Finigan Bai-Cuf Eowyn



  • She is adorable Tanja :) But not as cute as her sister Eira Eira is a pistol too, we havent even attempted any training...just trying to get her comfortable in her new country LOL

  • Haha, thanks Donna, in my book it's the other way around, but that's the way it's supposed to be, right? ;)

    Yeah, Eo definately has her own opinion on things, she's not going to make it easy for me! XD
  • And re: training, Oskar is so easy on the recall (probably the easiest dog I've ever had on that, except for my GSD) but walking on a leash, which used to be easy, is suddenly hell when he hit adolescence...He even was heeling ok, and's like trying to walk a charging rhino or something.....Ah, those hormones....
  • Haha, Eo is okay on the leash at the moment, but the recall is almost non existent ;) I think she knows what her name is, cause she reacts to it when we are inside or when she wants something, but the second I try to make recall outside or if she's occupied by something, I can forget it! *chuckle*
  • She looks really good. I'm glad to hear that she seems to be settling in. She really is a beautiful dog.

    Did you try hotdogs? I've never met a dog who doesn't like hotdogs. I should say, I have yet to meet.
  • She is not fond of hotdogs, something must be wrong ;) Haha...

    She is a real personality, I love her sooo much :)

    Just a short video of her playing with my GSD:
  • That is funny. I personally don't feed hotdogs, but thought I'd try. I use cheese and dried tripe rounds. I break them up. I've also used, I think it's dried buffalo. I usually go for the more healthy snacks, but the kids are addicted to cheese. I can get them to do anything for cheese. They are cheese whores! :-)
  • Love the video! She is so pretty! And I love that they are playing what me and my best friend (who also has a GSD) call "the German game" which is to play chase that involves running in big circles. Every GSD I know has tried to initiate that game with other dogs! (My Shibas never play it, for example, and rarely even get drawn into it. Oskar will play it, but it's not his natural play style).
  • edited February 2011
    I also tried cheese and she was interested for like 5 minutes and then she just spat it out and ignored my efforts ;) She is really a tough case... Haha!

    Are many kais foodmotivated?? I know a KBD that is so foodmotivated, she will skip on her tongue if it means she gets a snack, and she doesn't care if it dry dogbisquits, chicken, beef, cheese or even vegetables. ANYTHING!! God, I wish Eo was like that :P

    Yeah I noticed that too, it is Vega's favorite game, and I think she just awakened Eo's desire to hunt, because Vega usually grabs something (a twig, a piece of bread, a lump of snow, whatever) and runs away with it looking like she just won the grandprize! XD And then Eo wants whatever Vega's got and chases her. Now, Vega doesn't even need to have something every time, Eo will just chase her. They play so well together, but whether Eo will continue to enjoy it this way I don't know...
  • Looks so funny :). Can't wait to get Ife and Nuuk to the dog park. Then I must have camera with me.
  • @MirkaM
    And we cannot wait to see them ;) Hope we meet on some show sometime, so I can see them IRL!! :D
  • Well what do you know, I found a toy that she likes. How long it lasts I don't know ;)

  • Oh man, I love puppy bouncies. :-)
  • edited March 2011
    Here's a couple of new pics from march 4th...

    Can't believe I've already had her for a month. Where did the time go?? ;)





  • She's such a pretty girl :) She always looks so happy too.
  • Hmmm.....seems I thought I posted this below, but did not! Well here it is a bit late:

    Yay! Oskar loves to play with a ball too! It's so funny to watch your beautiful girl, too, because she moves so much like Oskar....always interesting to the see the similarities in breeds....

    Anyway, I'm glad you found something she likes!

    And I love the new pics! She is a gorgeous girl! Even with muddy paws as in that last pic!
  • She is so beautiful! I love the pics of her running!
  • She looks like a Godzilla-type monster in the second picture since she's taller than those little trees XD
  • edited March 2011
    Yes it is really funny to see that some things seems to be "standard" for the breed ;) Her passion about the ball has already lessened, though I haven't used it much. Very difficult girl I've got ;) She's bound to end up as Denmark's worst behaved akita! Haha...

    Yeah, those trees are only like 40-60 cm tall so it's easy to be Godzilla-like in those ;) They will not be ready for sale for another couple of years ;)
  • haha, I had the same thought about godzilla-akita with those trees.
  • Some of her manners fit Godzilla as well, maybe I should change her name to Godzilla... or Eozilla... Funky! xD
  • I think Godzilla is Japanese, too. So, there you go.
  • Fits very well then! Haha...

    Must find kai names that fit the theme then ;)
    Any other big monsters? *LOL*
  • She looks cute :).
  • Took some new pics today - Eowyn 6 months and 5 days ;)








    And my new favorite pic of her:
  • She's so beautiful! My favorite of the American Akita I've seen.
  • There's Dogzilla towering over those trees again.
  • @Losech
    Thank you, Eowyn is honored! ;)

    I knooooow, but it's the best place to take pictures where she can run free ;)
    And it's akizilla!! :P
  • She is so pretty! I love the third pic where she has her head dropped a bit in that Akita way....I don't know what to call it, but Oskar does it when he is playing, and drops it even more when he is serious...

    Great pics! She has such presence--I'm sure she'll make a great show dog!
  • Thanks Lisa :)
    I really hope she will do great on shows, her breeder told me she was the best in the litter, and that she should be shown. It would be a shame not to, with a dog that has so much potential. So I hope I can make her proud :)
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