where is everybody?

edited October 2007 in General
Checking the forum is how I brighten a crappy day. NO one has anything fun to post?Cry


  • edited October 2007


    I have been thinking the same thing! For like the past few days no one has posted anything. I was started to get worried so im glad you said something! Everyone must be pretty busy with their doggies. Sealed

  • edited February 2009
  • edited November -1

    The last one looks like a seal and a shiba had a baby.

    Thanks. I had a really crappy day. And I was so sad when no one had posted anything, no videos, no questions, not even a gripe. So silly shiba faces were exactly what I needed.



  • edited October 2007

    Maybe this will help too....

    A Hilo Hug, The Pack, and 4 pics of us torturing the pups with a tradition Japanese Robe that my friend brought back from Japan (as a gift for watching Huku).

  • edited November -1

    Here are some vids...

    Kaia snuggling with mom:

    Ahi and Hilo being weird:



  • edited November -1
    I just got my computer back today so I expect you all to be more active now.  Wink
  • edited November -1

    Welcome back!  Smile

    BTW - Jen and I were out of town the end of last week and the weekend - that is why I have not been bogging you guys down with photos and the usual nonsense. I'm back tho! Tongue out

  • edited November -1
    I have been suffering in my own private misery.  Love the pics and video!  I need a good Kaia snuggle!!!
  • edited February 2009
  • edited February 2009

    Oh and this picture.  Not the greatest picture ever, but possibly the funniest Shiba faces I have ever captured.  Nemo and Turi, singing a song to each other.


  • edited November -1


    Thats what I'm talking about. I wish I could of filmed Moto's face when he heard Ahi and Hilo (Brad, I apologize, but I secretly hope Hilo's ears stay floppySealed)

    Brandon, I beg to differ, that picture is indeed THE greatest. Jay and I haven't stopped laughing.

    Brad, the pictures of the pack in the robe are awesome. Maui looked just thrilled (I wish there was an effective way to convey sarcasm through type). And I have such a huge soft spot for Kaia.

    Welcome back Heidi, Rakka huh? Is it wrong that I just mailed my contract and deposit check to Katja and I already have named my puppy that isn't going to be born until next year?

    Himiko, if you were wondering (Japanese Queen and Shaman lots of cool folklore about her, from the Shikoku region)

    Michelle, I am sorry to hear about personal misery, whatever it is, I hope it passes quickly. 

  • edited November -1
    I think that is the best Shiba pic ever - that face is just crazy!
  • edited November -1

    Here's a picture of Tojo where I think he looks like a seal:


  • edited November -1
    Jessica - I think that's an awesome name!  I'm a geek and I just named her after an anime character Tongue out
  • edited November -1

    There is an Anime interpretation of the legend of Himiko too.

    Sometimes my nerdiness gets in the way of my geekiness. 

  • edited November 2007

    It's gettin cold around here, and so far I've refused to turn on the heat.  Which means Nemo allows me to put him under the covers.  He only got up to move as I was grabbing treats for him before I headed out of the house.



  • edited November -1

    Here are some other older photos I found in my photobucket account:


    Mouse Hunting at the dog park:



    Trying to eat Whizzer's leg:


     Talking shit at the dog park:



    Not funny, but I've always liked this picture:


    With his buddy Hanzo, who makes some of the goofiest Shiba faces ever:


  • edited November 2007
    The mouse hunting picture is my all time favorite picture of any shiba. That rules!!!!
  • edited November -1

    I think that might be my favorite one too.  I only wish I had taken his harness off that day.  He was in prime hunting mode so I just laid in the grass (which is about a foot deep) and kept taking pictures and watching for when he might pounce.  I took that well over a year ago, the shot could be better in some technical aspects, but you live with what you get.

    We made it the cover of the MSIR calendar last year.

  • edited November -1
    The funny thing is I actually saw that picture somewhere and posted it as a comment on my husbands page because I thought it was such a great shot. And that was way before I was even on this forum! Or the shiba group on myspace that I had to eventually quit because they were making me sooooooooooo mad.
  • edited November -1

    I wonder if you saw it on the MSIR webpage, as they used it for the Calendar add/banner.  Or maybe my picture is just making its way around the internet.

    Yeah.  I don't post much on the myspace shiba group anymore either.  I should just start saving all of my posts, so I can just paste them in the next time someone asks the same stupid question about wanting to breed their dog to someone elses random dog.

  • edited November -1

    I basically lost it on the girl who works for a rescue and was trying to tell me that people should buy dogs at pets stores so they can "save" them. She didn't understand my explanation of how capitalism works, and the power of where one chooses to spend their money. She also didn't understand why I would be outraged that someone who works for a rescue wouldn't be trying to place the millions of dogs that are surrendered and abandoned every day.


    stopping now


    smoke coming out of my ears thinking about that knucklehead.




  • edited November -1

    Yeah I was real heated in that convo too...my life has been psychotic and other than going off on someone for correcting my spelling of pit I have laid off the myspace boards.

    Im so sick of shiba owners being clueless and not wanting advice even though they ask for it. (not here of course) 

  • edited November -1
    BTW freaking love the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waiting for hubby to come and see them.  He has been taking care of me (new job and sick).  I can rent him out!
  • edited November -1
    Yea, that pic is REALLY cool - you are very skilled at photoing your pup.  Smile
  • edited November -1

    I love all of the pictures because they are so expressive! But yes, the mouse hunting photo is my favorite.


    I stopped posting on the myspace Shiba Inu group about a year ago. Though, I may have posted a reply to a topic semi-recently (months ago) <-- is still a member.

  • edited November -1

    I'm glad everyone likes the pictures.

    I dug through a bunch of old files last night and pulled out pictures of Shibas making funny faces or doing funny things.  I'll get them posted soon enough, I did forget to bring them to work today though. 

  • edited November 2007

    Brandon - I love the pictures you take of the Shibas.  Every time I look at them I covet your camera and wish I had an eye for such great shots.


    Here's an older one of Miss Yuri making one of her little snarky faces.


    And one of Yuri doing what she loves best - licking mouths:



    And I forget what they were doing but they were sure having a good time doing it!


     And my very favorite picture of the Happiest Hanzo In The World:



  • edited November -1

    Good Afternoon!  I am new to forum. 

    Isn't it amazing how they go from looking like baby seals to their mature face so fast! 

  • edited November -1

    here is zen a few months ago, and then now.



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