Who did you meet today?

edited August 2008 in General
Well - just thought it would be fun to see how often everyone run's into dogs and how their dogs and humans interact. We have been taking Ninja and Portia out a lot lately, almost every night...so we've been running into a lot of new people and dogs.

Yesterday we took the pups to the local park for a nice walk and run. It was pretty late - we got there at 730pm and left at 9pm.

While we were there we met a 4 month old shiba. The owner yelled out "what kind of dog is that?" I looked his way and saw he had a shiba - so I assumed he was talking about Ninja and yelled back "Shiba Inu". He started walking towards us and said "Me too!" His puppy was so cute! Very playful - I guess much like how Dave describes Joey to act when meeting new dogs. He kept jumping up at Portia and pawing at her (btw - I am so proud at how well Portia has been interating with new dogs! - she is such a good girl!). It was cute. He had said he wanted a husky and his wife wanted a small dog. They started researching but couldn't find anything. Then he saw his neighbor with a Shiba and fell in love. (we also knew his neighbor from the dogpark - she is the one who did like 5 years of research on the shiba before getting one) and he contacted her breeder and was put on a waiting list. He was a very nice guy and kept complimenting how handsome Ninja was.

About 30 minutes later we see a couple with a Boxer! We NEVER see boxers. Their boxer was 2 years old and weighed 60 lbs! We told them Portia was 2 1/2 and only weighed 35 lbs. and they were pretty shocked. They just rescued the boxer 2 months ago and she was a bit timid at first. But they were doing some re-direction training with treats and so we stayed to let them get in some training done. After about 15 minutes their boxer was fine with Portia. They said that they had a boxer before that was 75 lbs and that they thought their 60 lb. boxer was small.


  • edited November -1
    That's really cool! How did Ninja do? That's great you guys are taking them out each night. :o)


    We don't meet a ton of dogs and people since we live in the middle of no where, and most of our meetings are kinda, well, not good meetings [off leash dogs charging us]...

    We have met a few, last weekend we met 3 malamutes, they where really hot. lol. It was kinda a hot that day to have those dogs out.

    We met an Irish wolfhound the other day, he was huge and so chill - very cool dog.

    We met someone that asked what type of dog Loa was and I told him, he then said "Oh, my friend has a Japanese dog, its huge, and its trained to eat people!"... I was like, "really? What kind of dog?" He was like "I dunno, started with a 'T' "... grr... that means some ass bag has a Tosa Inu and is promoting it as a people aggressive dog, Tosa are dog aggressive NOT people aggressive. Made my so mad! Poor dog.

    We met Julia Roberts dogs at the place we board our pups, they where TM-looking big fluffy pups. Pretty cute.

  • edited November -1
    If we head to the dog park, it's a planned meeting, so I usually would see Niko & Sasha. I did see this long-haired silver husky there once that just took my breath away. The guy swore it was a pure, but I don't know.
  • edited August 2008
    Today we 'met' the high school cross country team... for some reason they were running down our street. Poor Keiko just watched as person after person didn't stop to pet her, how dare they!!! She gets SO excited when we come across another dog or person on our path, but I usually don't let her interact with the dogs yet (she's still very submissive at the puppy playtime, and I don't know any of these strange dogs on the street).

    We did meet a couple of pugs about a week ago - it actually looked like there was a dog meetup of some kind in the elementary school playground (which is directly across from the public park we sometimes do a lap around. We stopped and talked to the women with their pugs, of course I had to answer all of the normal questions "what kind of dog is that? Shiba what?" etc.

    We're hoping to attend a Shiba meetup soon - there are two of Keiko's litter mates in the group, so it'll be neat to see them interact.
  • edited November -1
    Ninja is doing better. He is becoming more curious of the dogs. He looks alert and leans in to take a sniff while the other dog is not looking. But once the dog turns and is facing Ninja, he growls and I have to re-direct him. But he is slowly getting closer and closer to dogs without growling, so I think he is improving. Before if a dog was 10 feet away, he would start growling and showing his teeth. Now he can be 3-4 feet away and be cool. But if the dog is staring at him and keeping eye contact, then he will react. But if the other dog is not paying attention to him, he is fine. We can now walk by other dogs without any issues.

