Little Koda Update



  • edited November -1
    Koda is adorable!!! What kind of insurance do you have?
  • edited November -1
    Did you say you are bribing visitors with homemade italian food and kai time?? lol! Where do you live cause I think I need to visit?!?!
  • edited November -1
    Amber, I live in Walnut Creek, CA. You can come anytime. I grew up in restaurants. I learned from the best, my family.

    Tony, I have insurance through my vet's office in Walnut Creek. He does his own. I have a really great vet. He was Bear's vet and Chanel's currently. It's a contract through his office. I looked around at some of the pet ins. recommended on the site, but his is really easy. I had to put $100 down, and it's a scale rate monthly depending on breed. Koda is really inexpensive, $24.95. There is a one year commitment, and it includes neutering, shots, prescription med's, accident/injury, illness, and micro-chipping. It's just really good because I don't have to pay and then wait to see if they will re-imburse me.

    Osy, I am still devastated by losing my cameras and much much more. It was a hard thing to go through, and I do not wish it on anyone.
  • edited June 2009
    and he looks a little funny with them big ol' ears. He's also getting some of his grown manz fur and his brindle is coming in more. I have to get those shots during the day though.


    <img src=""
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    Tara: Looks like Koda is on high alert with those perky ears --- the better to be a hunter later in life, I think! What a cutie! And a happy smile on his face ---- looks like he's loving his life with you!

    He does look big and "leggy" if I can judge from the table or trunk behind him --- what is his weight now compared to age? Seemed like Josephine "zoomed up" to about 40 or so pounds by the time she was 11-12 months, and now has stayed pretty steadfast at that weight (almost 2 1/2 years old now).

    I'm sure you are going to see lots of quick changes in him --- all these pups seem to grow so fast and change so much in the course of the first 6-9 months or a year. Sounds like he is being a good boy for you already, and minding his schedule, etc... Watch out for the puppy chewing that might start soon --- we had a number of casualties around here around the 3-4 to 6-7 month stage of life (i.e. shoes, woven baskets, etc.). I resorted to using a coating of red pepper sauce on certain items like my "faux-wicker" screen porch furniture that she really loved to chew --- thank goodness they get past that stage as they mature --- maybe has to do with teething and getting past those puppy teeth?
  • edited November -1
    Even in the akward puppy growing phase Koda is ADORABLE! I love his big ears :)
  • edited November -1
    Those are some big ears. Cute boy.
  • edited November -1
    I absolutely LOVE Koda's ears. :)
  • edited November -1
    He's totally struting the ears! lol. I love the last pic, he's such a HAPPY boy.

    Hey Walnut Creek...sounds like a lovely 6 hour drive...I'll have to make a detour on my next trip to Sacramento -smiles-.
  • edited June 2009
    I miss Walnut Creek so much sometimes, I miss Compadres, I miss Kaiwa Sushi and I miss Il Fornaio...Sigh. Im glad we have a PF Changs in Boston :)
  • edited November -1
    Bev, Koda was 10 weeks old yesterday. He's a pretty big boy. I think he's the biggest out of all of them. So, we will see how big he gets, but it might be more around 50 pounds at adulthood. He was 7 pounds exactly last Wed. at the vet. We have another check up tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much he's grown. To me and my roommate he looks bigger just in the last couple days.

    Koda's ears going up and his growth spirt also brought with him his alter ego. I'm going to call him "Slim Shady". He's testing it with me, started to chew on something last night and looked at me from the side. He is also tall enough now to put his paws on top of that table and the couch to look up and see what he can try and snatch off. Plus, he has an interest in trying to jump on my bed, but he's still not tall enough yet. I'm in for it......

    On a good note, we began training yesterday because of the attitude change. We worked on "come" and "sit". Koda knows his name, that's not a problem. We started working on his recall because he choses to listen when he wants to. For treats he has got it down. Just for treats, but he started sitting last night everytime he wanted something from me to please me. ha ha ha.

