Kekko - new Shikoku

edited April 2009 in Shikoku Ken (四国犬)
Hi all shikoku lovers :). I'm Stina from Estonia and would like to introduce my new family member - Kekko, a Shikoku pup from Holland. He is the first Shikoku in Estonia, so will be interesting. Kekko is soon 3 months, but already very well behaved boy. He is quite a quick learner, never makes pipi in the house etc...
He has also adopted well to my furry pack :) - 3 siberian huskies. Although Siberians and Shikoku have totally different background, there are many similar behaviors in them, so they seem to be getting along very well.
I'm extremely happy about having Kekko, I waited for him almost 2 years. Will add some pictures of him as well..


  • edited November -1
    Aww completely gorgeous.
  • edited November -1
    *want* The paws are just calling out for pettings!
  • edited November -1
    So lovely!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Oh my gosh, he's so adorable. I love his ears.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats, he's gorgeous! ~
  • edited November -1
    Here is some new pictures. How can I add many pictures to one post?
    Anyway the Shikoku boy is growing up fast. He is not as energetic or "hard" puppy as I had been thinking, at least not harder than husky pups. Our only problem is that he gets carsick every time we go somewhere with a car. Anyone has good thoughts how to fix this?
    But he does love to play football as you can see :)
  • edited November -1
    Sleeping example
  • edited June 2009
    See how much fun can a pile of dirt be for the gang :)
  • edited November -1
    If you go back and "edit" the post you can keep adding pictures that way.
  • edited November -1
    Heh thanks KFontaine04, couldn't figure out its that easy :D
  • edited November -1
    Cute boy. Miko my shikoku only stopped getting carsick recently. She is almost eighteen months. She does better on rides that are smooth and steady. I think she would have done better if we had taken her on more rides earlier on. Best of luck!
  • edited November -1
    Kuma also got carsick. It started at about 5 months and lasted for about 3 months. Not much you can do about it. They seem to grow out of it. (All of the Shikoku owners who post had them go thru carsick stages it seems)

    Very cute boy! I had Siberians before (all my life actually) and I thought a Shikoku (at least my n of 1) was so easy compared with the Siberian puppies I had previously!
  • edited November -1
    I love the color!
  • edited November -1
    Very cute!
  • edited November -1
    wow - that's the most nicely stacked firewood I've ever seen!

    [cute pups too!] :o)

  • edited November -1
    AW! Sleeping shikoku! You don;t see that a lot, LOL!
  • edited November -1
    woohoo! Congratulations!
  • edited November -1
    Great pics!
  • edited November -1
    Edgewood what made you change the breed? Strange that people seem to like similar breeds, I mean I have never seen anyone changing from siberians to poodles for example ;) I find Shikoku somewhat similar to Huskies, its also primitive breed and they have similar play styles. Although Shikoku seems more sensitive in every way. We will enter puppy school in July with Kekko, will see then about the learning speed.
  • edited June 2009

    I had Siberians since my parents got their first one when I was only 1 year old (I am now closing in on 40 years old - yikes). I love Siberians and their personality, and at one time I had 3 Siberians, which was a lot of fun. But they often gave me grey hairs because they were so good at figuring out ways to escape from a yard that your thought was secure. And then not having good recall to get them back. Plus I love training obedience and while the Siberians were smart and liked to learn, they were inconsistent. So I went searching the internet to find a spitz dog that looked like Siberians but was more loyal and less independent (and found Shikoku).

    Shikoku ARE very similar in many ways as Siberians. They do play quite similarly (especially physical play with body slams). I do agree with you that Shikoku are more sensitive and easily afraid of new things; my Siberians were not that way. My Shikoku is WAY more willing to please than the Siberians (ie, all the time) and just is a very easy dog to have around (he never does anything wrong, even as a puppy). I find that Siberians and Shikoku are probably equally quick at learning, but the Shikoku are more willing to do as you want (even if it might be boring...). My Kuma (shikoku) is very good at competitive obedience and we are planning to start competing more soon. His first time out he earned a 196.5 at a match, not sure if my Siberians would have ever been consistent enough to do that!

    Maybe I was lucky, who knows. BTW, my Kuma is from lines that came directly from Holland to the US. He was actually born in Holland as the pregnant bitch was shipped from the US to the Dutch breeder to whelp out.

  • edited November -1
    Such a handsome shikoku you have there I love that sleeping picture it's so cute also you huskys are very nice looking too I never owned one, but met alot when on walks they're fun to pet so fluffy. =)
  • edited November -1
    He's a very pretty boy! I love your Husky pack too.

    Yeah...I don't know what it is with Shikoku, but they do seem to go through a "carsick" stage as puppies. My boy, Shoushuu, didn't throw up very often as a pup...only sometimes. With my girl, Kotomi, it was constant. Shoushuu grew out if much more quickly then Kotomi did...but she grew out of this stage as well. I was so excited when she did!

    They are sensitive. I was actually very worried about this (and still am for the breed) but my vet says that it's nothing to worry about. The only thing to do really was to give medicine 3 hours before travel that prevents the dog from throwing up <--- though I never did this, it was just an option.

    Keep us updated on the Kekko and his schooling. Most importantly...continue to have lots of fun with him!
  • edited November -1
    Great dogs! Congratulations!
  • edited November -1
    hes beautiful!!!
  • edited August 2009
    I send some new photos. Otherwise Kekko is doing great, we are over the carsick problem and started puppy school. He is really such a quick learner, just looks me in the eye and waits for a command :) what a fun to work with a dog like that hah :)
  • edited August 2009
    Oh my goodness, Kekko is beautiful! :) I love his colours.
    He has really grown! :D

    He also really reminds me of Ahi. :)
  • edited November -1
    He looks great! Thanx for sharing the pics! I love his face expression. :o)
  • edited November -1
    beautiful dogs!
  • edited November -1
    Still handsome as ever =(^-^)=.
  • edited November -1
    OMG, he has gotten so big...You definitely have to update us with pictures more often. I also have to say that I love Hunter, light red sibes are so gorgeous
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