Nihon ken in Okami!!!!



  • edited November -1
    Oh! I was thinking more of the N64 ones, Like Ocarina of Time or the Gamecube one, Windwaker. [ which were not as "dark" as Twilight Princess...I'm stuck too & it's at the end! Haven't played in a year :\ ] ~
  • edited November -1
    Osy: yeah, i felt like i was playing a zelda game when i played this. or even a donkey kong game. very similar
  • edited November -1
    I love Twilight Princess, so it makes sense that I love this one, too. I haven't played it with PS2, but I find that if there's light coming in the window near the tv, using the wii-mote becomes extremely frustrating. Drawing the curtains helps, but it works the best at night, I find. My tv is right next to a window, though, so it might not be so bad for other people.
  • edited November -1
    ok you guys lol... I stayed up till way after midnight playing this! LOVE it :P
  • edited November -1
    Told ya!
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad your enjoying it when I got the game I was completly sick throwing up high fever so when I played it I would sometimes fall asleep while playing or pause and get some sleep well by the time I finished the game I had about 500 hours on the clock I laughed seeing the time, but the games not that long I'm not sure what's the average time for it though..

    It's a great game it reminded me of zelda games too. =)
  • edited November -1
    LOL now my husband started playing... uh oh :D Will I ever get the controller back? :P oh btw, he had to help me with that spider queen. Gotta work on the camera handling a little. Great game for when it's just way too hot to go outside during the day.
  • edited November -1
    I know this is a old thread, but there's a bit of news there will be a sequel to Okami it'll be on the DS it's called Okamiden sadly it's not made by the same people who did the first, but it looks good so far, but we'll see how it is if it comes to the US.

    I'm thinking of importing it so I can review it early we'll see it's due out in Japan in 2010 sometime.

    Here's a link to some info on it and the picture Chibi ammy looks so cute. lol
  • edited November -1
    I just finished the first time around of Okami today- I am playing the 2nd time around as the mastiff for the moment. That's a cool surprise!
  • edited November -1
    yay! okami sequel :D lucky for me I have a DS so i don't have to worry about getting a new console
  • I hope this is true! Okami for ps3 coarse this is same game as the ps2 and wii..

    I'll probably get it even though I have it for ps2 and wii.. I love ps2 one more since it has the end credits.
  • I just saw this this morning as well :) it looks really good (visually)
  • Personally, I wish they would stop making revamps of the same game and come out with a sequel. I love the game, I just find it a sleazy move by CAPCOM
  • I agree sadly if they did another sequel it wouldn't be the same unless they hired all the same clover staff..

    A lot of clover staff are in platinum games now I believe not sure how many..

    Okami den was fun game, but I wonder if it would be same if made by clover.

    I agree same revamp is crazy.. I'd love it if they made the revamp, but as realistic okami..

  • Meh, I've given up on capcom coming out with something good, so I'm happy with the remake, especially since my ps2 disk has been skipping for that game.
  • edited June 2012
    I agree with @saya that a sequel probably wont be the same without the same people who worked on it at capcom. While I feel indifferent about a re-release, I don't think I would like a "realistic" version. Part of the reason i LOVE Okami is visuals. It is such an integral part of the game that I think changing the artistic style would almost ruin Okami's identity and future stakes as a franchise (if there ever was to be more sequels). It would almost defeat the purpose of having brush strokes if the world did not coincide visually; the game is essentially a living painting and the magic of the game comes from the visuals. But that is just me :)

    I absolutely adore this much that it is one of the very few games that redeems the Wii for me.

  • I agree I'm glad they chose that artstyle over realistic style. Love how it's like a living painting. :)

    I still love the realistic one would be cool if they had both on same game for the ps3 like one disc is original and other is same game, but realistic look. Coarse that would be a lot of work.

    It'll be good for a revamp because coarse a lot ps3 owners don't own a wii or some got rid of their ps2 and not all ps3 plays ps2 games.. That's why I keep my ps2.. hehe
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