yourselves at the shiba party. It'll be hard deciding between the shiba and shikoku so good luck on that!
  • edited November -1
    That's great that the Shiba party went so well for you. Shibas are irresistible in general, and puppies are even worse. Best of luck on the decision!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for your information everyone, all your advice was a great help :D I'll look into the possibility of Daycare in the area as a back-up, but from what you'vetold me my working hours would be fine for a shiba.
    Thanks very much!
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