Koda and I are on the mend

edited January 2011 in General
I took Koda out for a walk tonight, and as we were stepping off the curb a car blew the light and hit Koda. Thankfully it was not fast.

He broke a toe nail and will probably be bruised in the morning on his side and possibly his hip. His paw may have been run over. I was hit a little, but I threw my body in front of him as best as I could. The ahole drove off while I was trying to cover Koda's body. A lady saw it and stopped. An ambulance chased after the guy and they took my number. They said if they caught him they would call the police. I just wanted to get Koda home to get my car keys and hit the vet's office.

Physically he will be fine, probably sore tomorrow. It's mentally that Koda is all messed up. He kept acting like I hurt him and cowers anytime I go near him. It's breaking my heart. Koda has always trusted me, and I failed him bad. He always walks on my right side, and tonight I thought to myself a second before it happened that he was on the wrong side. I was actually going to swing him over when it happened, but I should have done it before we stepped off the curb not while walking. I failed my little man, and he's treating me like it.

I called my parents right after to ask if they could watch Koda tomorrow and keep an eye on him. Ofcourse they flipped and met me at the house when we got back from the vet. They brought Mei, and the second he saw her his tail finally went up. He was kissing her frantically and rubbing on her. They started to play, rough actually. I asked my parents to leave Mei since Koda is scared of me and won't go near me. He's been great with her here. He stopped shaking and put his ears and tail back up. He's really good with her right now. But he's still scared of me. It's breaking my heart.

The worst of it was poor Koda's anal glands expressed in the accident. I know this upset him as well. He doesn't have accidents. He wouldn't even take cheese from me when we got home.

Just had to rant and get it off my chest. At least Mei loves me. I started crying while typing this and she came up on the couch and hugged me around my neck and rubbed my face. Now to get Koda to trust me again.


  • Oh man im so sorry. Im glad hes physically ok and hopefully with time hell be mentally recovered as well. I hope they catch the bastard.
  • Wow. I hope that catch that bastard! I can't believe he took off!! UGH! So pissed off for you! I'm sure Koda will warm up to you soon. You are his mommy. I'm glad you both are ok.
  • I am so sorry. A hug to you and Koda. What a terrible situation. Give it time and it will be alright again with Koda. I hope you feel better in the morning.
  • Oh, this is an awful story, but I'm so glad you're both (relatively) ok. I guess Koda is just confused now--something scary happened, and it must have seemed to him that you were part of the scary thing....I'm sure he'll get over his fear of you, but damn, I would feel so bad too, even though you did nothing wrong (and in fact were trying to protect him!)

    And I'm so pissed about that asshole driver, I can't believe it. I hope they catch him!

    In the meantime, just hang in there, and hugs to you and Koda both.
  • Wow, thats scary!
    I agree with shibamistress on this one, I guess Koda links you with the accident, a bad thing that happened to him, and you were part of that.
    I can imagine how it must feel for you now, lets just hope he gets over it soon and act normal again.
    Hope that both you and Koda will soon feel better!
  • I hope that driver gets what's coming to him. Ugh!
  • Poor little Koda-man! I really hope he recovers from his shock soon, I can easily imagine how this must feel to you! You were trying to protect him, but by doing that, became part of the bad experience... I hope you two are soon back to your normal realtionship!

    I'm crossing my paws for you!
  • I'm so sorry about your (and Koda's) horrible experience. :( I really hope he gets back to his normal self with you. But seriously, what a moron driver. I truly hope he gets caught.
  • Tara, Im so sorry about what happened. I'm sure Koda will come around soon. He knows you would never do anything to hurt him and is just a little shaken up. Im just so glad that it wasnt any worse than what it was. Fingers and paws crossed in our house for a speedy recovery metally and physically.
  • Oh no! Tara, I am so sorry that you have both had to go through this. :'(

    I know it is incredibly frustrating to have witnessed Koda get hurt, even though you did what you could to protect him. And do not blame yourself... Unfortunately, people (the driver) do stupid things and can cause other people absolute misery in their wake. I hope that they are able to catch the driver and charge him with a hit and run...

    Okay... So Koda is okay. He is going to be a little sore, but no major physical damage... You are okay. Just a couple of bruises, I am assuming. (Ice and Aleve for you at first, then heat and Motrin...)

