The Official "Which Japanese sptiz-type breed is your favorite?" Poll

edited October 2007 in General
The Official Nihon Ken Poll...



  • edited November -1

    Oh that is cruel! How could anyone choose?

    My shiba is the love of my life, and my first born son.

    How could anyone not love an akita? I mean Hilo alone has his own fan club!

    How many of us are on a wait list for a shikoku!?!?

    Kai are just plane cool.

    I don't know too much about Kishu yet. Does anyone have one on the forum? 

    Does anyone here have a Hokkaido? I am fascinated by them. I am also almost intimidated by them a bit. You gotta have a healthy respect for a dog that is willing to challenge a bear.

    What about Tosa? Isn't that the 7th of the Natural Treasures of Japan?



  • edited November -1

    I really like Kai Ken

    Even I know  , not so much about the breed,tora dog have capture meAnd I just want to learn more aboute them


    Kishu Ken is a nice breed, but rar there I live

    So I know aboute two breed, Akita Inu &  Shiba Inu

    Shiba always charm me  and I like the energy that you get from that one ^^


  • edited November -1

    Yea, it's hard to choose - I added the poll more for the people that don't have or want more than one Japanese breed. I found it hard too - but I can say I think the Akita is my fav. Jen's would probably be the Shikoku. I LOVE the Shibas, but I think I have grown to love the Akita Inu breed more. Shibas where my first love tho. It's a hard one... I just wanted to see how it would turn out.

    As for the Tosa, maybe I should rename the poll to:  "Which Japanese sptiz-type breed is your favorite?".

    I dunno of any Hokkaidos in the US, but they very so much in color that I would probably not know one if I saw it. They can look like black and tan Shibas, Kishu, Red Shibas... I mean they very so much it's crazy. They kinda intimidate me too - from what I read they are kinda hectic.

  • edited November -1

    When Jay and I were talking about a second dog, I looked at Hokkaido. Then I saw that picture of one challenging a bear, and all I thought was "I have too many other animals to risk it". If I didn't have any other pets I would consider seeking one out, but with Moto and the cats, no way.

    Plus once Jay saw the video of "Ahi's favorite game" he was dead set that we needed a shikoku.


  • edited November -1

    I had a similar reaction to the Shikoku (after I owned Ahi) due to this pic:


    Looks kinda hectic...

    You know in Europe and America dogs that hunt Boar wear kevlar vests! Shikokus didn't - I guess that is where they get there tenacity, speed, and high threshold for pain from.

    Akita are considered "Bear Dogs" too - they were used, at some point, to hunt the Japanese black bear. I don't think Hilo could ever do that - lol!

  • edited November -1
    Why do I think Hilo could convince a bear to snuggle with him?
  • edited November -1

    lol! I know! If it was a girl bear she would be like "Well, you kinda look like a bear...". Then Hilo would give her a "Aaarrroooooo!".

    I thought a little more about this poll, and I think that the Kai and Shikoku, due to their primitive nature, interest me more - on an intellectual level - but from a living with one standpoint I think the Akita is more my speed. I love Shibas, and get really stoked when I'm around them, but they don't fulfill my dog need as much as the Akita. It's still a hard choice tho - I have seconded guessed myself a few time on it... but I gotta stick with the Akita.

  • edited November -1

    I'll always have a place in my heart for the Shiba Inu, since it was my first introduction into the Japanese breeds, a learning experience, and the biggest challenge as a pet-owner.  The current love of my life (don't tell my husband) is a Shiba Inu.  So, Shibas are my favorite for the moment.

    Of course, I've been spending time with a Shikoku lately, and he certainly comes in a very close second.  I'll get back to you when I've owned one myself....

  • edited November -1

    Well, I voted for the shikoku, but it was tough.  I guess since I've only ever owned a shiba and a shikoku, it was mostly between them.  I'm also really interested in kai ken but since I haven't even seen one, I couldn't really say they're my favourite!  Anyway, I love my little shiba with all my heart, but I may never own one again.  Shikokus fit more into what I want from a dog and the activities I want to get into.  When I got Tojo, I was living in an apartment and wanted a smaller, apartment-sized dog and I wasn't interested in any dog activities besides daily walks and perhaps agility, but now that's not the case.  I'm interested in practically everything, so a larger dog and one that's more biddable fits more into my lifestyle.  That being said, I foresee myself getting the itch for another shiba once Tojo is gone, maybe sooner!  Of course, I've also got a serious itch for a kai, and always, always, always, I want more shikokus!  I like akitas, too, but Noah isn't interested in owning one.  Maybe three dog breeds is enough ayway, lol.

    This poll reminds me of my mother-in-law because she is constantly reminding me that Tojo is her favourite dog and that she likes him more than Rakka.  I knew she'd say that before I even brought her home, though, she has such a soft spot for Tojo.  She also says Tojo's cuter than Rakka.  I agree that Tojo's cuter, but I think Rakka is more beautiful.  Tojo has that perpetual puppy, teddy bear look and Rakka has a wild, natural beauty look.  

