Tsuki's Allergy : Mold, Mildew and...



  • edited November -1
    What about those cleaning products that catch mold spores and allergens and stuff?

    Or am I making those up in my head? =_=
  • edited November -1
    I know I looked into those for my house (I am very allergic to mold and mildew) and decided against them because they all have very foreboding warnings about keeping away from animals like "make sure cleaned area is dry for multiple hours before exposing to pets" blah blah. Too scary for me.
  • edited November -1
    Do you own your house or do you rent? Should your home be checked for serious mold issues?

    At least you can focus on a solution now. Poor Tsuki.
  • edited November -1
    Also very scary for me, Jess! I looked at industrial strength stuff for the basement (which isn't that bad, but is still humid despite dehumidifier being on 24/7)... all have major warnings for adults, children and pets.

    We own the townhouse, but the property is managed - so since the problem was one of property (flooding from outside) they had to come assess. They did spray bleach all over the basement, and I had myself and the three dogs out of the place (when Eva was there) for a few hours. Everything they do is half ass though... went to put clothes in my dryer and my hand was covered in bleach from the dryer vent handle. Lovely.
  • edited November -1
    can you get rid of the carpets? That's why i don't have them around b/c i have allergies myself.

    Also, steriods are serious sh*t, i had to go on them earlier this year, and i didn't get the "side effects" until 1 1/2 months later, and apparently after talking to my doctor and obgyn for my annuals, this is not uncommon..so i'd read into it a bit more if i were you...I know it's probably different for a dog vs. humans, but it's still very serious stuff, and if you could avoid it, avoid it. I didnt have a choice, i wouldn't be here now if i didnt get a hefty dose of it ;)
  • edited November -1
    I didn't get rid of the carpets, its only the living room thats carpeted. We've been discussing the alternatives though.

    I am quite nervous about giving her the steroids, even though it is a low dose. I'm just trusting the derm vet because the alternatives didn't sound any better or helpful for her. And I can't change the weather. Perhaps a move to a dryer climate would work! But logistically, we just have to wait it out for now... the sooner she's off the steroid the better.

    I spoke with Pam (of Hachi fame) who told me her house has major, major mold issues (a really old beach house in Maine, should have thought of that!) and that definitely jump started Tsuki's issue. Its all making sense now.
  • edited November -1
    Glad to know you've found the culprit. Hopefully you'll be able to find something that get's her better, but doesn't have any long term effects on her or you guys. Sending non-moldy non-mildew vibes!
  • edited November -1
    Hi Jen,

    Just wondering how this was all going?
  • edited November -1
    Well it hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't gotten better either. The meds (temeril p, 1/2 tab every other day) seem to keep the itching to a minimum, but the irritation is still there.

    We've gotten air purifiers, an extra dehumidifier, bleached the whole basement and bathroom, steamed the carpets.. but she still has symptoms. She does get worse the higher the humidity is, and we've been slammed with it this summer.

    I've been putting desitin on her head over her eyes to relieve the itchiness, the hair is starting to grow back b/c she's not itching. I bought Claritin 5mg to give her 1/2 daily once she's off the temeril P (in one week)

    She gets a daily fish oil capsule and daily mix of pre/pro biotics and seameal.

    Its still a wait and see per the weather right now.

    Thanks for asking!
  • edited November -1
    both of our pups must be allergic to the same mold/molds...and now I'm thinking it's probaly more an outside mold factor for you? everytime Spuds starts to bite her arms again and I post, you have the same reply that Tsuki is itchy again..being that we live in the same region, I think it's more than a coincidence (sorry spelling).

    Are you in a more wooded area? I noticed she's not this bad at my parents and the vet but they are in the same area and scenario (regular lawn w/ trees), whereas my complex is more woodsy and by the bay, so in addition to the higher humidity factor, we get mold around the complex like crazy b/c the humidity never really disspates quickly enough under the trees. You should see the size of these freaky mushrooms that pop up. I should take a pic..

    The Claritin does help and when she was boarding, my vet checked on her and thought her allergies were well under control w/ claritin. We are told to keep her on it through the fall as well..

    Let's keep each other posted on this, and sorry poor Tsuki has it 100X worse!
  • edited November -1
    I hear ya! Its so frustrating to see her suffer from the environment!

    I did discuss Claritin with our vet, she was just convinced Tsuki's reaction to the irritants warranted steroid usage (she was starting to bleed from scratching). I would rather use claritin than a steroid long term though.

    Where we live is basically lawn/trees/sidewalk. We often go deep woods during the weekend for hiking or to visit my mom in the Poconos (like deer in your yard woods) so she gets slammed with it on weekends. I have been wiping her down with hypoallergenic wipes after hikes, but I don't think that matters at all. She still suffers.

    We see massive mushrooms, too!

    And yes, our vet mentioned usually, our summer now is what happens in fall - so expect it to stay or get worse until the weather breaks into cold nights and dry days. yay.
  • edited November -1
    Glad the desitin is helping! It has definitely been a godsend in my house.

    And sorry to hear that she is still having allergy issues... Hopefully fall will come early this year and bring with it a much drier climate.
  • edited November -1
    I am suspecting the weather MUST be making all the dogs suffer- Reilly has been licking her feet like mad this summer, and she is not licking now that I started claritin. She was licking to the point of footsores, so I have a spray for her feet- Relifor- so she stops itching before it gets to the raw skin. If they are all suffering from excessive mold, do allergies manifest differently in different dogs? Rei doesnt have the facial itching like Tsuki, its in her feet, but maybe the girls "express" their allergies in different body parts? I dont know...it has certainly been crazy wet and warm this summer. My dogs dont even enjoy the yard because its always damp and mooshy. My nice dog beach has been rained on so much it isnt soft and sandy, its kind of hard and damp, which is disappointing. El Nino is just killing us out east here, i tellya... poor pups. I hope Tsuki can find some relief!!
  • edited November -1
    Hi Jen, just to clarify, Shao New is 23lbs now, taking a total 5mg a day of Claritin, so it's half of the 10 mg tablet...taking 2.5 mg would be too little, I think. (you wrote 5mg half a tablet..)

    I love my Vet even more now, he told me it was more likley mold not pollen months ago..yay Vet!
  • edited November -1
    Yep, sorry. Its CVS brand Loratadine 10mg that I cut in half.

  • edited November -1
    That's discouraging to hear-poor girl. I can't wait for better weather.
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