Nihon ken in Okami!!!!

edited June 2009 in General
well, i was playing this one game "Okami" i had bought a couple years back and i had noticed there were dogs that looked like shibas in it. I kept playing and noticed that all the dogs in the game were all nihon ken!!

The game takes place in feudal Japan, where you play as the sun god in the form of a wolf on earth. The game looks like traditional japanese water color paintings and your wolf's tail is even an ink brush. Anyway, saw a couple of them and they looked like akitas and shibas, along with a scarred up tosa inu and also what looks like a japanese spitz(???).

Its a great game and i have some pics that i took from my tv, excuse the poor quality. If anyone here owns a Playstation2 or a Wii, i would highly recommend this game to them.


  • edited November -1
    I have a wii, and I looooove Okami!
  • edited November -1
    i know, its the best!!! i've played it over like 7-8 times!
  • edited November -1
    I know! My boyfriend has beaten the game and he played it over with a different character form instead of the she-wolf. was funny, he was like "Check this out, it's Shoushuu!" One of the forms looks remarkably like a Shikoku.

    I'm STILL playing it on the PS2. I'm "stuck" trying to kill off all the demon boss' on the "Wanted List". I'm running, running, running wild and free. A few trainings here for new combos and techniques. Sometimes I like to bite the humans and I LOVE chasing that Kai Ken in the village. I pick him up and run around with him in my much fun! lol.

    I think I'd might actually enjoy being a Wolf, a Malinois, a Shikoku, a Kai, a Kishu or even a Husky for 1 day. I can't just be any has to be one of those types...mainly cause of their unique physical capablities!

    I have way too many great games I need to finish...and others I need to start.
  • edited November -1
    corina: yeah, i was wondering if the brindle dog in kamiki village is an akita or a kai, i think its a akita though. it think it looks more like one. I love the red akita in the forest with the kid, its the cutest:) the little shibas that run around the areas are cute too.

    I love playing as the one character that looks like the akita/shikoku:) its such a fun game, im gonna go play it now...haha
  • edited November -1
    Who knows...that dog could be the village mutt. I just call him "Kai ken", I've dubbed this his name! lol.

    If I didn't have to open at 7:45am this morning for work, I'd play too!
  • edited November -1
    Yeah. I have the art book. I'll check tomorow, it says exactly what each one is. ~
  • edited November -1
    I want that game.
  • edited November -1
    I love Okami, it's such a great game...I always liked going against that evil spider lady, the way she looked was so cool
  • edited November -1
    PS2 too??? COOL Have to tell my husband about it LOL
  • edited November -1
    Do you guys recommend it on the PS2? That's all we have... lol
  • edited June 2009
    I have the art book. :) The one in the village is a Kai and the one in the forest is a Shiba.
    I really like the other forms, cause I played the 2nd time through as Shiba-Amaterasu! :3

    The really poofy dog is a Japanese Spitz and then theres the Tosa. The rest of the dogs are not Japanese. xD They have a Collie, a Husky, Pointer, Boxer.
  • edited November -1
    I have the PS2 version (got it before the Wii version came out). I'd imagine that the Wii version would be easier to draw with, but aside for controls I don't think there is anything else different between the two.

    Either version is a great buy
  • edited November -1
    Actually, one of my friends has both versions and she prefers the PS2 one. I like playing with my mirco PS2 controller. :)
  • edited November -1
    "I like playing with my mirco PS2 controller."

    What's different from the regular one? I think we might have that controller but I'm not a gamer so no clue about all the different controllers :P We boguht the PS2 since we just wanted to play a few games together but never really used it much cause car races just get boring after a while. This game sounds like something that both, my husabnd and I, would enjoy playing. That leads me to another question: Can two people play together or only one person at a time?
  • edited November -1
    Okami is a 1 player game.

