Beebe practices Agility



  • edited November -1
    Sucks about her allergies :(
    Congrats on her PAL #! My friend is trying to get one for her Cairn (pure) now. She had to send in pics, any pedigree info, etc. An interesting new process by the AKC!
  • edited November -1
    Nice tricks Beebe! :)
  • edited November -1
    Beebe is gorgeous!
  • edited November -1
    I am glad that Beebe is doing better.

    She is a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing the video of her.
  • edited November -1
    I like Beebe's tail for some reason.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks, she only wags it when she is "pressed" into action, like she's making a major decision or something.
  • edited November -1
    So, Beebe wanted to show you all how well she can work off leash, even in groups of other dogs. The goal in this exercise was to just let the dog work as if in a trial with the handler being silent (get the dog used to not always hearing lots of verbal praise throughout the routine). The dogs did well, we just praised them before and after, then they are learning to focus better. She got creative at the end...

    In other news, little sister is really liking her Agility class. Her focus has improved so much because now she really has to pay attention to my cues if she wants to play. If anybody is thinking about trying it out with their Shiba, so far it's been really fun (the Shiba was picking things up really fast too).

    And, Beebe is earning her Canine Good Citizen. There are mostly bully breeds in the class with us, a Staffie, several APBTs, a Chinook, a Great Dane, a Frenchie and a super sweet blended Akita girl. She's in Ike's breed class sometimes, and she is so good. She seems to be a really dark (blue?) brindle with white legs and a necklace. Her dad is very nice.

    Find the Shiba! No leashes!

  • edited November -1
    GO GIRL!
  • edited November -1
    That is so awesome...So how long have you been practicing with Beebe to get her to this level?
  • edited November -1
    Super! She did very well!
  • edited November -1
    Wow, amazing to watch a shiba so focused off leash...your hard work is really paying off! Can't wait to see more vid's!!
  • edited November -1
    Thank you! It's been about 1.5 years of refining skills and pushing her, primarily on focusing. She's not quite 2 yet. I hope this isn't the pinnacle of her acheivements, but that's ok if it is. It goes out the window as soon as I lose her focus. I lucked out that she has good food and play drive, so she's mostly just waiting for her big reward (playing with the laser light) whenever we are in class. I will try to put up some recall vids later.
  • edited November -1
    Lindsay awesome job! It takes awhile for it all to fall into place and the focus is not there for most as younger dogs...... Like fine wine Shibas get better with age! : )
  • edited November -1
    At the dog park today, got a little vid of the girlie doing a recall. Nothing special, some birds had just flown by her and she ignored them so that was good. This wasn't formal at all, I'm just glad she was having a good time. Thanks for watching!

  • edited November -1
    What a nice puppy is right! Love her!
  • edited November -1
    Just returned from the Dermatologist.

    Overall, the girlie has had a fairly good response to her allergy injections, and a great response to the interferons. However, her body is starting to not respond as well to the chlorpheniramine (antihistamine), so he suggested a possible change. She is needing to wear her "cone of requirement" aka lampshade when I am not able to view her, as she feverishly licks and chews her wrists and tummy. No wounds thanks to the cone, but lots of stink and sweating on her tummy. She feels very oily, so I think I may need to stop supplementing her with fish oil (she is also getting fat-12kgs/16.5inches!)

    Apparently antihistamines that cross the blood/brain barrier work best in dogs for the treatment of seasonal allergies/anaphylaxis symptoms, without resulting in sedation usually (benadryl, chlorpheniramine, hydroxyzine, etc.) Dr said she may even need some small doses of a steroid/antihistamine combo if the other suggestions don't work, but that is a last resort, and I have several other options still.

    As her itching/chewing have increased in correlation the pollen counts/dry days, he feels that 1 half strength allergy shot twice weekly would be better also vs a full ml once weekly. It takes about 18 months for the full effect of the shots to be acheived, it's been maybe 3-4 months I think. The vials are a little spendy also, but she is so much improved. It's been worth it.

    An interesting note, which I hadn't considered, is that Dr.M stated that even though she was now on a fish diet/grain free, there is no way of knowing what the fish were fed, if they ate any grains or something she may be allergic to. So, next steps are food elimination/diet trial once the pollen counts cut back. He believes that this particular dog may eventually benefit from home prepared! In the meantime, he said Orijen was great since her symptoms were improved (firmer stools, less vomiting), and that it was grain free.

    I was suprised to hear a DVM recommend that, but he felt that given her sensitivities to many of the varied protiens I have tried so far (straight venison, lamb, beef, bison and several poultries), that isolating several "safe" proteins may be the best option and would be unlikely to be found in any preprepared diets. He will refer me to a Vet nutritionist at Duke (I think) in the future to design a diet for her if needed.

    Well, we are off to our CGC class. I will put up some spam later. Thanks guys!
  • edited November -1
    Quick update.