    Kristin, If you ever come to visit we will have to go to dinner downtown. It's huge now! And we got a Cheesecake Factory.....mmmmm.....amongst lots of new posh, but not costly restaurants. Broadway Plaza is three times it's old size too.
  • edited November -1
    He's growing into his ears! Koda went from 7 pds to 13.8 pds in one week!!! Now there's a growth spirt.

    To commemorate some Koda spam....

    Koda on my bed in the morning...

    Koda's brindle is coming through more and more each day


    Laying in the grass


    Taking a nap in his favorite place. In front of the door so no one leaves him.

  • edited November -1
    I love the napping pic. He looks like he's gonna be a real tank.
  • edited November -1
    Koda is getting so big and handsome
  • edited November -1
    Wow, Koda is getting big! And cuter, if that is at all possible.

    Nola likes to lay in front of doors, too. She also likes to lay in open doorways.
  • edited November -1
    That is one gorgeous dog!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone! Koda likes to lay in doorways too. Usually when I'm walking in and out of a room. I've almost stepped on him a couple of times. It's like he rushes over and lays down. ha ha

    If any Kai owners could chime big were your pups at this age? Koda looks so much bigger than his siblings.
  • edited November -1
    He really is a cutie. ~
  • edited November -1
    Wow Tara, Doubling his weight in one week! That seems amazing, but then considering that he will most likely not get too much larger than his weight and height at about 9 months to a year, that's a lot of fast growing a dog has to do to "make weight"!

    I have to say I don't recall the weights with Josephine throughout her time as a puppy and my husband has always taken the "vet duty" since he is the stay-at-home partner. Having said that, she was about 10-12 weeks old when we found her, though, and she weighed exactly 12 lbs. on the first visit to the vet. So Koda is bigger weight-wise by a couple. You may not have heard the whole story, but in Josephine's case (we figure) she had been alone in the wild (literally) for more than a week, most likely living only on bugs and worms and such. So I think had she been in a different situation (gobbling up that puppy food numerous times/day) she would have been a few pounds heftier at that comparable age. In spite of that wilderness time, she looked a bit more roly-poly (like a plump little bear cub) compared to Koda's looks right now.

    Interesting --- Josephine has a Kai girl-friend named Storm who is almost exactly her same age. I believe Storm was purchased from the same breeder as Koda, and most likely has the same parents as Koda (and she has that beautiful white marking on the chest --- not quite so brindled as Koda, though.) Storm has always been slightly taller in the legs than Josephine and has a slim-trim-svelte appearance next to the stockier/more "sturdy" body type of Josephine. Funny thing -- both Storm and Josephine topped out in weight at 42 lbs. at around a year and continue at that weight today (both turned two in February). I think Koda stands a good chance of being bigger than Storm and therefore slightly heavier just due to male versus female.

    Koda is adorable --- and sounds like he is entering the mischeif age right on cue, just like we had with Ms. Josephine --- time for the puppy training, and I can say from experience --- its an excellent time to be sure he likes the kennel! If he is true to Josephine's behavior, for a few months now he just cannot be trusted if there is a shoe or other delightful object to chew on!
  • edited November -1
    He is a cute little stinker.

    So 6.8 lbs in a single week...sounds like a lot, but 13 lbs is about right for his age/type/size.
  • edited July 2009
    Bev- Storm sounds like Koda's full sister. Which means, I want some more Storm videos or pics to see. ha ha. (If it's ok with her owners). I can believe that Josephine lived off bugs. Koda chases torchers and kills them in the backyard. He will play with them and keep them alive for a while before going in for the "kill". It's so gross. He will flip them up in the air for like a half an hour.

    I thought almost 7 pounds was a lot too. I made them weigh him twice. He's not fat at all though. My puppy's just going to grow up fast. :(
  • edited July 2009
    Koda and I went to my girlfriend Elaine's house for 4th of July. It was also her 30th Bday. Ofcourse everyone loved Koda, and he loved everyone. She has a Boxer, Roxy, who turned 3 a couple days ago. She can get a little too hyper for Koda's taste, but he finally warmed up to her and wanted to play right before we left and when she was worn out. He's good with all dogs, just wants them to play on his terms. He did allow her to nap with him during the afternoon.

