A Hachi update! 3/13/09

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
I've been putting off giving an update on Hachi until I had some good news to report, and I have some!

First, Pam (Hachi's new person) has been a total trooper and is completely open to learning all about Hachi as an individual dog of a primitive breed. She's reached out to LJ, who has give her fantastic insight into her work with Jazz , and she and Hachi have come a long way already. They started obedience classes to work on focus work and Pam thinks its really helping.
She also started giving Hachi melatonin for the adjustment period. (thanks LJ!!!)
Their first weekend (Hachi went home on 11/13) was really stressful, for everyone! But they pulled through it and have a better understanding of the other because of it. Pam is totally committed and Hachi is learning to rely on Pam for her food, her treats, her toys, her outside time, her attention and her 'home'. Hachi's begun to defend her new yard from predator mice, by catching quite a few already and leaving them for Pam on the back porch :)))

Last Saturday they headed out to Maine for Thanksgiving and Pam was determined to bring Hachi and try to enjoy herself! They did!
Hachi was calm(ish) on the long drive and Pam used the time to pet her and talk to her. Once they got there she let Hachi just kind of explore her second new house and then took her for a long walk along the beach. Apparently, if you have a fearful, damaged dog going through some major changes that would normally really cause a set back, pop them a melatonin and let them play on the beach! Miracle cure! Hachi l-o-v-e-d the water and the sand! She did a lot of licking & crab hunting!
She's been rallying so much faster than she did with me, especially after our move in September. I'm delighted.
Also, Pam's neighbor has a few bigger dogs that Hachi has done great with, Pam really enjoyed watching Hachi establish herself then interact with the bigger dogs.

All in all, I'm just so grateful to have found Hachi her real forever home.
I hope to be able to continue to give great updates and we're planning on having dinner at Pam's to see Hachi in her new home, but not anytime soon just in case of a setback, probably after their obedience class.


  • edited November -1
    That's really great to hear! I'm glad to hear that she is settling in - one of my concerns was the second house, but I'm glad to see that Hachi took to it.
  • edited November -1
    YAY!!!! :D

    SO glad to hear :) ~
  • edited November -1
    This is great news! Thanks for relaying the update to the rest of the forum!

  • edited November -1
    I am so glad to hear that Hachi is doing well! Congrats on finding her a great forever home. I would love to have seen Hachi on the beach. :)
  • edited November -1
    That's so wonderful!!
  • edited November -1
    I know LJ! That was my big(ger) concern, too, so i was anxious to see Pam today, but she came in and said
    "Hachi did fantastic!" and I said "Fantastic? Thats a strong word!" and she said "I know, and I'm using it"!

  • edited November -1
    Fantastic is right!!!!! Great news Jen. :-)
  • edited November -1
    I am coming into this late.....wow, awesome news! I hope all is happy in Hachi land : )

  • edited November -1
    That'a wonderful to hear. It sounds like Hachi is a happy girl.
  • edited November -1
    It's very good to know she is doing well with her new person. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Hooray for Hachi!
  • edited November -1
    I love success stories. :-)
  • edited November -1
    That is so cool! Fantasic, lovely word. I'm glad she can use it in the same sentence as Hachi. It's so wondeful.

    =(~-~)= So...now my concern is...where are the photo updates? =(~-0`)=
  • edited November -1
    I want photo updates too! But Pam doesn't have a digital camera (she doesn't even have a computer at her house!) but promised to let me see and scan in some when they get developed.
  • edited December 2008
    Hachi is playing with Pam!
    She said she rolled a kong squeaker tennis ball to her, which Hachi initially ran from. Then a few minutes later she heard "squeak" ... "squeak squeak" and Hachi brought the ball back. Then Pam rolled, Hachi retrieved and they had a great play session. So now, playing with loofa dogs and kong air balls are a part of their routine! yay!

    She has NO idea how LONG it took Hachi to play with me!!! Months! Months! And here they are.. only a month together and playing! The nerve!

    I'm going to go to dinner at Pam's sooner than expected, probably next weekend and I'll bring my camera.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    aww! Hachi's so unshiba like! He's supposed to look at the ball and then look back at Pam with the look 'you really think I'm going to bring that back to you?'
  • edited November -1
    Fabulous, fantastic, fenominal (sic)... :-)
  • edited November -1
    That's great news. Hachi has come a long way.
  • edited November -1
    Go Hachi!!! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    That's so great!!
  • edited November -1
    Jen! I am so glad to hear that Pam and Hachi are doing well together. And I am stoked to get some Hachi spam from her new forever home! :) Tell Pam to keep up the good work.
  • edited November -1
    Yay Hachi!! I'm so excited for you all!
  • edited November -1
    That's great!
  • edited November -1
    I think you need to give Pam a digital camera for Christmas so we can keep closer tabs on Hachi.
  • edited December 2008
    we went to dinner at Pam's tonight (we being me, John and Tsuki). It was awesome! She recognized us and went nuts for ALL of us - even JOHN! whoa! Her and Tsuki played and had a great time :))
    I can't believe how AT HOME Hachi is! Its bittersweet really, but I'm beyond joyous for how this all worked out...
    The best part is how bonded they seem already, and how hopeful Pam is for their future together, how she calls her "my sweetie" and how Hachi listens to Pam when she calls her! Hachi wasn't even skittish! Just comfy, at home, showing us her new life. She hasn't even taken a melatonin in over a week now and is just a happy little camper. It was awesome... just awesome.

    Ok, pics (sorry, I didn't edit or rotate any of these like a jerk, but you'll get the gist of it)
    Hachi and John - no hesitation from her at all - she even LICKED HIM! amazing!
    the girls reaquainting themselves
    a happy hachi
    Tsuki violated Hachi's domain and stole her bone!
    they played really nice!
    Tsuki getting comfy in Hachi's 'spot'
    She was SO playful!
    Tsuki taking over Hachi's nook
    the girls, they stayed still for approximately 3 seconds
    Pam and her Hachi

    She's at home now:
    From Hachi <3

    Thanks for letting me share this with you - its been quite an adventure :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Oh my goodness Jen! She looks like a completely different dog! I'm almost at tears with joy for her!!!
  • edited November -1
    She does look great. It must have been extra cool for her to hang with Tsuki again. Thanks for the update!
  • edited November -1
    That's great. Your hard work has really paid off.
  • edited November -1
    I am so happy for Hachi. I know it was tough to make the decision to let her go, but it was obviously the right thing to do for Hachi.
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