    Now for the mental trauma, which is often times much worse than the physical trauma. Koda does not understand what happened. He just knows that he was hurt and you were there. Association makes it seem like you were part of the cause of his pain. However, this will fade. Probably quite quickly, if I know Koda. Give him his space. And go to the store a buy him a few cans of sardines in water... (This ALWAYS works with my two) Just sit down, talk to him calmly and sweetly (with Mei near him, as she calms him) and feed him some ridiculously stinky fish. Just no sudden movements or loud noises. It may take a couple of days, but he will come around.

    This reminds me of the time the burglar alarm kept going off and Bella treated me like I was personally causing her aural pain. The quiet and stinky fish helped a lot with her.

    *HUGS* to both of you. Koda still loves you. And you are an awesome doggie mum!
  • I am so sorry, but it was an accident and not your fault in the slightest. I am sure that Koda will come around. Now for that driver....
  • I'm really sorry Tara. I'm sure Koda will come around, he may just be in shock.

    You are allowed to make mistakes, not that this is your fault at all, but he will see that this was an accident and will come around.

    I know how much you love him and care for him and how close of a relationship you have (and how much you value that). So I know this is devastating for you. I'm so sorry.

  • Poor Koda, really sucks that both of you had to experience that:( I hope that guy is caught and gets what he deserves.

    Like what was already said, he's probably in shock and is confused. Give him some time and space and he's sure to be his old self again
  • Tara-

    So sorry to hear about this. Glad that you and Koda are pretty much OK. If necessary, you may want to ask your vet if a mild tranquillizer might help relieve Koda's post accident anxiety. The medication may help you work with him. Just a thought.
  • Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all of your kind words.

    Koda ended up climbing in bed with me last night. He laid right next to me and let me put my arms around him. He is not much of a cuddler, but last night he wanted to be right up against me. I'm taking that as a good sign. But he had nightmares all night. He was crying really loud in his sleep which woke Mei up in the crate. She started crying and whining really loud, so I let her out and we all slept together. She wanted to be right up next to Koda, and she was even nuzzling and kissing him. It really worried her. Luckily, I think that Mei being in bed helped Koda. He was crying in his sleep off and on from midnight until 3:30 AM when Mei came up. Then he settled down and didn't wake up until 6 AM which is still really early for the Prince who likes to sleep in.

    I dropped both the dogs off at my parents. Koda physically seems to be doing fine. He's not limping at all, and was excited to be at my parents. They live only 3 miles from my vet, so if anything goes wrong they will run him down.

    I felt really sore this morning. I have a huge bruise on my leg. I think I took the impact of the car, but just didn't realize it until this morning. A really nice woman in a green minivan stopped last night frantically saying to me "you got hit you got hit." Then EMT's stopped to tell me I got hit as well. I kept saying my dog got hit. I was more worried about him, and my adrenaline must have been really going because I didn't notice my side getting hit. I did, but didn't realize it would be black today. My head hurts and back. My stomache is also a little upset, but I think that's all from the stress of it.

    I can picture the accident clearly in my mind. It keeps playing. I was on the corner leaning down rubbing Koda's belly waiting for the light to turn green for me. The light turned green. I looked, no cars. We stepped off the curb went about 3 steps when I flipped around in front of Koda to swing him from my left side to my right side. That's when I saw the car's front end coming. I pretty much flung myself over Koda's head and front portion of his body. I may have actually been the one to break his toenail. I think I stepped on him. That's when the hit happened. The car was turning right, and the side of the car may have brushed Koda's side/back hip. Since I had turned around in front of Koda, the car hit my right side. I have a huge bruise on the outside of my right thigh. My back feels like it was jerked pretty bad.

    I never heard from the EMT's, but there are so many side streets that asshole could've gone down to get away. I do remember now. It was a new purple Honda Civic. I'll call the cops in a bit to see if they had any reports, but I truly doubt it.

    Thanks for everyone's kind words. It's been a tough night.
  • Tara,

    I am so sorry this happened to you.
    I hope you and Koda heal and recover well from this incident.
  • I figured you would be sore today... Hopefully you will feel better soon. (Look on the bright side... You could have a 'slightly' fractured vertebrate, like me... haha!)