    The mirco controllers are just half the size of the normal PS2 controllers. I also have a micro Gamecube controller, too. I just like having smaller controllers -- faster button mashing!
    I also don't think the normal sized controllers are very comfy. xD;
  • edited November -1
    oh ok. lol the size of the controller doesn't usually bother me. 1 player is fine :) Was just curious. Thanks for all the info. Will tell my husband all about it :P
  • edited June 2009
    I have it for wii. That pink canine is suppose to be a "mame shiba" :\


    Mame Shiba:

    I have it for Wii & love it. Never played it on PS2. ~
  • edited November -1
    The PS2 version was the original game and made for standard size tvs (4:3). For the Wii version, another company "translated" the controls to the Wii motion controls. They also change the aspect ratio to widescreen (16:?) and made the colors more vibrant. One downside of the Wii version, is that the credits are cut off; but you can always youtube them. I prefer the PS2 controller to the Wii controller, just because drawing with a pointer is harder than just doing the motion with a joystick. Probably more information than you need; but, you can't go wrong with either version. :)
  • edited November -1
    yeah, i got the ps2 version way before the wii version came out. thats so weird though that the one in the forest, Ume, is a mame shiba, he's way too big to be a mame shiba haha :) yeah, i guess the one in the village is a kai, it was too dark of a color to be an akita, now that i think about it.

    I have always wanted the art book! I want to buy it soooooooooo bad :(
  • edited November -1
    Teehee, I played it today for a little bit after work. Took out another boss. Got bored, so I went back to the village and starting running around with the Kai in my mouth during the day, lol. Then at night I went into the house, startled him with my bark and then took his bed to sleep in (walk on top of it and didn't touch the controller - the she-wolf automatically tires and "goes to sleep" until the player pushes a button again).

    btw - I have a difficult time with the brush sometimes. I'll always have to "re-practice", but then again...I don't play it entirely much. I've got like several other games I've been playing on and off simutaniously (5+ different games and that's only counting what's on the PS2, lol).

    I'll probably play it again later tonight. Thinking about taking the doggers out for a walk before it gets too late.

    How much is the artbook? I know Georgie would absolutely LOVE this! He's the one who introduced me to the game in the first place.
  • edited November -1
    I got my copy on Amazon, used. :)

    The price isn't too bad. Usually around 25-30 dollars.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Steph! I'll have to see if I can order a copy.
  • edited November -1
    I love this game. I have it for PS2.
  • edited June 2009
    I just bought my book about 4 hours ago :) can't wait until it comes. I draw a lot so the sketches and concept art will help a lot :) got it off of
  • edited November -1
    My husband already said we could get it, probably tomorrow when we're both home :P woohoo can't wait! oh and we have to get the PS2 version cause we don't have a Wii ;o)
  • edited November -1
    I got the ps2 okami when it first came out I was so excited to play it since it was made by Clover they make such unique games and seeing the video of the game at E3 made me want to play it even more. I own the wii version too got it when it was on sale I've played both I really love the ps2 one more since it's the original version has the Clover's credits I really liked the music and okami walking it was too bad they took them off on the wii verson.

    If you compare the ps2 screen shots to the wii ones the differences are pretty noticable the wii is more bright the ps2 one looks more like an Japanese water painting or something I remember when the wii version first came out there was a comparison on some site.

    The story of the game is pretty good and is well worth playing some parts of the game people said it got a little slow or boring I forgot which, but I didn't think any part of it was I'm on my third playthrough played the ps2 two times and now the wii one I hope to get all the dog costumes on both version they look fun to mess around with. =)

    I got the artbook too it's worth buying has alot of concept art and what the game might have been like before they changed it or whatever.
  • edited November -1
    The replay value is very good for the game, too. Like, you can beat it ... and then months later go back and start playing from the beginning and it doesn't get old. I forgot a lot of what I did the first time around so it was still challenging. The only thing I really hate is when you get to the end of the game, you have to start a new game over your save. You can't just run around the whole place and mess around. Good thing about starting a second game after you beat it, your money, ink, and solar points travel to the new game, so it is a lot easier.
  • edited November -1
    yeah, like i said earlier, its a really fun game to play over and over. This is like my 8th time playing it over right now and I just don't get bored of it. The other forms are really cool, expecially the one where you can play as the statue amaterasu. I kinda like the realistic looking form too, though my favorite is the shiba/akita shape
  • edited November -1
    The artbook is AWESOME! Completely packed full of art & concept sketches. It's a soft cover, but really awesome material. I remember I had mine pre-ordered on amazon for MONTHS & they kept pushing back the release I Canceled my order & one week later they randomly released it. I think I got it [ new ] for $30. Neways, you definitely will NOT be disappointed with it.

    Does the game remind neone else of the Zelda series? lol ~
  • edited November -1
    I have only played the newest Zelda, Twilight Princess. xD I am stuck, so I haven't played. The differences, I thought Zelda was frustrating, where Okami was probably the easiest game i've played since Spyro the Dragon.
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