


  • athena had her second champ show yesterday where she took first in the bitch puppy class. i was over the moon she did really well, took it all in her stride and loved every minute of it. her daddy came along and took some video, we're the second from the left with the red lead in the first video.

  • Your dogs are GORGEOUS!!! Congratulations on those placements in those shows!
  • She is really beautiful! Congrats!
  • Contrats that's awesome
  • thanks we've had afew more shows since this including a best puppy in show at a much smaller show. will try and add some updated pictures of athena at some point today. its her first birthday, can't believe its been a year since i decided to take the plunge. doesn't seem two minutes since i was asking if i was making the right choice in getting her on the forum.
  • edited October 2011
    as my last post stated Athena turned 1 today. she is a lovely girl, sweet and cute and funny, if i'm honest she is a little large of ear and a little slender for my taste, both in her body and head although she still as to finish filling out so could alter. but i doubt she will ever fill out enough to stop her looking alittle like dumbo.
    she as done relatively well in the show ring been placed at every show she as been entered in, all with decent competion, the fact that she shows her socks off and moves extremely well i think have helped ofset my rubbish handling skills and her faults. we've worked really hard together with obedience training and i'm thinking of trying out agility with her once she hits 16months plus. not something i'd ever have though i'd wnt to try but she loves to work for me. will keep everyone posted on our activities should we take a step in that direction.
    anyway enough of my waffling, here some pictures of my birthday girl taken today (she is out of coat at the moment). and a few of venus my AA who really should have her own thread. and apologise for the state of the garden but we are currantly doing it all up so its a mess.













  • edited October 2011
    what a cutie!
  • Totally missed Athena's birthday ;) Better late than never I suppose, so happybirthday Athena. She's a real beauty! I can see what you mean with the dumbo-ears, but she still has time to grow into them, so don't worry yet!

    Congrats on the show successes :D
  • thanks tanja, they don't look as bad when she is in full coat but still a little large lol. hopefully she will even out as she fills out but as they are quite slow maturing it could be sometime yet. i doubt she will get placed at crufts but she earned herr place there so she'll get her chance on the green carpet regardless of how she looks.
  • Well don't give up beforehand! She might place, depends on the judge... Since she qualified she obviously have some of the qualities they are looking for. In junior class they're not supposed to be all mature yet. Some dogs are faster develouped, granted, and you might not get a placement, but keep your hopes up. It's less fun if you expect failure ;) She has a gorgeous expression!
  • well its been while since we updated Athenas thread, unfortunately at a year old she started with skin issues, these continued to get gradually worse over the course of the last 18 months. we also had issues with her seasons been irregularly, short or prolonged. we finally got a diagnosis of cystic ovaries so neutered her 9 weeks ago. we are still dealing with bacterial infections but are hoping once we are on top of them she will make a full recovery. she as remain a super sweet girl through it all and while we can't breed from her or show her anymore we decided that she had to stay with us as a pet.
  • Sorry to hear about this! Thanks for the update!
  • Oh poor baby...she's so adorable though and looks like an angel <333
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