Tetsu & Tikaani Time(YAY CGC!)



  • edited November -1
    what a clown
  • edited July 2009
    Not to hijack the thread or anything but, PEDICURE FISH?!?!?!


    Ok, I YouTubed it... creepy (and apparently banned in several states). lol
  • edited November -1
    I also would like to add that once it started to get dark out, Tikaani was constantly hunting and finding female stag beetles. It was funny how he would just sniff around, find a beetle, stare at it, and then wonder why it would bite him every time he tried to chew on it. He must have found about 15 of them before deciding that they weren't too friendly.
  • edited November -1
    LOL I love that Husky Clown!
  • edited November -1
    So very cute!


    I would totally do the pedicure fish if we had any places in Georgia with them.
  • edited November -1
    I've been away from the site so I got to go through all the pictures...very cute.... Your dogs are beautiful!!!

    I picked up the "green key" pass and look forward to bumping into you at the park.

  • edited November -1
    Tikaani cracks me up! Always with those front paws in water.

    lol on the brothers pic
  • edited November -1
    Your pups are gorgeous!!
  • edited July 2009
    Got some new harnesses for the boys. They are custom made X-back sled harnesses, and I really like how they look on my pups.

    I got one for Tikaani in preparation for eventual Bikejoring (him pulling a bike). I don't plan on doing this for at least another 6 months, but it's good to get him used to wearing this kind of harness as he rarely wears one as it is. I feel that we accidentally measured a bit short along the back, what do you guys thing?

    I got Tetsu one not for pulling but for regular walks. Generally, he's pretty good on leash, but there's always something that'll come along and grab his attention. This would lead him to pulling with all his might to try to get to it. I've tried different styles/kinds of harness (regular petco type, walk-in, puppia) but they always seem to cause him to gag. I've noticed that when he pulls, the tension is usually applied across the top of the harness, thus pulling the part around the neck upwards and into the throat. With the racing harnesses, the tension causes the neck part to either remain centered or pulling down. This keeps pressure from applying to his neck and has worked pretty good so far. I'm hoping to eventually attach a leash clip to Tetsu's harness so that if he backs out it would be clipped to his collar and prevent me from losing him.

    Also, what is really neat is that they embroidered their names on the side of the harness at no extra cost.
  • edited November -1
    Wow Beth, those harnesses are awesome! Takaani looks like a natural in that thing, he is like "Okay mom, find some snow and hook me to a sled...im READY!"
  • edited November -1
    I've neve seen harnesses like that before. Very interesting.
  • edited November -1
    Wow that's really cool. The blue and red combo compliment their coats quite nicely! Where did you get these made?
  • edited July 2009
    I got them made off of a website called Alpine Outfitters. They're cheapy sled harnesses, but should do for now
  • edited November -1
    Now you'll never hear the end of people asking if Tetsu's a husky now that you have him outfitted like Tikaani. They look great!

  • edited November -1
    Super cool!
  • edited November -1
    Way cool! I'm looking into getting some for my pups now :)
  • edited November -1
    Well the boys still want to eat our new found kitten, of whom Tom has not officially picked a name for (i have threatened to call him Tom's Little Flamer if he doesn't give it a name soon). It's only been about a week and I say that they are doing pretty good progress with something that looks and sounds like a squeaky toy.

    Anyways, I caught Tikaani and the kitten "playing" with each other and was able to record it. That kitten is so cute and very gentle with his claws, until he decides to climb up my back.

  • edited November -1
    HA HA HAHAHAHAHA. Takaani and the kitten are too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Beth, seriously, anytime you need a doggy sitter for Tetsu and Tikaani, please call us LOL..I love the little booger!

    And lol on "Tom's little flamer"
  • edited November -1
    hahahaha Tinkaani looks so happy!
  • edited November -1
    Oh! I love it! :-D
  • edited November -1
    That cat has some juevos!
  • edited November -1
    Beth, you should have a contest and have everyone submit a name for the new kitten. Here's a name that Joe likes....Roberto Esponga
  • edited November -1
    These boys always seem to be having loads of fun.

    Crazy cat! Makes me think of an orange Nyx.
  • edited November -1
    Wanted to share this pic of Tikaani as a little puppy. Since gmail had to be so stupid, it deleted the e-mail with the puppy pics of Tikaani, his siblings and his mother that the breeder had sent us. This modified pic is so far the only one I could find on any of the computers.
  • edited November -1
    awwwww what a wittle cutie! I've actually never seen a husky that young before.
  • edited August 2009
    We took the trip out to Wisconsin for the MadShiba Picnic, and to be different we decided to camp out at the park. We headed out on Thursday and made the 17 hours drive in one day with enough time to set up the tent and fall asleep. Friday was relaxation and walking the boys (spending 17 hours sleeping in a car before and after having to sleep at night makes for some hyper pups), and just plain enjoying the nice, somewhat rainy weather.

    Saturday was great as we headed out to the picnic and bumped into Dave (Two Socks) with his wife and pups as well as bumping into Bev (baanton), her husband and Josephine. A walk to the picnic helped tire out the pups just enough to mostly behave themselves.

    Then the fun-ness of the picnic, followed by eating out with everybody. Since we couldn't leave the boys at the campsite unattended, Brandon was nice enough to let us crate them at his place. It was great seeing the faces behind the forum names, and it was a lot of fun just being there. We left early, picked up the boys and had a hard time falling asleep in anticipation for the long ride home.

    Along the way back, we stopped off at Peggy's (O'ikon) place and got to walk the boys through her lovely wooded backyard. We also had the opportunity to meet Maya and Aki, two of her shikokus. They were both such lovely dogs and totally what I had expected of the breed. After leaving her place to head home, what we thought would be an 8 hour drive turned out to be such a nightmare. With tons of road work and practically endless traffic, we didn't get home until about 2 am. After all this, I haven't been able to sleep. But enough with the endless prattling, Here's the camping/travel spam of the weekend:

    Tikaani always finds the weirdest positions to sleep in:
    And he's a seat hog (can you find Tetsu):

    The campsite:
    The boys:

    Something kept digging around the site and leaving holes big enough to fit Tikaani's head
    It even dug under the tent

    The nights were very cold, so I snuggled with Tetsu under a blanket by the fire

  • edited November -1
    Very cute!! We missed you guys, get back here to NY ASAP ;-)
  • edited November -1
    Great spam guys. That tent is crazy! Glad that you guys made it back.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad you guys made it home safely! Thanks for the spam!
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