  • edited November -1
    I say Shiba, since I own one -- but i'm also falling in love with the Shikoku and Akita. :) I'll just say I love them all! All the Japanese spitz breeds are beautiful! x3
  • edited November -1
    i guess i'm obligated to pick shibas since they are my only exposure to
    any of the japanese spitz-types but i always wanted to encounter a
    chance with an Akita and Shikoku
  • edited April 2008
    ahhhh! all of them!! im neutral :)
  • edited November -1
    not having had any contact with anyone other than the Shiba, I cannot possibly answer this question objectively.
  • edited November -1

    Shikas rule.

  • edited November -1
    i guess i`d have to pick the akita inu as iam the owner of 2 of them but to be honest the only other 1 ive seen out of the others is the shiba,would really love to see the other breeds
  • edited November -1
    Oh... a new Akita person! Welcome to the forum BigDog01! :c)

    Do you have some pictures of your Akita?
  • edited November -1
    Welcome to the forum bigdog! If you have two Akita, shouldn't you be bigdog02? ;-)

    Please post pics and tell us about your furry friends!
  • edited November -1
    Welcome to the pack, bigdog01!

    Yes, pictures are needed to get our spam addict selves happy!
  • edited November -1
    akita since that the only type i have
  • edited November -1
    lolol Dave. Good catch. Welcome BigDog02
  • edited November -1
    I prefer "spitzy" types in general including Jindos, Chows, Sammies and Lappies. All have thier merits. In terms of the Japanese breeds it is difficult to settle for just one ....each has a characteristic that lends some charm.

    I include Jindos on the list cause I think one must have taken a swimming trip on over to island of Japan since they seem to be similar to the native dogs. : )

  • edited November -1
    They are similar! We got to play with a Jindo at the state park a week or so ago, she was beautiful, all white. She looked like my Tsuki but bigger. And sort of dominant, but not in an aggressive way towards our dogs.
    I would have swore she was a sort of Nihon Ken spitz type, thats why I approached them, to find out! But she was a gorgeous Jindo, adopted out of a NJ rescue.

    Our longterm plan is to buy land, fence it in, build kennels and run a foster/sanctuary for Shibas and shiba types of dogs, and I think we will include Jindos.
  • edited June 2008
    It is an accepted theory that the Jindo, Inuit Dog, and the Chow had something to do with the creation of the native Japanese breeds. But there are also examples, like the Ryukyu, where DNA tests show no linkage to other breeds outside Japan and therefore are truly indigenous Japanese dogs.


    side note: It is interesting to me that the Akita Inu is considered one of the native Japanese breeds when really it is a mash up of several other dog breeds.

  • edited November -1
    Can't choose....I like both Hokkaido (ainu dog) and Shikoku.
    Unfortunally I have'nt see any in real life yet, but I know that 2 Shikoku's and 1 Kai has been entered to the WW-show in Stockholm.
  • edited November -1
    Shibas of course. We haven't owned any other Japanese spitz type dogs and are just in love with our Shiba. Hoping to get another next year.
  • edited November -1
    I am limited in my experience having only come into actual contact with two of these breeds. Akitas are lovely, don't get me wrong. I don't want to be the one to offend a big Akita, but there is something about a little Shiba face. Those intense little Shiba eyes. That big Shiba personality. They're divas and, bias though I am, I like a little diva in my world.
  • edited November -1
    The Shikoku is my favorite. It was the breed that initially got me interested in Nihon Ken, and though the rest of the breeds are interesting as well, it has remained #1. Though the only breeds I've actually met are the Shiba, Akita and Kai.
  • edited November -1
    You guys are all on waiting lists for shikoku's? Wow, I don't think i'll ever get the chance to own one, that really stinks, I had my heart set on it but the demand for them and the cost are exorbitant :(.
  • edited November -1
    I have to stop looking at pictures of Shikoku! They're just too beautiful for words. Maybe in ten years when I have the house of my dreams I'll consider trying to get on a waiting list lol :o)
  • edited November -1
    I think that is the thing - these rare(er) nihon ken are just so beautiful, hard to resist wanting and hard to come by that those who breed them responsibly want to keep them protected, match them only to owners who can actually care for the dog for its entire life and do very limited breeding and match their quality with their monetary asking prices. In fact, the money should be the very last thing discussed between owner and breeder. I whole-heartedly believe that these types of breeders make very little monetary gain from their nihon ken and I support their efforts and their breeding programs. (cough*yamabushi*cough). We need them to maintain and protect these incredible creatures as much as they can because seeing shibas pop up in puppy mills is just a heart wrenching reality for me.

    But for me, i know how much I am attracted to their beauty and majestic, primitive nature, but right now the only ones I feel confident handling and managing are shibas, and i know that the next 5-10 years + will probably be devoted to them and/or rescue efforts of like animals, BUT i try not to loose hope that when the timing is right, perhaps I can share space with a shikoku, or kai or akita or hokkaido or kishu or... : )

    but i'm with you, evan, looking at pics of them is bittersweet!
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