Living with Ainu Inu (Hokkaido inu)



  • edited November -1
    I am glad to hear that Kiba is improving - and I hope they find the answer for his WBC - sending healthy wishes!
  • edited November -1
    OK, the good news is actually really, really great!!! So, I agree with everyone. These are really great signs. Keep us posted on the WBC and know we all have positive thoughts for you.
  • edited November -1
    Kiba probably will be fine, veterianrian has decided that the second surgery is not necessary. We must only observe Kiba during next month for any signs of worsening condition. Kiba is regaining strenghts very fast.

    But we have another problem. As Brad pointed in Ahi topic, after all this surgeries, and veterinarian visits, Kiba is a little grumpy, before accident he was gently during plays with JaJa and Buffy, some fight he has only with Amandil. Now he is little agressive toward all dogs in home including females. Yesterday he jumped with teeths for JaJa, now she is hiding from him. Amandil is now separated from Kiba, beacouse during first days of Kiba weakness he started challenging him immediately.

    Seems to me that we must now rebuild pack hierarchy again.
  • edited November -1
    I'm relieved to hear that Kiba is doing fine!!

    How interesting that the dogs can tell the weakness and immediately change their interactions. I'm fascinated by their instincts.

    I'm still sending recovery vibes to Kiba!!
  • edited November -1
    Just remember that Kiba is not himself right now. He is in pain, he is on meds, and he doesn't feel right. If he were a human he would be able to express it with words, and would probably show it more in his face and body language. However he is a dog, and a lot of dogs always try and act strong when they are hurt (showing weakness is not good) and they get reactive because they are trying to prove something.

    I'm sure as he starts to feel more normal, his actions will go back to normal.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad Kiba is doing better.

    As for the pack thing, just like us, you guys will work it out. Just takes time and thoughtfulness.

    Sending happy play vibes to Kiba!

  • edited November -1
    So happy to hear Kiba is doing much better. It will be a process, with regards to your pack, but I'm sure you will work it out. We're all here for questions and support. Love to Kiba.
  • edited November -1
    Woohoo I'm glad he's getting better. And as others have said, I'm sure things will work itself out once he's healthier.
  • edited November -1
    I'm glad to read he's getting better!
    He'll come around as soon as he's feeling all better again.
  • edited November -1
    That's great news that he's recovering so well. As my family has always said, when a surgeon suggests not doing surgery, you know you're in good shape!
  • edited November -1
    Any new updates on how Kiba is doing?
  • edited November -1
    A little better, but he still vomit with blood sometimes. But this is probably reaction for antibiotiscs, as our veterinarian explained.

    He is returning to his standard behaviour, he is playing with JaJa, he still has some fights with Amandil but nothing serious

    I have some news for you! On friday we will have a new dog in our pack!!! HA It will be a year old shiba inu male, Zbój Ostatni Samuraj (english translation Bandit form Last Samurai Kennel). Friend of us is going to Croatia for vacations and is leaving him with us for two weeks.

    Expect a big pack of photos after this weekend :)
  • edited November -1
    I'm so glad he's feeling better. I do hope he stops vomiting blood soon. Thanks for the update :)
  • edited November -1
    Good to hear that Kiba's a bit better. Congrats on the new dog for 2 weeks!
  • edited November -1
    That's great Kiba is improving and starting to play!

    Enjoy you visitor for 2 weeks! :o)

  • edited November -1
    Great news on Kiba! He must be feeling better to be playing and having scuffles with Amandil.
  • edited November -1
    That's great to hear! Keep up the recover Kiba!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Keep up the good recovery! that is great news!!
  • edited November -1
    So happy to hear he's doing better. Please keep up posted. I hope he stops vomiting soon. Enjoy your visitor.
  • edited November -1
    As I wrote Kiba is feeling a lot of better, his white blood cells are almost normal.

    Here with new dog in our pack (Zadzior)

  • edited November -1
    Oh man, I love Hokka howls!!!!! Thanks for sharing, he looks like he's himself!
  • edited November -1
    Hahahahahhahaha my cat Sassy freaked out over the howls. I'm so glad Kiba is doing so much better. Keep it up Kiba!
  • edited November -1
    Awww...he looks like he's doing much better! I love the Hokka Howl Too!!! Very Cute! And Congrats to your new addition :)
  • edited November -1
    He looks GREAT - its great to see a video of your pack and visitor. :o) I'm so happy to hear his white blood cell count is normal again - so great! :o)

    Their howl is exactly what you'd get if you crossed Hilo's "WoooooWoooo" with all of Ahi's noises. :o)

  • edited November -1
    So glad Kiba has recovered! Looks like he is getting along fine with the temporarily enlarged pack! Interesting way to express himself! Our old dog, Joe, used to howl occasionally, when hearing a siren from an ambulance. Our neighbor's dog did the same. We thought it was that the frequency evoked some emotion, or perhaps hurt their ears. I was not aware there was a dog breed that used the howl for routine communications. Primitive like the wolf?

    Love your dogs, love the Hokka Howl, and wishing Kiba the best for a full recovery!
  • edited November -1
    Great news that Kiba is getting back to his old self! Those vocalizations are funny!
  • edited November -1
    Wow! Kiba looks amazing! I was expecting him to be off a bit. So glad he's doing better and I, too, LOVE the Hokka Howl!!!
  • edited November -1
    Thank you SO much for this thread!

    As others have said, this is the MOST info I have been able to find on the breed in literally YEARS of searching. I dream of someday being able to import one to my home - I would love to show in ARBA, and to perhaps work the dog in tracking as well (I've just taken up tracking with my Shiba girl, Kimi).
  • edited November -1
    It is a pleasure to share info with you :) And now... I know that this movie shows that our dogs behave completly inaproperate :)

    Beware!!! Somebody has come to our home.

  • edited November -1
    That was just great! It is so good to see Kiba enjoying himself with his pack. You must be sooooo relieved.
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