    John just called and said he was coming home early. I've been really wanting to go to this new park a couple cities away and I think we'll be able to make it out there today! Its on 345 acres has a 9 acre lake and hiking & equestrian trails. Im excited!
  • edited November -1
    That's great Romi! I'm glad to hear that Ninja is making progress. It sounds like a LOT of progress too. :-)


    Brad: sucks to hear about that Tosa. Some people just don't deserve animals.


    We meet tons of random people from my neighborhood on walks. Today I stopped to chat with a women who has a giant "NO DOG POOP!" sign in her yard yet claimed to "LOVE dogs". She was asking all sorts of questions about Shiba temperament so I did my best to emphasize all the bad qualities (and may have not put in my full effort to curb Joey's rude behavior O:-)). I also bumped into my neighbor walking one of his three BCs. We chatted about Lucy and I asked him to keep his distance so I would work with Joey. Joey did a bit better as long as the BC stayed on the other side of the street. I cut the conversation short to end on a good note. Hrm. Who else? I think that's it for today. The morning walk was at 5:45 today so I didn't see anyone then.
  • edited November -1
    Dave-It would have been great if they pooped in her yard!
  • edited November -1
    Hmm, well ... Toby met a few Shibas at the dog park tonight! Sunny is a 6 year old Shiba, and very very cute. Some couple brought their two Shibas, an adult and a puppy. Except, the adult 'Shiba' ... didn't really look much like a Shiba at all. Had the body shape, but wasn't poofy at all. Almost as if the Shiba had no fuzzy hair at all. Totally thin, reminded me of a Basenji. The puppy was an adorable little puppy, and really played with all the other dogs. Toby was really interested in the puppy.

    There was also a Shar-pei/Pug mix puppy that came at the dog park tonight. That puppy was so dang cute! I know lots of people don't have interests in the Shar-pei, but I'm not sure ... I always thought that was an interesting breed. :)
  • edited November -1
    I like shar-peis!
  • edited November -1
    Shar-peis were one of the dogs we did research on before getting Niko. I think the medical conditions were too complex.
  • edited November -1
    Rach: I agree! Too bad Joey had unloaded already. :-/
  • edited November -1
    Shar-peis are really cool. The ones I have met have always been nice. It seemed that they were kind of a sensetive breed, like a lot of the spitz types. You are right though Rachel, they do have a ton of medical issues. Like Shar-pei fever, how scary is that.
  • edited November -1
    I had to go look shar pei fever up. Oh that is scary!

    I have only met sweet ones too.

    Speaking of, Brandon, we had a shar pei/pug mix IDENTICAL to the one at your shelter except she was waaaaay pregnant, and bit everyone. She went to foster care, and hopefully eased up after having her puppies.
  • edited November -1
    Crap, I thought the Shar Pei/Pug was an accident, it sucks that it might be a new "designer breed". The one at our shelter is just very shy and under socialized.

    I learned about Shar Pei fever on "Breed All About It" a few years back.
  • edited November -1
    Hopefully for some weird reason they are from the same freak litter and ended up in different parts of the country.
  • edited August 2008
    I met the poop nazi today. This crazy women who lives in my subdivision that I've only heard about, but never talked to. I walked Joey early this morning and then took Lucy out for her stroll. I still had my iPod on so I couldn't really hear much. I could tell Lucy had to poop so I walked her onto a grassy area in my subdivison. An area to which I, as a homeowner, have equal ownership as everyone else in my subdivision. While I was waiting for Lucy, I could see in my peripheral vision that a car had stopped beside me. I knew it had to be her so I just pretended not to notice. She honked the horn, so I slowly acknowledged by taking one earbud out and turning toward her. I asked her to repeat herself. She said "Do you live here? Because if you do then you should know that dogs are supposed to poop over there." She points across the street to an area that has knee high ivy. My response was, "Yes, I do live here, and I know for sure that the dogs are supposed to remain out of the planted areas. Besides, my dog couldn't poop there. That ivy would go up to her shoulders. On top of that, she just had surgery and isn't very steady on her feet yet so asking her to walk though that would be impossible. I am carrying a bag and will clean it up when she goes. That is why our community has bag dispensers." She exclaimed "Which unit do you live in, I will have the board president send you a copy of the rules." I responded with "They are called covenants, and I have a copy already. But if it will make you feel better, please have them send me another one." As she started to drive off she said "Don't let me catch your dog pooping here again." I yelled after her "Have a great day..." and mumbled under my breath "...you f****** ****!"

