Katsu's Korner - Newborn furry potato SPAM!!!



  • edited November -1
    And that is why there is practically no place on the island where we can bring a dog, cause of idiots who refuse to leash their dogs in public areas
  • edited November -1
    *nods* unfortunately. Glad Dawn and the Brat are OK. If it makes you feel any better the only Doberman I've ever met in RL was in NC, and it was the sweetest thing! He put his giant head right on my lap and let me pet him..hopefully that'll make you feel better? probably not...Joe where is this dog friendly beach??
  • edited November -1
    Some of my earliest memories are of Dino the Dobie, he lived next store and was the biggest mush! I love dobies I think they're so cute, but two off leash ones I don't know staring at my wife and dogter! Not so much, it could have been two shibas or two shikokus I'd still be this angry at their OWNERS! I hope those asshats get a nasty rash.

    Irene the dog friendly beach is out by us in Brightwaters it's called Gardiners. It's a whole dog friendly park, maybe one weekend we'll have mini meetup there.
  • edited November -1
    Dogter...LOL...Joe you are funny.

    That is a sucky situation all around. I can't stand off leash dogs in areas that are OBVIOUSLY marked ALL DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON LEASH. Glad everyone is okay.
  • edited November -1
    Yeah that sucks. I walk the three in the morning myself and we've already run into the same damn off leash dog. She's a lab/hound/something mix and 'friendly' but it causes major frustration and havoc with mine on leash... I'm following the city rules, and I've never even met this dog's owner..
  • edited November -1
    I have to admit most of the dogs by me , are leashed and their owners know to drop the leash should they get tangled up. I avoid those w/ the retractable leash, 99% of the time those are the tiny dogs with no training (btw anythig over 6" is illegal in NYC). Mind you I DONT have a problem with the retractable leash in a back yard, park area where you want to play with the dog, but not while walking on a street..It's more on LI where there is more of an off-leash issue, my parent's neighbors idiot dogs are always offleash, and it just barks and barks and barks...perhaps it's the lack of traffic / foot or car that keeps people thinking offleash is OK?

    Joe/Dawn, I agree Dobies staring at your wife/dogster is not cool....but we should do a mini meetup there oneday, that place sounds like mucho funo!
  • edited November -1
    So yesterday Joe and I went over to my mom's house to help her paint (my parents lived with my grandparents in a mother/daughter house. my grandfather died 3 years ago and my grandmother died in january and now my parents are getting a divorce so the house is being sold...just a little background info) so we were there all day and we brought Katsu with us. We were going to be painting the upstairs so we left Katsu downstairs gated off in the kitchen (shes never been left out like that without supervision...she's usually in a crate but she had food, water and all her toys) she was fine all day. We went home and we both passed out on the couch and she was left out all night...well....little miss beaver brat decided that she was bored because mommy and daddy were sleeping on the couch and they forgot to put me in my crate so i'm going to chew on the coffee table leg! well you can imagine what we woke up to. she chewed all the way through the stain down to bare wood! But thats not it...theres more! Joe had to work today so I went back to my moms with little miss beaver brat and again left her gated off in the kitchen downstairs (not thinking that she might do the same thing there because she was there all day yesterday and didnt do anything) well my mom and I were upstairs most of the day and when I came down to walk her guess what I found......she had chewed on the leg of the kitchen table (all the way down to bare wood) AND chewed the corner of one of the seat cushions of the kitchen chairs (stuffing and fabric all over the floor!) well thankfully my mom is a dog person (grew up with them her whole life) she wasn't mad at all and said "oh well that can just be sanded and re-stained and I can always get new cushions." boy is she lucky she's so damn cute! She must be going through her terrible two's or her rebelious adolesent months or something. We had read that they go through this from about 7 months to 10 months (i think). I just hope this goes quick and we obviously need to keep a closer eye on her for a while....... :-S
  • edited November -1
    Yes, the ahole stage has started, but you're right it's probably coming out because she has just now been allowed some freedom and was bored at the same time. It's hard in an apartment to give them freedom, but you might want to consider teaching her how to behave outside of the crate during the day. A xpen set up in an area without rugs and furniture might help. Give her toys and find a really good chew toy for her that she loves. I know they smell, but Koda's bully sticks are like his security blanket. He even takes one to bed. He would rather chew them and not furniture. But then again, we're not in the jerk off stage yet. lol
  • edited November -1
    LOL, I wish we were out of that stage. Miso will be 2 years old in November and he is still an infamous coffee table leg chewer!
  • edited November -1
    Dawn, do you think Katsu is picking up on the stress you or your mother may have regarding the house/divorce?
  • I think it's more we've been really both been super busy at work lately, and haven't been getting her out to play with other dogs as much as we'd like.
  • edited November -1
    Silly Beaver. She's turning Canadian on you! lol
  • edited November -1
    probably a combination of things. See how she does after the meetup at Kristins?
  • Kyla, she does like hockey.

