Living with Ainu Inu (Hokkaido inu)



  • edited November -1
    What a beautiful pack of dogs!!! And congrats on the article.
  • edited November -1

    Please find Kate :)


    And some pictures from the last show:

    JaJa and Kate 








  • edited November -1
    Great pics! Your Hokkaido are very attractive!
  • edited November -1
    i think i'm in love with Kiba
  • edited November -1

    Oh Kiba is a really lovely dog :) Our firstborn :) Kate is always talking about him Kiba this, Kiba that, how smart he is, how fast and brave he is :) 


  • edited November -1
    Wow! Thanks for all the wonderful photos and info and congrats on the article about your fur kids.
  • edited November -1
    Ok, I have to ask. What the heck is in his mouth?
  • edited November -1
    A bone which he has hide under a apple tree last fall, and now he dig it up.
  • edited November -1
    That's awesome. He saved it for later...much later.
  • edited November -1
    lol - You can tell he is LOVING it too! Yummy old bones... mmm, chomp, chomp, chomp!
  • edited November -1
    Oh MY!! Such beautiful dogs! I'm in love with Kiba too.
  • edited May 2008
    New JaJa movies on youtube now with sounds :) (incl. howling Kiba)

  • edited May 2008
    WOW!!! I dont' think i've ever seen any japanese breed go after water like JaJa before, pretty awesome!!! Kiba's howling is great too!!! Thanks for the video's!

    *edit* - I think Maui was going nuts over water coming out of the hose in one of Brad's videos - still very cute!!
  • edited November -1
    LMAO hilarious. I love it.
  • edited November -1
    Hehe. I LOVE the howling! :-)
  • edited November -1
    The howling is great, I wish Nemo howled.
  • edited November -1
    The howl was great, but I think my favorite is when he Jaja reaches her paw out for the hose in the second one... that's really cute!

  • edited November -1
    The white hokkaido - how much does it weigh?
  • edited November -1
    Hmm, about 19kg / 41lb he should weight more - but he is very energetic dog always in motion :)
  • edited November -1
    Niko is trying to find the dog....she is circling the end table, looking on in, under it, going up front....
  • edited November -1
    As I wrote living with hokkaido could be full of joy or full of worries. On thursday morning Kiba has escaped from our ranch to make his standard trip arround our property. During this trip he was attacked by two irish wolfhounds. As I wrote, hokkaido never backs from a fight even with bigger oponent. He was badlly injured, now we are fighting for his life. He is after several operations. I will keep you updated.
  • edited November -1
    I am so sorry... thoughts and prayers with you and Kiba...
  • edited November -1
    Oh God. Kiba is in my thoughts...
  • edited November -1
    Oh no! That's horrible! Kiba is our thoughts too - and *hugs* to you guys.

    What was the extent of the injuries?

    Please keep us posted.

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    we're praying for you and Kiba!
  • edited November -1
    Poor Kiba :(
  • edited November -1
    Poor Kiba. I'm very sorry to read this.
    I hope he gets well soon.
  • edited November -1
    OMG Robert I am SOOO sorry to hear that!!! We are all praying for you, including Kangai. Kiba is my favorite dog and is one of the reasons I choose to get a Hokkaido. We will all be thinking about you and Kiba and make sure to keep us updated!!!!! =(
  • edited November -1
    OMG. What awful news. My heart goes out to you and your family and my prayers go to Kiba. Keep us posted.
  • edited June 2008
    My goodness - so sorry to hear this - please keep us updated. Praying for you guys!
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