2010 America's Family Pet Expo (So.Cal)

It's that time of year again! This will be the 2nd year Beikoku Shikoku Ken Aikokai will be putting on the Shikoku Ken booth at America's Family Pet Expo.

This is the schedule:

Set-up / Exhibit Hours / Move-out

Wednesday, April 14 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm Set-up
Thursday, April 15 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Set-up
Friday, April 16 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Expo
Saturday, April 17 10:00 am -7:00 pm Expo
Sunday, April 18 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Expo

Sunday, April 18 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Move Out
Monday, April 19 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Move Out

website: Pet Expo in Costa Mesa

I need to know how many of you will be interested and able to volunteer booth hours. As volunteer you must be informed about the breed, you will be asked TONS of questions! A breed overview guide will be available to volunteers and can be given in advanced as a study guide.

Shifts hours:

- All day (with 1 hour lunch break)
- Half day (10am-2pm or 2pm-6pm)
- In 2 hour intervals (ex. 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm)

And of those who chose to volunteer, how many of you will be bringing a Shikoku?
Events like this do put a lot of pressure on a dog, so if your Shikoku is good with meeting lots of people and hanging out in a very active, busy, possibly crowded environment then please bring your dog! Wire crates will be available to provide your dog with a break or "time out" from all the commotion.

Volunteer Application

Full Name:
Days Available:
(Friday, Saturday or Sunday or All Days)
Hours/Shifts Wanted:
Bringing a Shikoku?

You may post your "Volunteer Application" in this very thread!

Thanks! Your help will be greatly appreciated!

- Corina A. Gonzalez
BSKA President


  • edited November -1
    Wish I could go T_T

    Take photos for me yes? ~
  • edited November -1
    You guys got to find a way to move California next to New York, that way I can be practically living with all the awesomeness that goes on there.
  • aykayk
    edited November -1
    My advice is to ask for a different spot for the booth. The Japanese Akita and the American Akita are usually placed in the covered breezeway in between two buildings. The booths there are deep and the crowd can only push in from one direction.
  • edited November -1
    Darn I only have Kishus but I may go up with the pack.
  • edited November -1
    Hmmmm sounds fun :)
  • edited November -1
    I loved where the LA-Branch Akiho was put last year. Plenty of air and shade.
  • edited November -1
    I liked were we were at last year, outside in a much less crowded area =). Made it easy to potty the dogs too. I want to ask for a bigger booth though.
  • edited November -1
    I saw the Shiba booth inside one of the buildings, the Akiho booth outside in the passageway, and I think I saw an American Akita booth a bit further down, and of course the Shikoku booth near the Doberman booth (dobie = <3). I guess it'd be a pipe dream to get the three Nihonken side by side such that as people walk by, it'd be easier for them to see the resemblance. :) Oh well. OH! Maybe we can coordinate with the 3 booths and do a scavenger hunt pamphlet as part of the education process! How fun would that be???

  • edited November -1
    If we could be THAT organized...I'd throw in coloring sheets for the kids with Shiba, Shikoku, Kai, Kishu, Hokkaido and Akita! I know at least A person associated with the Shiba booth and the Akiho booth, but I don't believe I know anyone for the AA =(.

    We've got 3 months to plan. Last year was very "last minute" but everything went smoothly and had a great turn out interest-wise. I'd like to plan this year's booth a bit better though in appearance and have more information to hand out.

    Okies Jesse, YOU'RE in charge of the scavenger hunt then! -grins- So start brainstorming some more ideas, I think it's great to promote "active education" - by making learning a fun and interactive game.
  • aykayk
    edited January 2010
    For as long as I remember, the Shiba people have always been indoors. They seem to like it there. The only exception was the one year when they pulled out completely from the Pet Expo. (Not sure of the reason why they did that.) For that year, Ben Herrera brought his Shibas on the second day and had them with him at the JA booth.

