A Hachi update! 3/13/09



  • edited February 2009
    thanks. i love seeing her new 'self', too. She's even learned some obedience - which we only got as far as 'sit' and 'down' because she could never really focus - but Pam and her are really connecting and really progressing through a lot. Its wonderful ;)
    Sorry about dog park pics :) forgetting camera is a big fail.

    video: they are in constant motion until the ambush!

    And this is what happens when the initial excitement dies down, they all just chill..

  • edited November -1
    Wow, she looks really content. Kitsu was very glad to see her apparently ;)
  • edited November -1
    <3 Hachi!!! ~
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I'm so glad that we get Hachi updates!!
  • edited November -1
    I'm so glad, too! I'm like a little school girl when I make plans with [hachi's] Pam. Camera in hand, of course.
  • edited November -1
    It's great to see Hachi again!
    She looks great! It's very good, and hilarious to see them together!
  • edited November -1
    Sorry I am so late to this, but wow! Hachi looks so confident and happy. And it is so great that she still gets to hang with Tsuki and Kitsune. :)
  • edited November -1
    It's great to see Hachi doing so well, she fell right back in with her pack for the afternoon.
  • edited November -1
    Hachi and her Pam have just returned from a 10 day trip up to their 'summer' home in Maine. Pam told me that Hachi is just in a true love affair with Maine, and the shore, and the dead crabs that she feels are best kept embedded in her fur after a good rub in them, and the salty rocks she likes to chase and keep inventory of, and the 4 feet of snow she hops hops hops in. Pam uses the house in Maine to get away whenever there is a break in classes (she's a Painting instructor) and during the summer. She was initially nervous that Hachi would have major breakdowns from all the change, but it seems Hachi also views the house as a relaxing getaway - a place to truly just enjoy herself.
    Thinking about the 'pure bliss' Hachi is said to enjoy actually brings a tear to my eyes... just to hear those words associated with Hachi... its one of the reasons I do what I do - the miracle of bringing quality life back to their years. And uniting them with their forever home... Hachi is home.

    And, Hachi GRADUATED her obedience class! Pam might frame the certificate to remind her of their progress!

    We'll probably be getting together for a hike this weekend, weather pending, so hopefully I'll have new pics soon.
  • edited November -1
    That is so great! I know when I spoke with Pam, we talked about familiarity - the more that Hachi went to Maine, the more comfortable she would be (funny thing, Pam [Ryu] and I talked about this yesterday). I am so happy to hear this about Hachi.
  • edited November -1
    WOW Hachi has come SUCH a long way. I am so glad she is finally home and happy! Great news!
  • edited November -1
    YAY for Pam and Hachi!
  • edited November -1
    I want a beach house in Maine. Lucky Hachi. I don't think things could have ended up any better for Hachi or Pam.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Wow! That is so awesome! This give me great hope for Roxy! Thanks for the update!
  • edited November -1
    Yay for Hachi! Jen, none of this would even be happening if it were not for you. You should be so proud of yourself, John, Tsuki, and Kitsune! And of course Pam for bringing Hachi into her home.

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