Sake is recovering! Now with Lampshade Photos!

So the vet just called me. She sedated Sake and was getting the table and instruments ready to do her surgery when her special light in her surgery suite went out! So she has to call an electrician and see what the problem is so I get a groggy puppy today. Hopefully she will be able to do the surgery on Thursday...if not it will have to wait until after our vacation and we just have to hope that she doesn't go into heat before that!

On a side note: This vet is a good friend of ours who just opened her own office so all the lights and everything just got installed last week. Im not worried that she is using defective equipment or anything :). I guess it's just one of those bugs you have to deal with when opening your own practice!


  • edited November -1
    whoa! thats crazy! Hopefully Thursday will go smoother!
  • edited November -1
    Yikes... That is a little crazy. Hopefully she will get everything up and running by Thursday!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Ahhh!!! I thought the curse ended!!! :( If this keeps up, I'll be kicked off the forum!

    So glad she wasn't in the MIDDLE of surgery! At least you'll get a calm puppy tonight ;)
  • edited November -1
    True Pam! That makes me feel a little better!

    Yes a calm puppy will be nice. I just feel so bad for the little munchkin!
  • edited November -1
    Pam makes and excellent point. That could have been serious if it had happened during the procedure and not before it. So think of it as good speuter luck, not bad luck!
  • edited November -1
    Very Very True!

    Going to pick up a groggy puppy and take her home to her brother Miso now! He was SO mad that I took her with me this morning and left him at home!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    hahaha Ryu gets jealous too :) They are attached at the hip and if she's in the bedroom with me (for clicker training usually) he goes wild.

    Hope Sake is feeling OK and can still manhandle Miso a little tonight!
  • edited November -1
    I always hate getting a call from the vet when my pups are there without me...I always thing the worst.

    Like everyone said, I'm glad she wasn't under the knife when all this happened. I just hope something doesn't go wrong with Tikaani, he's scheduled on Friday the 13th for a special type neuter.

    Hope they don't get any more problems next time Sake is under, just curious but did you have to pay this time around?
  • edited November -1
    Actually we bartered. I did up a website for her and helping with advertising on craigslist and she is doing Sake's spay. I am also going to be working at the office on Saturdays to start some Vet Tech training.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, a drunken Sake. I soppose you may be able to get some rest today. Hope Thursday works out for you.
  • edited November -1
    So, Since Chris and I leave Monday for our honeymoon (finally) we decided to take the chance and wait to have Sake spayed until Feb 17th so that way we can be with her during her full recovery. I consulted with the vet and she said Sake shows no signs of going into heat and there was nothing on her bloodwork so she doesn't think heat will start, but we will just have to keep our fingers crossed.

    So, the Speuter is off for now until the 17th. Im actually glad, I would have worried about my baby the entire time I was on vacation...oh wait, I still will probably :P
  • edited November -1
    That's good you will be able to be with her for her post op after your vacation. Have a great honeymoon!
  • edited November -1
    Dropped my littlest love Sake off at the vet this AM for her Spay. She is so funny, she loves people so of course she trotted off down the hallway with the tech happy as a clam! Im glad she doesn't have any qualms about the vet.

    Miso was not happy with me leaving him alone this AM...he refused to come to the window to see us off like he always does...shiba tude I guess.

    So, Sake is in surgery now and I should hear from the vet when she is done and recovering. Hopefully the cone I got for her still fits, it seems she has grown this last week!

    There will be some Sake Satelite dish spam tonight probably :P
  • edited November -1
    Cant WAIT to see the spam! lol Hope everything goes smoothly this time. Sending lots of hugs and cuddles to Sake from Honey and I.
  • edited November -1
    I hope the lights don't go out again!
  • edited November -1
    good luck to sake (and the electricity!)
  • edited November -1
    LOL you guys! The light got fixed and has been working fine all week for surgeries so I am confident that the electricity will hold up...I can't however gurantee the same for my tummy, it's so upset thinking about my poor baby in surgery!
  • edited November -1
    Good luck Sake! Hehe yeah, our babies in surgery, even routine ones are quite nerve wrecking. (is nerve wrecking one word or two?)
  • edited November -1
    When I googled it is came up as nerve-wracking
  • edited November -1
    Just got a call from the vet! Surgery went well, Sake is waking up nicely from the anesthethia and they are keeping her comfortable with pain meds....oooohhh my baby! I can't wait to see her. It's gonna be a long afternoon till 5pm when I go get her!
  • edited November -1
    Well I fail then hahaha. I've been spelling it wrong for years.
  • edited November -1
    Oooo yay! Glad it went well :)
  • edited November -1
    It's okay Rina...I had to google it to make sure...I would have spelled it wrong too! :P
  • edited November -1
    yay for Sake...She is now a woman, hugs and kisses for a speedy recovery
  • edited November -1
    Glad that Sake is doing well! (and that the lights stayed on this time)

    Make sure you give her lots of love from all of us when you pick her up. And we expect some Sake-lamp photos!
  • edited November -1
    Good to hear things went so well. Hopefully her cone doesn't bother her too much.
  • edited November -1
    lol how is getting speutered a rite of passage to womanhood?

    you should take a picture of her in her satellite dish and turn it upside down and post it with the caption: "mood lighting" :) I know I'm cruel, but hey! cream/white shiba with a can't not do it! :)

  • edited November -1
    Good to know everything went well with the surgery.
    Wishing Sake a speedy recovery!
  • edited November -1
    Jesse- Kind of a joke used by my family. After getting an animal fixed one of us would always comment "Now that his balls are gone he is finally a man." It's always feels like the last thing you have done to a puppy, and usually they have out grown their puppy appearance, looking more like an adult. We almost consider it like a confirmation or a bat/bar mitzva(think I spelled it right).
  • edited November -1
    Sake had her BARK-MITZVA!
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