Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    awww that's really cute :) Nice one Joe! :)
  • edited November -1
    We're not really sure why and we're not complaining, but Katsu has become more cuddly recently. She'll actually lay down next to you for more than 30 seconds. It's awesome. Maybe when she got spayed they took out some of her Shibaness.
  • edited November -1
    AWWWW! That is SUCH a cute picture!
  • edited November -1
    How sweet!
  • edited November -1
    Awwwww sleeping cuddles.
  • edited November -1
    Some get cuddlier with age, cuddly in a Shiba way. I have seen some really wild pups and by 8 months they do an about face. It really depends on the dog.
    Enjoy those sweet moments when you can : )

  • edited November -1
    Ahh, she so sweet!
  • edited November -1
    Awww wuv cuddly Shiba-ness!!! :oD
  • edited November -1
    We found five fleas on the brat this morning, so I just finished vacuuming again. Looks like the multiple vacuums a day is making a come back as well as some more washing. She is on Advantix but won't get another dose until the 24th.

    I really don't want to flea bomb the house, but I'm not sure what to do. We did the carpet powder. I applied it and we spent the nigt at Dawn's parents house. Then we came back and vacuumed a few times to get it up.

    Any suggestions
  • edited November -1
    FIVE?? Imagine the ones you didn't find...it's been awhile since I had a situation with flea infestations, but when I did, my old dog got the flea bath at home (flea shampoo and carpet cleaner from the vet..i believe it's stronger? Maybe safer?). I remember before we realized it was that bad we used Hartz flea and tick and it didn't do anything. With the vets stuff the initial rinse after shampoo was a sea of black dots, it was disgusting.
    I would assume the problem now for you, since she's got a dose of Advantix, is whether or not you can do the bath. You gotta get rid of the ones on her, just vacuming will not work if they're still chillin' on her lil body.
    I'd consult your vet. :)
  • edited November -1
    Yuck fleas! Advantix is water resistant, but not water proof, so bathing with a really soapy based shampoo may decrease it's effectiveness. Try using a soap free shampoo to bathe if you do. Keep treating the environment and keep her on preventatives for several months.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah I was doing a bit of online research,and it seem some of the advantix/frontline stuff need a few months to be really effective. So we'll keep vaccuming and maybe give her a bath the day before she gets her next treatment.
  • edited November -1
    Give her a bath a few days before the next dose, giving a bath to close to giving the dose might make her skin sensitive enough to cause a reaction. The oils on her skin and fur can not only protect her from having a reaction to the meds, but also I've heard that it helps spread the dose through out her body. It's almost the same when you are coloring your hair, if you shower within 24 hrs before applying you have a greater chance of having a rash or some form of reaction.
  • edited November -1
    Good point Beth! Joe, I was just on Frontline's FAQ website, seems pretty informative and apparently you seeing the fleas means it's working..i assume Advantix/Frontline work on the same priciple..and it does mention the distribution via oils on the skin.
  • edited November -1
    I hope you take care of those darn fleas soon they can be a pain my outside cats got them luckily they didn't come into our house at all so we just had to bomb the garage and give the kittys a bath so far my dogs have been flea free.

    Whenever I cook chicken or steak I always cut some to cook for the dogs no spices I do add minced garlic when I cook it since I hear it's good for them so far they haven't had any fleas except for the cats since they started exploring the forest area..

    Your Katsu is such a cutie I just love the expressions she makes I hope she gets better. =)
  • edited August 2009
    I hear accessive garlic is bad....BUT..i swear by it too...ever since the flea hell I went through 15+ years ago (god I'm old)..my family and I swear by garlic too. Since that infestation, my family and I give the animals a smidgen of garlic (cooked) randomly with their meals, and *knock on wood* have not had fleas since. Spuds will be getting another round after reading your post on Katsu's 5 friends, but she's been on Frontline Plus since we got her so I'm not too worried...but I would be dipping her in flea stuff if I were in your shoes, Fleas freak me out.
  • edited November -1
    Joe, it should be "Lord of the Fleas"
    and quit staring at that pig head...
  • edited November -1
    I'm a Tolkien nerd so I went for a LOTR reference. Only real Tolkien nerds use that acronym by the way.

    My favorite part in LOTF was when one camp invaded another and someone was describing the fight. I think it was Eric.

    He said something like " I gave one a good shot in the pills". But he actually kneed his brother or something. I loved the word "pills". It was my favorite phrase for the year.
  • edited August 2009
    "Only real Tolkien nerds use that acronym by the way."

    *sigh* I know! believe me, I do know! :) *grin* but I like the alliteration of Fleas v Flies.

    But if Tolkien beats alliteration, then perhaps "Battle of the Five Fleas" Look out, Katsu! The Eagles are coming!! The Eagles!!
  • edited November -1
    NO NO. Vick is on the eagles! I don't want the eagles to come. Not unless one of them drop Mr. Vick into the Cracks of Doom!
  • edited November -1
    Beorn would get him first.
  • edited November -1
    HAHA. I'd vote for Tom Bombadil!

    Herry merry dol dillo
    I sing while I beat Micheal Vick- illo

    You've made me threadjack Katsu's thread with Tolkien crap.
  • edited November -1
    You can't resist, can you?
    oops- well throw some more Spam up- we need Katsu on a near-DAILY basis.
  • edited November -1
    "the way Kathy Lee needed Regis, it's the way Chrys needs Shibas!"

    *Kanye West reference number one*

    I guess since I'm always demanding spam from other people I probably should...give me a few minutes. I'm sure I can dig up a few pics from the 4000 or so we have on our Flickr. We really are crazy dog people.
  • edited November -1
    "I'm outta control!"
  • edited November -1
    A silly pic of a silly Brat.

    A Spud Story. Here's a few pics, which may or may not have been posted before. Showing Katsu and Shao New's (aka Spuddy) Love to play relationship.









    Tetsu Romance. Don't want to leave the good ol Iron Pirate out.


    I may be tiny and puffy now, but in a few months I'm gonna kick your ass!






    My life with Tikaani...or How I became a chew toy by Katsu Tonkatsu.


    This is the first playdate. Before he realized she was edible.



    I'll really have to take some more pics of Tikaani and Katsu playing.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm so glad Spuds and Katsu get along so well :) They're little buds! and lol on " a Spud Story"
    PS- don't put Tolkien and Crap in the same sentence. The man is a literary genius ;-)
  • edited November -1
    The Iron Pirate- :)
    She was so little!!
    Katsu's so damn cute and with her lil pink harness on and all - but in one of those Tetsu pics she;s got a dirty head! :P hee hee= she Is an ADVENTURE girl under there!
  • edited November -1
    Yeah. I think she manages to get the dirtiest every meetup. But she's magically clean by the time we come home.
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