    And I do hope they can find the car that hit you and Koda. People like really upset me... Hit and runs are never pleasant.

    But I am glad that Koda seems to be doing better. Just keep doing what you are doing, he will probably be back to his old self in a couple of days. :)
  • :( I hope a police report was filed. Even if nobody is ever arrested, at least you have something to show your insurance company if you develop a health issue from it down the road.

    Glad he is feeling better. Sorry this happened to you and Koda.
  • I just got a call from the police. The EMT's got the guy's license plate I think. The cops got my number from the EMT's who put in a statement. I gave my statement over the phone. Told them what I remembered and the car. They are going to call the car's owner and follow up. They didn't say much, just asked me questions. They want pics of my leg, and somehow my elbow is bruised too. I think it hit the ground. Not sure where all of this is going to go. I also need to get the vet to write up that Koda and I were there with her observations.
  • Sorry to hear this, but glad both of you are safe. Hoping you both heal quickly. ~
  • I'm so sorry to here that Tara, make sure you get all that info to the PD asap so that they can follwo up. Trust me, they will investigate a hit N run with injuries. Be very discriptive on any information you give to the PD or a DDA if it gets prosecuted.

    I hope the deuchebags get prosecuted.
  • aykayk
    edited December 2010
    It sounds like Koda was recovering from the shock of it all yesterday. It's good news that he's not associating the trama with you.

    I hope they’re able to catch the guy and he gets charged to the max with the hit and run. Get your injuries documented, because the court won’t sentence as high with a “mere dog”, especially a black dog, being hit.
  • They honestly don't really care about Koda being hit. I think it's just me. I think they are more going for me being hit. I made an urgent care appt. at Kaiser. I'll have the dr. document my bruising. Plus my back hurts. I want some pain med's. lol.

    Gen, I think the EMT's that were driving in the ambulance two cars back from the guy gave a really good description. I'm happy that they were there to get all the info. and that they stopped to help. I'm really thankful. I wish one of them would call me so I can thank them again.
  • Good to hear Koda is doing better. Get yourself checked out. The back pain is something that could get worse and you need everything documented.
  • I'm glad Koda is doing better, and hope you're able to feel better too (yeah, you need pain meds it sounds like!) I was so relieved to hear that they got the jerk's info. and are going after him. They will, too--I hope he gets what is coming to him.

    hang in there...
  • Glad to hear that the EMT's were able to get the license plate. Hopefully the driver will get the max conviction for a hit and run.

    Hopefully there is nothing more than just bruising with you... But I am sure the Emergent Care will give you some nice pain meds. :)

    How is Mr. Koda doing this afternoon?
  • Thanks again everyone. I went to the dr. and I'm badly bruised *duh*. They wouldn't give me any meds. lol. I went to the PD, and they took pics of me and I answered the same questions as over the phone. He didn't tell me anything other than they were investigating.

    Koda is doing great. I think better than me. He spent the day with Mei who always gives him confidence. When I got to my parent's house to pick him up, he laid on the couch with me (he was a bit clingy). I ended up passing out on Advil and Tylenol and he slept right next to me on the couch. We were both tired from lack of good sleep last night. Plus I felt sick to my stomache after all of this.

    I really didn't know how hard I'd been hit until today, but good news is Koda seems fine. I'm hoping this means that I took the hit and not him.

    On a side note, I drove by the intersection and thought I was going to puke on the way home. I'm still a bit pissed about some ass hitting us and driving off. I'm really thankful that him and I are ok.
  • I'm a bit late coming to this, but yikes! Glad everyone seems okay. I'm glad it wasn't worse and I'm miffed at the a-hole who hit you guys. I mean, really!
  • Good to hear there's at least some info on the driver! Hopefully theyll catch him real soon and he gets max sentenced!
    Im glad Koda seems to be better and better both physical and mental, great that he's starting to trust you again.
    Now all is left for you to feel/get better again!
  • I'm so sorry this has happened! My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title. =(

    I'm glad Koda is doing better and I'm glad Mei mei is helping him regain his confidence.

    I hope they catch the jerk who hit you and Koda! >.<
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