    Here's some pics...

    Koda and I

    Roxy and Koda locked inside while we were playing with some sparklers and such.

  • edited November -1
    Koda's adorable. I like his harness too.
  • edited November -1
    Oh so cute, Koda is surely getting bigger
  • edited November -1
    I've been lazy on pics, but I will upload a couple later. Koda is getting so big! We went to the vet yesterday and he is 18.8 pounds. He's also showing signs of early teething, swollen gums. I kind've knew this since his favorite chew toy is a frozen kong. I can tell that it relieves him of some uncomfort the last couple of days. My vet keeps asking me his birthdate. He's amazed at how early Koda seems to be developing. Being his first Kai patient, I can tell that he's been reading up on the breed. He comments on how early Koda's ears came up and how his tail is curling very nicely and it seems early too.

    We met the most beautiful Akita Inu yesterday too. She was a little passive and I could tell some fear of people and dogs so I kept Koda away. Her owner was pretty excited to meet a Kai. *Can't blaim*.

    Overall Koda is a great puppy. He still has very good manners when meeting people and other dogs. He is learning commands so easily too. He's got sit, go home, leave it, come, off, and stay down pat. Little problems with getting him to lay down though. He just doesn't understand what I'm trying to say. The one thing about him is that I have to watch what he sees. He learns from everything I do and likes to copy me.

    I have given up on trying to contain him. I put the xpens around the living room furniture to block him from where he shouldn't go rather than keeping him in. I also close the bedroom and bathroom doors. So far so good. He's really good around the house and is a laid back little man.

    He is getting a little bit more cautious on our walks. If someone is coming towards us, even 300 feet away, he stops and watches them. There's no getting him to go again, even with an encouraging tone. As soon as the person is up close, he's fine. He's my silent watch dog.
  • edited November -1
    Koda is looking great! He's really handsome. Sounds like he is learning fast too.

    With cautiousness with people approaching I would just take some treats and start feeding him the second he looks hesitant. Classical conditioning... feed, feed feed. If he is not taking treats then you know he is passed his threshold and you need to back up from the person.

    I'm not sure you need that advice, or even wanted it, I just thought I'd share it... We have been dealing with this with Blue so it's fresh in my mind. I hope it helps.

  • edited November -1
    Very cuddly looking pup! :)
  • edited November -1
    Seems like Koda's very got quite a few similarities to Haru.

    Haru also will stop and watch people (or anything she's unsure about for that matter) on walks. She's great with people as well though, so I don't see any issues with this ATM.

    She also is happy to play with other dogs on her terms, not so happy with dogs that are too excited. She's laid back and calm around 90% of the time.

    Haru developed really fast as well, I couldn't even believe she was 2months when I first saw her, and from 4 months she was looking extremely 'grown up'. The vet commented on it as well, and was amazed at her muscle tone. She's 5 and a half months now, and just went into heat the other day. Kinda caught me by surprise.

    Koda does look like he's going to be a big boy. It's hard to tell from the pics, how is his tail forming? Does it look like he's going to have a sickle or curl?
  • edited November -1
    Brad, I actually did need to be reminded about the treats. He's usually so good, that I forget to really re-inforce those times with treats. Once they are close, he's fine. He just wants to really watch them and contemplate on why they are there or approaching us. His look is so intense, calm, but intently staring. Even though he is still good with people, it could become fear and I do think I need to make sure it doesn't. (I doubt it will but better safe than sorry.)

    Haru already went into heat? OMG I can't believe she's becoming a big girl. Are you going to spay her or send her over here to breed with Kona? lolz. I'm so trying to hook her up to get one of her pups today.

    I'm sure Koda will have a sickle tail. But it was pretty darn straight before. His little bend is coming in. He's pretty muscular too. I keep asking if he's fat, and my vet laughs. He's just getting so big and growing up too fast. He's only 3 months and almost half the weight he will be at adulthood.

    Here's some pics of Koda playing in his big boy crate. He likes to have all his toys in there.



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