where is everybody?



  • edited November -1
    is honey off leash! cute pictures! especially with the sneakers!

    I'm not on here much because I don't think anyone likes me anyway. :)
    And I've had a few extra hours this week since my half of the class I was teaching is over, but I still had to do consultations. ugh. So now I'm working on my (as a student) class, I have to create a satire. I'm not doing so well...
    Any ideas on how to satirize the pet overpopulation issue in the USA? I was trying to do a fake news story but it isn't so clever..
    And after work and class I have to run to the site where it turns out we're on a mine so we have to get safety permits to get a kennel license.. total headache.

    Some fun pics that I have nothing better to do with:
    Hachi and her new pal chillin' watching The Office last week
    From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
    From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
    Hachi and her other pal
    From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
    dirty girl
    From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
    pretty girl
    From Developments in the Pack
    I think I'm taking WAY too many Hachi pics lately!
  • edited November -1
    Honey really likes to lick your husbands head!

    Honey seems to have settled into your family perfectly.

    Please be careful with the off leash stuff as she gets older.
  • edited November -1
    How about a fake news story from the point of Pet Food Companies sponsoring a contest for the most number of puppies in a year and work from that point on satire.
  • edited November -1
    Katie - The Shoe snuggling pic is really great, very cute! Also the head licking, that's hilarious!

    Jen - That's really cute that Hachi and your husband are bonding, she looks so happy. The second to last pic is my fav.


    Well I have been neglecting the forum, and I'm sorry for that. I have just been super slammed with work, just really really slammed. It has really sucked.

    Also Jen and I are approaching trip time, so we have to get ready for that. We are gone for 2 weeks in Nov. and then gone for the whole month of Dec.

    I will try to participate more, but it will probably next week before I can really add any value tot he forum.

  • edited November -1
    Hey! Here is everyone! :)

    Glad I am not the only busy one lately. My staff inspection at work is on Thursday, and I have crazy busy getting everything ready for it.

    I love all the pictures. :) Especially Honey with the shoes!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Guilty as charged. I've been busy getting things together for a craft fair in November. The boutique won't open until January but I'm going to try to event as a soft-opening. So, I've been hunkered behind my sewing machine for the better part of each day. I still check the forum constantly but don't have time to write anything :(

    BUT, as a consolation prize, I have a neat surprise for you all when the shop has its Grand Opening :D

    For now, I'll let you know that I settled on a theme: Handmade Dog and Baby Accessories (collars, leads, harnesses, diaper bags, nursing covers and wrap carriers) and a name: "Bark and Giggle Boutique" :D
  • edited November -1
    Pam, LOVE the name! :) I bet you can do something really cute for your logo with that name. Let us know how the craft fair goes!
  • edited October 2008
    Pam - Awesome name! It's really cute and goes well with what you're doing! Good Luck with the fair and grand opening!

    I'm here too! Just been super busy! For some reason the last 3 weeks have been super hectic. But i'm happy to announce, I received my first web order last week! and...we're leaving to visit Brad and Jen on Thursday night for the whole weekend! So im super stoked about that (but not the 13 hour drive!) - things are looking up :) . Ninja and Portia will be boarded at the doggie daycare from thursday night to monday morning. I'm kind of worried about that! I will most likely be caught up with everything and back on here posting every minute by mid-next week :)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to Pam and Romi!
  • edited October 2008
    Congrats Romi and Pam (not to repeat Brandon verbatim :-P)

    Pam - do you have any idea if you'll be making dog stuff in Akita size?

    Today was kind of hectic day in the afternoon, I was on the phone with Spain for hours to the point I was messing up a bunch of languages together.
    I'm home now and glad about it. Even more so than normally.
    Sucks that it is raining though.
  • edited November -1
    I just arrived in my hotel room in California. I'm already missing the pups. :-(
  • edited November -1
    I need a shrink ray so I can carry my dogs in my purse, and then restore them to their appropriate size when we arrive. I would take them EVERYWHERE (or at least Piglet, she knows how to behave, the other two KNOW how they just CHOOSE to be punkasses)
  • edited November -1
    How exciting for both Pam and Romi! Congrats to you both.
  • edited November -1
    pam! that is lovely! I'm looking forward to being a customer for both parts of your boutique!

    Romi - take TONS of spam!
  • edited November -1
    Just swamped here with work as well, and hating it. My wife wants to move out of Japan, for many reasons, but I'm secretly hoping it'll be somewhere where they have a respectable work day. We'll see...

    The one bright spot coming up is that I've got Sunday off and am planning a day trip to Yamanashi for the Kaiken Aigokai national exhibition! Should be fun :)

    After that there's the regional Akita exhibition next month too. I seriously think if I didn't have dogs/cats around I'd just go under from all the stress.

