Finigan Bai-Cuf Eowyn

Hi guys.

So I finally got my girl home! She is such a sweetheart and really nicely behaved :) Not one single accident in the house (yet) and she is good with the other dogs...

She is going to be my future showdog and I hope, if the healthchecks come out good, that I can breed her later on. If she develoups good, she has some amazing bloodlines I would like to continue :D

Anyways, a couple of pics:




  • YAY! Glad you finally got her home!

    Thanks for posting some pictures. She is a beauty!
  • Thanks Casey, she sure is!
  • She's very pretty! Congrats!
  • Wow, she's gorgeous! Her brindle is just stunning. I don't usually like the American Akitas but she breaks the mold for sure! I wouldn't mind having a future pup of hers.
  • Yeah she is finally home! I would've been going nuts waiting that long. She is a very beautiful girl.
  • Yay! You finally got her :) She sounds great and she's really pretty. Congrats!
  • Some new pics from today in the plantation :) Eowyn turned 5 months old yesterday...









  • Wow she is one good looking Akita pup, I really like her coloring. Congrats!
  • she is a real stunner.
  • She is super cute :)
  • She's beautiful!
  • I love the picture of her chewing on the stick. :)
  • She is gorgeous!
  • Thanks guys!

    I love that one too, Casey :D
  • Wow, she's stunning! Beautiful pics. Love her pinto coloring. :)

  • I've never been a big fan of AA's but Eowyn makes me change my mind, she looks stunning!
  • @7Stefan7
    Thanks, she is really a great dog!
  • Cute pup can't wait to read more about her. =)
  • She is gorgeous!! :) Is her brindle expected to lighten a little more as she gets older?
  • She's gorgeous. I'm a sucker for brindles.
  • @akitarise
    So far her brindle has lightened until about a month ago, so I'm not sure that she will get much lighter, but she is nowhere near adult ofcourse! So I can't really be sure...

    A little snowpics from yesterday ;)











    And yes it is a horsepoo, she has dug up from under the snow, that she has in her mouth in the last pictures ;o)
  • She really is stunning! I'm very impressed with her bone. She looks really solid. :-)
  • Thanks Dave, I really hope she develoups to be very solid as adult too :) So far she is a dream come true!
  • Awww, she's such a pretty puppy :) hahahaha, horsepoo
  • Yes apparently horsepoo is the best snack ever! She is always stalking my dad when he starts to feed the horses and when he opens the stall doors to put in hay, the dogs sneak in to get some yummy yummy poo :P

    Today I trained recall, but we are still on babysteps, so I just used treats to help her associate her name with something good and then afterwards made recall from a couple of meters away, with ham as prize. She did very well and I hope she will get good at recall, at least for a NK standard ;) Haha...
  • She looks sensational! Amazing pics!
  • Love the pics! She's really good looking!

    As for the recall, I've discovered one thing that always works with Oskar: a squeeky toy! But he's toy obsessed! (and he's a pretty good boy overall!)
  • @shibamistress
    I haven't tried toys out yet, she doesn't seem really interested in them, but maybe I just tried the wrong toy ;)

    I really hope that I can manage to get a decent recall on her, but I guess it doesn't make it easier that I have to start from scratch with a teenager!!
  • She may not even like all my years with dogs, Oskar is the first dog who LOVES toys, I mean so much that they are an easy "go to" to get his attention, but he's also by far one of the softest NKs I've had (I started to say softest dogs, but not really if I think of the GSD I used to have)

    But you're facing a particular challenge: you got your girl when she was already an adolescent, and so you're trying to deal with both her getting used to a new home, but also getting used to a new home in her most difficult just remember, this will likely be the hardest period of her life. Right now, I'd spend as much time as possible getting acquainted in a non-judgemental way....can you just tolerate what she's doing now, and consider it a bumpy part of the road on your path to a true partnership? Because neither of you know each other well now, but you'll get there!

    Probably now the most basic of all practice will work best: rewarding her for recognizing her name, etc as you're doing. And then move on to rewards for sitting, etc. The thing is, she may still be in a fear period, and in that fear period, she's had to move homes and recognize a new person, and thus training starts over in her mind...oh, now I have to do these things in the presence of scary new person/new environment....I guess if we really think how hard it must be to have everything we know disrupted: no longer to have parents/littermates with us and then suddenly be in a place that is wildly different than where we grew up, then perhaps that caution and panic dogs show might make more sense....

    Anyway, I got caught up in my reply, but hope there might be a tidbit of use for you...;and in any case, she is gorgeous, and I think you'll do beautifully with her!
  • @shibamistress
    Thank you very much for your reply. I will work on the recall, but it would be soooo much easier if I had something I knew she liked. I mean I've tried sausage, chicken, cheese, treats (bought in petstore) and ham. The only treat she has been interested in for more than 5 seconds is the ham. So might try this for short sessions and see if it works...

    But yeah, most important right now is that we get a bond and that she feels safe.
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