    The Japanese Tosa is usually in the west side of the breezeway. (Easier entry/exit) To the best of my knowledge, the dogs have never acted up, but the organizers didn't want to take any chances.
  • edited November -1
    Hey ShishiInu/Gen,
    Even if you "only" have Kishu's, I personally would love to meet them (I don't think I've ever met a Kishu IRL). Hell, the scavenger hunt game I was thinking of would consist of all 6 (7 now that ayk/Ann informed me that there is a Japanese Tosa booth), and we would already have the Kishu, Kai, and Hokkaido filled out. However, there would be blanks on the names of the Nihonken breeds that are present at the expo, and we can make it such that the people would have to guess the name based on size and description, and brief history. We can make it easy and give clues hangman style or something. I'm open to ideas on how to make the brochure.

    Hey Corina,
    I'd love to put a wall up where people could take pictures with you and/or your Shika's so we can create a picture wall of visitors? We could use something like this camera Polaroid camera.

  • edited November -1
    I live too far away to help or even visit, but if you dont already have coloring pages for the breeds, I'm willing donate artistic services for that project and create some.
    (how to color in a Kishu, hmmm.... well just make a background that begs to be colored in.) Drawing animals is where I shine! :D
  • edited November -1
    "how to color in a Kishu"

    Chrystal, that would be a great opportunity to teach people that white isn't really white:)
  • edited November -1
    :) brilliant, beth! :)
  • edited November -1
    I knew you'd like that one:D
  • edited November -1
    White isn't really white??

  • edited November -1
    Hi Corina,

    Sorry I haven't been checking out the forums as much lately as I've been busy with school. I would love to help out. I think Saturday is a great day for me, and I could probably go for at least half day. Can I update you once I get my scheduling in order? Let's keep in touch!

  • edited February 2010
    Is there also a Jindo group at the Expo? If so, you may want to add them to the scavenger hunt. Related spitz-type dog, frequently found in Southern CA, often/can be confused with Nihon Ken, etc.

    Just thought of another display idea. How about the map of Japan that shows where each breed comes from?
  • edited November -1
    "Just thought of another display idea. How about the map of Japan that shows where each breed comes from?"

    This would be a really cool poster :p ~
  • edited November -1
    The expo sounds soooo cool! Are there ever any Kai's there?
  • aykayk
    edited February 2010
    To the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been any Kai's at the Pet Expo.

    There is a a Jindo booth there, but my recommendation is the keep it Japanese or Japanese National treasure themed. Otherwise, it'll lead to asking about the Chow, the Sibe, the Samoyed, the Malamute, the Klee Kai...
  • edited November -1
    Janet - Yes, keep in touch! Let me know "for sure" when you know your exact scheduling.


    The map of Japan with each Nihon Ken's breed origin is an excellent idea!

    As for the Kai Ken... there hasn't been a booth that I know of but I did see a dog last year that "looked" like a Kai Ken at first glance. Could of been a Cattle Dog though or mix -shrugs-.
  • edited November -1
    Cattle dogs do look like Kai's. This guy at the park was convinced for 5 minutes that his rescued Cattle dog was a Kai. lol. I had to talk him out of it.

    If I could talk a couple Kai owners into doing it, I would definitely bring Koda down to the show. I should get on that for next year.
  • edited November -1
    Opps...Jesse...the wall where visitors can take pictures with the Shikoku would be pretty cool! Do you have a Polaroid? I don't think I owe one of those anymore...if I do...it might be "lost" in storage somewhere or perhaps in my dad's garage...lol.

    We've got a month left! Time to "hussle" =). Since it looks like we won't be having any extra Shikoku to add to the booth, we might just have to make do with the 10 x 10...but if we get enough decor, I could ask and see about a 20 x 20 booth. I don't want any empty spaces! =p It must all be pleasing to the eye and uncluttered but filled visually.

    If you will be a volunteer attending for 3 days...instead of paying $5 a day for parking (total $15), you can obtain a parking pass for $9 here.

    I'm still IN NEED of volunteers!
  • edited November -1
    Is the expo only in SoCal or just it change every time?
  • edited November -1
    Socal only
  • edited November -1
    stupid question: SoCal = South California?
  • edited November -1
    Yes - there is NorCal and SoCal. The primary goal of SoCal is to produce movie stars and steal water from NorCal :)
  • edited November -1
    lol! thanks for sharing!!!
  • edited March 2010
    This specific topic is for Southern California Pet Expo but there are other Pet Expos throughout the country on random dates =). I believe Kris and Kuma did one of the Expo's in Penn. one year.
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