Please keep Kaia in your thoughts.

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Kaia is not doing well.

She had another back episode yesterday, it was bad, she could barely walk. We took her to the vet and they did a chiropractic adjustment and gave her some pain meds. This usually really helps her, but it didn't at all this time.

Today she is still in pain and doesn't want to walk. She is also vomiting a bit and not wanting to eat - but this may be due to the meds.

She is also very fidgety, she can't sit still but she doesn't want to move... poor thing is really uncomfortable.

We called the vet again and we are waiting for them to advise us on the next steps to help her feel better. We have an appointment for her in Colorado Springs next month when we take Ahi to see the specialist - I had been noticing her back was bothering her more so I made this appointment weeks ago. I guess there is a chance we may make that trip earlier if she needs it... tho I dunno what they can do for her back.

It's really frustrating as we can't help her feel more comfortable. I feel like such a jerk just sitting her while she is in pain. She cries so loud, it's just awful not being able to help. :o(

Anyway, I just wanted to update everyone. Please keep Kaia in your thoughts. I have never seen her this bad off.



  • edited November -1
    I'm sorry to hear about what's going on and I will certainly send good thoughts and prayers her way.
  • edited November -1
    Poor Kaia. I'm not sure what they can do for a dogs back either. Lots of dogs throw up on pain meds, it's too bad they aren't working well enough to at least let her be comofortable. Keep us updated.
  • edited November -1
    Poor little thing! I'll pray for her.
  • edited November -1
    I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope Kaia does better and I will keep her in my thoughts.
  • edited November -1
    Poor, poor little Kaia. I am so sorry she is in pain. Have you tried heat or ice? (or are they not recommended?)

    I am sending pain-free vibes down your way, and I will keep her in my thoughts. If there is anything at all we can do, let us know.
  • edited November -1
    Poor Kaia.
    I hope she starts feeling better soon.
    Do you think warming her up would help? My mom has back problems and she always warms up the area, she says it helps her. Don't know if it works on dogs, but it might be worth trying.
  • edited November -1
    POOR KAIA!!! <3

    She [ along with Ahi ] is in our thoughts, Brad.

    And try not to feel too bad...I know you & Jen have done all you can! ~
  • edited November -1
    I'm so sorry to hear Kaia isn't doing well :( . You guys are in our thought and we wish you the best with the vet visit. Best wishes for Kaia and a speedy recovery.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Poor Kaia..."I may not know thee, but I shall always think of thee"
  • edited November -1
    Poor sweetie... :o(
  • edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about poor Kaia. Do you think you can ask your vet for different pain meds? Maybe a fentanyl patch, tramadol. It seems like they should do something to stop the pain.
  • edited November -1
    Poor Miss Kaia. Feel better little gal. You are in all our thoughts.
  • edited November -1
    The warming thing is a good idea like a heating pad or blanket. I am sorry guys.
  • edited November -1
    Kaia and all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that the vet in CO Springs is able to help her out. Poor bug, I totally know the feeling of helplessness all too well. I know that both you and Jen are doing what is best for her, try not to be too hard on yourselves. I also think the heating pad or blanket sounds like a good idea.

    ((hugs)) to the Anderson pack.
  • edited November -1
    I'm so sorry that little Kaia is in such pain. I hope that you can find something to help her before Ahi's appointment.
    Can you try Patty's suggestion?
  • edited November -1
    OMG. I'm so sorry to hear that! What a Sh*tty week. I hope the pain subsides soon. We're sending good vibes for Kaia's recovery.
  • edited November -1
    Thanx all.

    Kaia is still not doing well, she is vomiting a lot and was shaking for several hours. We have been to the vet twice today and on the phone at least 4 times. She was on Tramadol (pain), Rimadyl (Anti Inflammatory), and now Methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) but we (per our vet's request) have taken her off the Rimadyl as we think that may be causing the vomiting.

    She still doesn't want to eat, tho I don't blame her.

    She got more xrays and we got more of the same news we always get - she has Spondylosis - she has had it for years. We need to get a Myelography done to see if she has nerve damage or a slipped disk - unfortunately the closest place to do this is Colorado Springs [about 4 hours away].

    We are going to see how she is tomorrow, if the vomiting has stopped and she will eat a bit we will start to plan for a sooner trip to The Springs, if she is vomiting still we will have to stick around her and see our vet so we can get that under control first.

    I'll keep you all posted.

  • edited November -1

    So sorry to hear this. No easy solutions sometimes. : ( Please do keep us posted.
  • edited November -1
    Brad, I am so sorry! Sending healing thoughts your way to Kaia. I hope you can find something to ease her pain.
  • edited November -1
    <3 ~
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Kaia...

    It must break your heart to see her in so much pain. :(

    Sending positive thoughts to you and your pack.
  • edited November -1
    :( Poor Kaia. Hope things get better.
  • edited November -1
    Has Kaia been drinking water, at least?? Poor girl.
  • edited November -1
    I hope Kaia is feeling a bit better this morning.

    How do all of the other dogs react to her feeling ill? Have you had her in the office by herself, or up in your bedroom? Just wondering how the pack does in these situations, if it effects them at all.
  • edited November -1
    Be brave little Kaia :)
  • edited November -1
    I too, hope little miss Kaia is feeling better this morning. How is the vomiting? I thought about her quite a bit last night. So I hope at the very least, that she is no worse and was able to get some sleep last night. Let us know how she is doing.
  • edited November -1
    I guess that's what suck about living in the sticks. Vet offices with the right equipment are always further away. I hope Kaia feels better! She's my favorite :(
  • edited November -1
    Kaia is on her way back to the vet, she is vomiting again. She does seem more alert today, but the vomiting is still on and off. She is also still not eating.

    We are very concerned that the Rimadyl may have caused the vomiting and GI issues, it has been known to [rarely] shut down the kidneys of Nordic breeds.

    I'll keep you posted.


    Brandon - We have been keeping her in the office with Lani, Jen, and I. She has been sleeping under my desk to my left on a bed. At night she is in a crate in our room.

    A few of the dogs will sniff her back in the area that she has pain, but generally they are ignoring her and giving her space. When we leave to take her to the vet none of the dogs rush the door in excitement like they usually would... They seem to know Kaia is not well.

  • edited November -1
    I had no idea Rimadyl had that effect on Nordic Breeds, oh my. Hang in there Kaia!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the update! Once the vomiting and bowel problems start its tough to get it all back in order even after you quit some of the meds. Most any medication has side effects and having three, the combination probably does not sit well. I really hope she feels better soon...
    It really makes me worried.....shes such a little trooper.... You know its bad when she complains or does not budge. Hopefully you can keep her hydrated.

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