    Beebe is taking her CGC test on Monday. We'll see how it goes. She completed her Agility Intro class and will begin the next series in a few weeks. She is still hesitant about the teeter totter because it's loud and it moves. I also now know that she hates pugs, naughty girl ran across the room during agility practice and tried to nip one on the back. Not a great sign just before the test...
  • edited November -1
    Good luck to you and Beebe. I think it's funny she hates pugs, I just hope doesn't actually get a hold of one. Somehow I think beating up on a little wrinkle head isn't good for her CGC test. I love the faces she makes in her pics, it's like she's in on the biggest secret in the world but won't tell you.
  • edited November -1
    Hey good luck, to both you and Beebe! Can't wait to hear how it turns out! I to think its funny she doesn't like pugs...wonder what it is about them...have you ever seen the victoria stillwell show where she's helping a couple with 5 pugs...I didn't realize until that episode that pugs can scream!! I was in tears I was laughing so hard!
  • edited November -1
    Looks like Beebe is doing well except for the pug thing my boxer likes pugs, but if she sees one running she acts like it's a bunny or something.

    What type of harness is Beebe wearing in the picture by the water just curious.
  • edited November -1
    Just a quick note on your May 18th post (in case you haven't switched her food yet): Orijen doesn't use farmed fish. It's all wild caught from the Pacific. So chances are, the fish don't have any wheat in their system.

    I love Orijen and Acana (both made in the same factory). Mylo used to be on the Orijen 6 fish, but I've since switched him to the Acana Pacifica. The switch was basically for the sake of trying something new because his skin was dry (Acana Pacifica has higher levels of the Omega oils) and his stools were a little loose (but have become more firm since the switch). The Acana does have lower levels of protein than the Orijen, but Mylo is doing well on it. The reason I tell you these things is because Mylo also had bad allergies (not to the point your girl does, though) and these foods work with him, without needing allergy meds. (although, this could all be a moot point if you've already changed her diet since that post)

    Anyways, I hope her CGC test went/goes well today!!!!!!! Sending good luck vibes!
  • edited June 2009
    I learn so much from this thread. Awesome a DVM has heard of and understands the importance of Orijen in allergy control.
    Do you have this book already? Pet Allergies by Plechner and Zuker? I think you'd also get a lot out of Kymythy Schultz's book too on natural diets.

    Whats up with the pug?!
  • edited November -1
    Karen-that Stillwell episode is hilarious. The noises they make!

    Nicole-it's a ruffwear harness, seems to fit ok, maybe too big but the smaller size was way small. Shibas are hard to find good fits for.

    Kyla-I completely forgot reading that about the fish. You are totally correct. Thanks for the reminder. I feel much better about keeping her on Orijen for now. I couldn't find any Tavist/clemastine anywhere here per the Dermatologists recs, I guess it has been discontinued here? So, she has been back on benadryl again.

    Jen-Beebe interupted her agility run, she was doing the weave poles, and made a 90 degree change of direction to beeline towards this little puggy. She had been the only dog there because she was doing an off leash run, but the owner of the pug suddenly walked thru Beebe's field with her dog on lead. Taking advantage of the situation like Shibas do so well, Beebe mouthed it's back and barked/bowed and sort of bounced at the puggy, then she spun around and came running back to me while I was running across the arena and yelling at her. I think she was mostly just checking the dog out, but she was extremely rude and pushy-I think Beebe is a little bit of a bully. Even if she was "just trying to play", it was extremely bad manners and not ok for her to put her mouth on the little dog. I felt really bad, like one of the douche-bag owners we all dislike. I apologized. The dog wasn't hurt at all. I do tend to think Beebe was mostly just startled by it's sudden appearance, and curious at it's funny, grunty almost Shiba looks.

    Jen, you might find this interesting. I had stopped feeding Beebe salmon oil for several days because I wondered if it was making her skin more oily. Her reactivity and behavior were suddenly out of control! She was suddenly super paranoid, fearful and on guard to ultra extreme levels, similar to the times before we went to see the behaviorist and I was in tears almost every time I needed to do anything with her. I thought those days were long behind us, but it all came back several days after taking her off of salmon oil. It was miserable here for about a week, the pug just being one instance. She couldn't even go on my front porch without howling at people and growling at passersby. Walks beyond the driveway were impossible. She had no focus. It was a 180 degree personality change. I said screw this, and started her on the omegas again. Within about a week, she has been completely managable again and pleasant to take places. I guess those are her chill pills. Thanks for the book references, did you order yours online?

    Oh, forgot to add. Beebe passed her CGC! She is now a canine good citizen (if you catch her on a good day). One more goes down in the books for Shibas.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Miss Beebe! Or should I say, Miss Beebe CGC?
  • edited November -1
    ur shiba is so pretty! congratulations on her passing her CGC !
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Beebe!
  • edited November -1
    Congratulations Beebe and Lindsay! Well done!
  • edited November -1
    Hooray for Beebe, CGC!
    and give yourself a special cookie too, Lindsay- you two did it!
  • edited November -1
    congrats guys.
  • edited November -1
    YAY Beebe...congrats on the CGC.
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