    Maybe this should have gone in the idiots thread?
  • edited November -1
    I think it qualifies for both!
  • edited November -1
    Poop in her yard. Not Lucy or Joey, YOU!!!

    Hee hee. That would make you my hero. She should go live with that jerk I told you about.
  • edited November -1
    LOL Jessica :o) That made my morning for sure!
  • edited November -1
    Rachel needs to go over and take a picture of Dave crapping in her yard.

    A couple times this week I have stopped to chat with a home owner near me. We have waved and exchanged greeting before, but I stopped to ask him about all of the stuff he is growing. His name is Jeff and he is a cool guy, really into alternative energy. He has firewood stacked all around his house, all of it is stuff that he has collected and chopped himself. When they cut down dead trees at the edge of the forrest preserve in our area he goes around and cuts them down to size and hauls them back to his place. He has two huge rows of solar panels on his roof. Currently he has corn and tomatoes in his front yard along with some peppers. He is going to be canning the tomatoes because he has enough plants for like 6 families and he lives by himself. Apparently he grows his own hopps in his backyard and is going to let me try some of his next batch of beer. Jeff has a dog named Duke, a big hound mix. Duke spends a lot of time outside and likes to howl hound hellos at everyone. I like him, but I'm ok with him not being my neighbor.

    Nemo did pretty good with Jeff. As we were standing and talking Nemo did just fine, sniffing around his yard, just hanging out. However when Jeff bent down to try and meet him, he went into full Nemo mode running to the end of his leash and barking. I told him that Nemo isn't great with new people and it takes him awhile to warm up, instead of trying to force anything he just stood back up and kept talking to me, which was nice. I'm pretty excited for when I walk by and get free beer. A beer stop on the dog walk, that's a nice idea.
  • edited November -1
    Hmmmm I need to find a beer stop on my dog walk... If i went an extra 30 feet I would end up in front of a pub... think Keiko's cuteness would land me free beer???
  • edited November -1
    Brandon-I may have to draw the line at taking pictures of a pooping dave. LOL
  • edited August 2008
    LOL Jess. I'm not going to lie, the thought crossed my mind. If I do go through with it, Rachael is welcome to come take pictures. [NOT!]. :-P


    Brandon: Hell yeah, I'll take a beer stop on my walk too. This time of year it would be greatly appreciated. Kudos to him for ignoring Nemo!
  • edited November -1
    pictures of Dave circling the yard while trying to poop in classic shiba nature is tempting....(eww)
  • edited November -1
    ya'll are sick - real sick!
  • edited November -1
    Okay laughing my but off right now.

    Brandon Hops is awesome also because it is a really pretty climbing plant. My girlfriend (who is a botanist) suggested I grow hops as a privacy plant on my fence.
  • edited August 2008
    LOL! I've been laughing for the past 2 minutes or so.
    Rachel, now you got that image on my mind. It has to stop, I think I'm going to watch some Olympics stuff.
  • edited November -1
    Hey, I had to make sure that you all were as horrified as I was!
    ; )
  • edited November -1
    Today we met an older man in a postal uniform... he stopped us to pet Belle - which has been more common than people stopping us to pet Keiko *boggle*

    Anyway, after he got Belle to stop barking and he pet her for a while, he looked at Keiko and started talking about "another guy who walks his cat." I didn't have the energy or heart to tell him that she wasn't a cat... but I was intrigued that this 'other guy' who walks his cat had some breed that was "two generations from being wild."

    Poor Keiko
  • edited November -1
    This morning on our walk - I saw my neighbor with her bulldog Ponzu. He's a pretty big boy. She asked if he could say hi. I told her that he could say hi to Portia, but Ninja doesn't do well with new dogs. So I let Portia's lead extend the whole 6 feet and then I tightened up on Ninja's leash to about 3 feet and told him to sit and praised him for being close to another dog and not reacting. After a couple minutes, Ponzu started walking closer to Ninja. I saw Ninja's hackles go up a little bit. But his posture was very curious. So I let his leash go a little more. He went up to sniff - they were face to face. It was fine! Then Portia wigged out in excitement and Ninja freaked. But I think he's doing much better on-lead. But we approached them, Ponzu just stood there while letting Portia sniff and then kept still when Ninja approached...so that was probably less threatening too.
  • edited November -1
    Cool, that's very good news!
    He really is improving at the day care/behaviourist, huh?
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