Loa Passed Her CGC!!!



  • edited November -1
    Great job Loa! I swear it's easier to pass cgc with a dog that could give a crap about people than ones who are outgoing and have a real sense of autonomy.
    They get there too, but it often takes WAY longer.


    PS: I don't know much about the ATTS tests but I would think there would be a lot of prep for that and it would be for a certain breed wouldn't it. Even the dogs bred as gun dogs are not fully comfortable with the gun range etc for some time, sometimes never. Taking them for testing with a firing pistol if not fully prepared I think would have a residual horrible effect on most if any Spitz, at least the Shibas.

    Testing/training for CGC they most they do is drop metal chairs or something similar sound wise.
  • aykayk
    edited March 2010
    There should be no prep for the ATTS test if you want to find out your dog's real reaction rather than just wanting to pass.

    The gunfire was actually not so bad at the ATTS test because by the time it was our turn, my dog had already heard it over 20 times just on that day. (We were scheduled in the afternoon but had to appear during the morning orientation.)

    Like the Anatolian in the video, it didn't get more than a la-de-da reaction.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! I had not heard of ATTS either!
  • edited November -1
    "I believe the ATTS originated from European temperament tests?"

    You may be right, but I haven't heard about this before. I think there is smth like that in UK but I don't know much.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! :D
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