    Irene, I'm wondering too. We'll just be more careful. This morning before work she hopped off the couch and came back with a sock. She must have went into the bedroom and found one. I took it away and gave her a toy. Two minutes later she hops back off the couch and comes back with a flossing stick! She really cracks me up all the time.

    She also kept trying to chew on the pillows on the couch, which she hasn't done in a long time. Gave her a different toy, and she seemed alright. She must be going through Tetsu/Tikaani/Spud withdrawl.
  • edited November -1
    I think both of our pups are going bonkers from Testu/Tikaani withdrawal..Saturday should do them some good..it has been awhile! I wonder if this is a puppy thing, a shiba thing or an only dog thing...must be a puppy thing..my old dog didnt have issues with being an only dog..then again somebody was always home...hmmm...
  • edited November -1
    Aw, I know my guys miss chewing/laying on the spud and brat. Saturday will come soon enough
  • Had a great time this weekend. spent today recovering/procrastinating since I got the day off. I ran up to the store and got some more food for the brat. We're doing a 50/50 mix of Evo small red meat bites and Wellness just for puppy. On the way out I broke down and grabbed a bully stick for Katsu. I wanted to take some spam, but she's pretty much housed it already. It is super stinky but she loves it. Next time I'll get some Katsu vs Bully stick spam.
  • edited November -1
    Koda loves them!!! I bet your Katsu's favorite person right now. I get a dozen 12" ones for $19.95 at Costco.
  • edited November -1
    Well, since Joe fails at posting Katsu spam, here's some Katsu pics that I took this weekend during our trip to MA. I'd have to say, it was great camping with you guys and much more fun than just the two if us. Next time, we'e going to have to bring tons of wood so that we can have a huge bonfire that would make smokey the bear cry.

    Katsu thinking she's a parrot on the way to MA

    On the ride to the theater, Katsu decided to go under the car seat and just be cute

    And then at the drive in theater, she gave Tikaani the job of being her pillow

    Just being cute at the campsite

    Joe looking as though he were strangling Katsu in RI.

    And all tired out on the ride home
  • edited November -1
    AWWW! Thanks for the Katsu spam, Beth. I think my favourite is her using Tikaani as a pillow. :)
  • edited November -1
    And here is a few videos of a new "game" Katsu decided to play on Tetsu.

    While at the campsite, Katsu and Tetsu just kept switch who was on top, it's just too funny
  • You know your dog is cute when other people post spam of her! Thanks Beth. It's weird to check her post and see spam of her that we didn't put up.

    I think the best Katsu related quote of the weekend came courtesy of Chrys WrylyBrindle. It went something like this, and was about Katsu's snarky face.

    I've never seen such a cute face give such a mean look.
  • edited November -1
    Aww! great pictures there I just love all of the pictures of Katsu she's such a cute shiba inu. =)
  • edited September 2009
    "My name is Chrys and I approve this Humpy Dog Video..."
  • edited November -1
    Bad Idea: Watching videos in class of Katsu Humping tetsu. It's a little bit awkward laughing in a quiet classroom.
  • edited September 2009
    We took Katsu to a Beginners Agility class. We were a little skeptical at first about how she'd do, but she really suprised us and did a great job. She picked up the jumps right away. Actually went through the tunnels and the chute. Her favorite was the dog walk/A Frame section though. She loved the A frame so much she did it twice. B& T3 showed up, as did Irene and Spuddy. It was alot of fun and I can't wait to do it again next week. We'll post some spam tomorrow morning.

    After agility B & T3 stopped by our place for some extra play time and to see how Katsu would react to them coming back inside now that she really knows them. She did great. No growling or guarding, it was all play and cuddling.

    Also we're currently in the negotioan stage (Joe wants one, Dawn's not sure, Joe is trying to convince Dawn) adding a furry adition to our family within the next few months, and no it's not Jiro. It'll rhyme with "buppy"
  • big thanks to Beebe for showing Katsu how it's done. I made sure Katsu watched her agility video last night.
  • edited November -1
    Super cool! Yay Katsu! She will do awesome at agility-know where are those videos of her? I want to see how she kicks butt and learns the track faster then all the "stoopid" poodles and aussies (jk).
  • No vids unfortunately. Dawn's mom was in chage of taking pics. Recording video on our camera is a little over her head right now. At first she was trying to look through the viewfinder while the lcd screen was on, and didn't know why she kept taking picture of our sneakers. She did get better at it though. Next time I'll show her how to use it.
  • edited November -1
    Remember to hold a treat in the opposite hand you are pointing to stuff with-or the smarty pants show off Shibas run into things while they are busy sniffing at the food and make you look like an ar-tard.
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