Ruby got stung by a bee....



  • edited November -1
    Aw, Ruby!

    Though, I feel more pain about where the bee stung you... eeks!

    I love bees, too. I hope to get into apiculture some day!
  • edited November -1
    Honey is one of the best substances on earth.

    Good to hear that Ruby is doing well this morning.

    Getting stung on the tender part of the inner thigh sounds like it hurts a lot. My worst sting was when I went to pick up a baseball and I did not see there was a wasp on the other side of it, stung me right in the end of the finger. Hurt so bad, throbbed forever.
  • edited November -1
    Aww! Poor Ruby I'm glad she's feeling better my last boxer Pearl got stung poor thing was so puffy on the face she got back to normal after a good rest also Bella got stung too she used to chase bees and bite at them she doesn't do that anymore if they're buzzing, but if they're on a flower standing still I gotta tell her to leave it. =\
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear Ruby is doing better. You guys are all crazy! I used to acutally be pretty into bugs when I was little. To this day my dad swears that I ate a beetle that I was keeping. Maybe that's when I stopped liking them.

    Milipedes totally freak me out. I'd probably be able to look at them, but if one got out or touched me I'd scream like a little bitch. I give you guys alot of credit for keeping bugs as pets. Your braver souls than I. The funny thing is I probably see more bugs than most people since I'm always in crawl spaces/basements/ attics. The worst was crawling through the dirt and spiderwebs under a trailer while spiders kept running all over me. UGGHH.
  • edited November -1
    Well if we're telling bee horror stories, when I was 13 I was sitting outside with a soda, went inside for about 20 minutes and came back outside. Upon innocently picking up my beverage for a sip of root beer, I came away with a bee inside my mouth. It was hiding in my can and started stinging away at the inside of my bottom lip before I could swallow him (thank goodness). Needless to say, I no longer drink sodas that I've left unattended outdoors.
  • edited November -1
    you drank a bee?
  • edited November -1
    Same thing happened to my sister when she was little. A bee got into her sippy cup and stung her mouth, took an hour for my mom to get her to open her mouth and take out the stinger.
  • edited November -1
    Im allergic to bees so of course as a tot my mom told me not to play with them and being a stubborn kid I used to run around trying to catch one. Well one day one caught me, on the side of my neck, it was so swollen my head was to one side and I couldn't move my neck. I've been stung a few times since then (hands, arms) and I always end up super puffy and reaching for my epipen.
  • edited November -1
    :( 3 years ago my Ruby got stung by bees... she dug them out of the ground. she died 2 days later due to allergies. (which we had no idea about) i had to share the story because when i read this subject i almost started to cry.

    hope your Ruby is doing well. :)
  • edited November -1
    Oh my god what an awful coincidence. That would have made me lose it. She was a beautiful girl. I lost 2 of mine in the last nine months I feel your pain.
  • edited November -1
    I got stung by a bee, on my lip, 3 years ago. It was inside a medieval castle a few Km form Lisbon when I blew it of from Nat's hair. It was painful as H3!! but I was fine dring the rest of the day. Next morning I woke up like this...

    I had taken my braces of a month before that, and it was a good thing I did or they would have slashed my lip, because it swelled up so much it was hurting from the pressure against my teeth.
  • edited November -1
    Ouch. Poor pup. That looks really painful.

    Poor guy probably didn't warrant squishing, though, as he would've died soon anyway. Those lovely barbed stingers basically pull out a chunk of bee when they come off.

    Bee stings suck. Bees are awesome, though. I keep lavender, salvia, russian sage, thyme, and a couple other things they like around. It's exciting to see clouds of them around my garden path in midsummer. Haven't been stung since I was like 12. Plus, they keep the yellowjackets down; a big plus in my book. I need to just break down and hide a hive somewhere in the garden so the wif doesn't find out.
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