How much is too much?



  • edited November -1
    I love this topic - if the OP is willing, we should make this a sticky.
  • edited February 2010
    This has been really interesting reading, and it really might be good as a sticky--esp. since people have brought up the very important point about how much it might cost just to raise a healthy dog over an average lifetime. I've already probably spent 10-12 k for Toby and he's only 6, and that would probably only cover his vet bills. (Two years ago he had a $4000 vet bill...a month at the vet's office, and surgeries. Would have likely cost twice that at most vets. He got hurt badly in a fight with my girl Shiba.)

    I wish I could just get some JA breeders to answer my emails (though I suppose a rude answer wouldn't help!). I may be going about it wrong, but in my email I told them about my house/other dogs/experiences with dogs, and told them I was looking to get a JA in the next few years, and wanted to know more about their dogs, but didn't hear back from anyone. I never asked price--seemed premature. Ah well. Someone here said in another thread that it will happen at the right time, and I keep thinking that too...the right dog will come at the right time, and I know this is NOT the right time (but I did want to at least make contact with some breeders since I figured there will likely be a wait anyway).

    Gotta admit I'm tempted to go out to CA for that pet expo....:) Can't this year, but it sounds fun.
  • edited February 2010
    Sang, White_bear and Reno, I know it's rude to just ask for prices but I asked other questions about the breeding
    I failed to mention that. I'd ask about health tests, temperament, etc. But after asking about the JA's to the breeder in CA, she
    sounded very offended even though I wasn't referring to her dogs. I was talking about temperament in general. I usually admire
    a breeder's dog and ask other questions. Prices I usually ask last.

    Jack -What is a sticky? Haha you can do whatever you want to with this topic (:

    Shikoku - That is fantastic information thank you so much. I will surely look into that. Most likely even go since it's across the street
    from my school. I probably will not be getting a NK for quite awhile. Maybe even in a year or so. But I'm wayyy too excited about it already I can't control myself. But I guess it's for the best. The longer the wait and more research put into it the now I'm excited for the expo. :D
  • edited November -1
    A Sticky places this topic up at the top for future reference. This one has a lot of useful information.
  • edited November -1
    Please do
  • edited November -1
    LOL I see a pattern creating - reading and posting while enjoying my morning coffee!

    Some other things I was thinking about: Adri, you seem to have done all the right things. I can only think of one more reason why people looking for NK don't usually get replies - NK are so rare in comparison to other breeds that the breeder wants his/her pups to have a show/breeding career and that's the main criterion for choosing prospective owners.

    One more thing - if you want a pup get ready to go through the screening process - you, your family, your house, your dogs, your past dogs, your expectations from the new pup, etc etc etc. Some people get upset when the breeder starts snooping around, but it's only natural, he needs to put the right pup in the right home.

    Another loose end: when I talk about pedigree I don't refer to the piece of paper but to the dogs that are in it, the bloodline. You don't just put together two Champion dogs and the resulting puppies would be automatically Champions when they grow up. The amount of time and research put into studying bloodlines it tremedous and I am not exaggerating. There are specific strengths and weaknesses attached to each bloodline and you have to find a balance - what you need versus how much it would cost to get what you need (eg: improve type versus conformation). It's extremely difficult to quantify this research into money but the results show in the quality of the puppies that you've bred.

    My personal opinion is that you (generic you) find a pup bred for health, conformation, character and type then you should expect to pay thousands of euros/dollars for it. Because such a pup - in good health and not carrier for AI or other genetic diseases, with good conformation, appropriate character for the breed and who has type is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY rare. I think that's a possible answer for Tara's question about such important differences in prices.

    If you want a specific part - what Nico was talking about with the huskies (LOVED the car analogy by the way) - go to the right breeder. If you only need temperament because you have small children, if you only need health because you are a dedicated hiker or you're doing agility every day - then choose specific breeders focusing on what you need. These are the two things you need to focus on if you don't need the all-package deal. If you want type because you think it's cool and the dog snarls and bites evth in site - you're in big trouble. Or if he develops SA or has thyroid problems, then type doesn't do you a lot of good, does it?
  • edited November -1

    Im starting a pattern too haha. I read the forums every night before bed.
    Thank you for the info it was very helpful.
    I have no problem with a breeder checking on what kind of environment
    his/her puppies would be in. It's a very smart thing to do and understandable.
    I'm looking for good temperament because I'd love to expose the dog to others and I have small cousins. Also, I had a traumatic incident when I was very young.
    A dog ran up to a puppy I was walking and killed it ),:
    I wouldn't know what to do (with myself) if my dog put someone else through a heartbreaking situation like that.
    Since I badly want an JA, its also something I need much info on because I have no idea if I can prevent a situation like that from happening.
    Health is also the main concern with me.
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