    I'll try and get some pics and video on Sunday!
  • edited November -1
    Way to go Pam and Romi.

    Romi, have a great time. Pictures are a must, of course.

    Pam, will there be plenty of gear for the style-conscious shiba?
  • edited November -1
    I've personally been busy between work & uni. Full Time Student + Full Time Job = suckage.

    Thank GOD I am living with my father again, I told work to drop me down to 20 hours a week so I don't flunk out of school & loose all my scholarships. [ no scholarship = no school. ]

    But the damage has been done, & I've been frantically trying to get my grades back up. Plus, work has decided to bestow creation of the Store's Wiki / Website upon me [ of course, not being paid anything extra ;p ] AND I have a "promotional interview" coming up. [ didn't get the last one, probably wont get this one, but hey, it's a leaning experience. ]

    ATM. I am EXHAUSTED! haha :)

    It sucks to see everyone else is so busy too though :( Hopefully the forum will be more active again once everything has calmed down a bit for everyone. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Ouch, Sangmort. I did the college + work thing too in my senior year. It blows, there's no other way to say it. If you have any music theory, history, or appreciation you need help with, don't hesitate to ask.
  • edited November -1
    My latest excuse...Got a call from a friends mom because friend was locked up in the nutty bin by her husband.
    Why do I get the crazy friends? (Along with the great ones too...nothing implied to my friends on here!)
  • edited November -1
    Other than my internet being down for a good part of the day, my course workload has really picked up. I have to do research on a plant and do an outline for a presentation at the end of the month, labs (especially organic chem) are getting crazier, and midterms galore. It feels like I've had midterms for weeks straight now, and no end is in site. I have one tomorrow and two next week. Lots to do and so little time to do it in.
  • edited November -1
    Whoops, I have been out of touch for the last 2 weeks. I got a new Shiba boy and have been exhausted (they never sleep, they just want to play all the time.) Anyways, he's from a petstore...(kidding). Ike is a 1.5 year old Taro and Sho grandson, a really gorgeous boy and such a lover. I guess he is what is ment when they say, "macho stud muffin." Anyways, he is a great dog. The difference between he and Beebe (back yard breeder shiba) is quite obvious. I will put up some pics when I get a chance to load them. He and Beebe are best friends, maybe a little too friendly (they like to 69 all the time and smell butts), I guess that's better than snarking.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Thanks all :)

    I'm really excited about it too! The only downside is that I want to put every new design on Ryu instead of in my "To Sell" bin :)

    Rui: What size collar and harness would you buy for Kuma? On a regular basis, I'll make collar widths from 0.5" to 1" but I'll custom order up to 2". If the demand is high enough for wider collars, I can always add that to my product line. The thing I'm most excited about is that the entire product line is kind of custom-based. I don't actually make the product until the customer chooses which fabric pattern, nylon backing and type (buckle, martingale, harness, lead). That way, I won't get stuck with a bunch of products that don't sell. The only reason why I'm making a ton this month is for this huge craft fair coming up. Hopefully, there will be a demand!

    Jen: Oooh, does that mean we'll be hearing the pitter patter of human feet anytime soon?! :P

    Nancy: As stylish as you can get by just wearing a collar ;P I would love to make actual doggie clothing but I think I should start slow with the basics. Although, I will probably add dog beds and crate covers in a home accessory line!

    Romi: CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you! And jealous that you get to hug Hilo :)

    Lindsay: SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!:D
  • edited November -1
    He doesn't wear a collar, but I think the harness is about 2 inches wide.
    I use step in harness for him, since it is also what holds him to the seat belt strap, and it seems pretty sturdy.

    When you have photos of your harnesses, I will be interested in seeing them. You might get an international costumer :-)
  • edited October 2008
    Oh Pam! I won't say no, because anything is possible i guess, but i was thinking more so for my 11 month old niece right now!
    What kinda baby stuff will you be making?
    Are you going to set up a shop on etsy.com?
    - - - - - - -
    LJ- thats a good idea! I'm working on it now..
  • edited November -1
    Romi I am super jealous that you get to cuddle Hilo.
  • edited November -1
    Where is everybody?
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I was thinking the same thing.. the forum seems a little slow lately....

    I'm here! Cooped up in the office as usual :D
  • edited November -1
    I'm trying to read and comment, not much time, back and forth from the vet since yesterday AM
  • edited November -1
    I'm around lol. I'm still on as usual but don't type as often. It's hard to type with a baby in your arms lmao.
  • edited November -1
    I'm here, it's a public holiday today!
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