Kyuubi (Haru's pup #2)



  • Love the video Kyuubi is loving the playtime.

  • am i allowed to use this thread to vent, Brad? seeing as Kyuubi woke me up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom! i guess it's better than going in his crate....
  • I guess it's fine to vent I do it sometime in saya's thread.. lol

    It's good he woked you up to go potty instead of pee in his crate I agree with that.
  • No, that's not allowed Kevin, sorry. I will ban you, don't push me.
  • He'll do it. He's a real hardass.
  • Haha, Kyuubi sounds like a real good pup. I actually saw this in Eowyn too. When we went to play meets she always encouraged the shy pups by lying down next to them and doing the playbow. She is so gentle with that :)
  • @MrMcFly - You should go ahead and send Kyuubi to me. I am usually awake at 3am, anyway. :)
  • I just sent a Kai puppy to Tucson not to long ago.
  • @kaikenone I am in the Phoenix Met area so Tucson would be a short drive for me. Will the owner of the Tucson puppy be joining the Nihon Ken forum? Maybe s/he and I could connect.

    @Jujee Kyuubi has an high EQ (emotional quotient). When I met him at the dog park, as young as he is he had not only poise, but was a charismatic leader - he had a little crowd of admirers streaming along behind him and was kind to the few who tried to take him down a notch. Very impressive!

    When I first stumbled upon temperament descriptions of this breed, I pictured a dog just like Kyuubi. I sure hope he is the rule and not the exception!! Remind me who his sire & dam are, please.

    @Brad I bet dollars to donuts that you've posted photos of them - any links? Does one see gender differences in temperament?
  • @jan3t - His dam is Haru, you can read all about Haru and her litter in Haru's thread:

    When I was in Japan meeting with KKA breeders and members Shigeru and I selected a male for Haru to be mated with. His name was Gin. Haru didn't agree with our choice tho and instead picked a dog name Riki from the same kennel as Gin. Unfortunately I did not get to meet Riki when I was there, so I had little info on his temperament and such. Shigeru has met him tho and says he is a very nice male who is good with other dogs. There's a lot more info in Haru's thread but that's the short version.

    Your description of Kyuubi's personality is one of the reasons why Jen and myself love this breed so much. Their natural social intelligence is very impressive, I have seen it in every Kai we have raised (12 so far). It really makes them differ from the other NK breeds IMHO.

    That's not to say a Kai Ken wont be aggressive if not socialized and raised correctly. Actually, aside from the Akita Inu, I think the Kai Ken is the NK breed that may require the most amount of socialization of the bunch.

    As ours mature I notice they keep their social manners, which is great, but they do seem to be less interested in play.

  • Here's a video of Kyuubi & Mika :)

  • That's way too sweet.
  • aykayk
    edited June 2011
    Do the antlers splinter at all?

    I'm thinking of giving one to my foster. His stomach can't handle regular chews yet, but he's starting to shred his rug out of boredom.
  • Saya and Bella can grind their antlers down it lasts them for a long time. I dunno if they can splinter they seem pretty solid so it needs to be grinded..
  • @ayk - I don't think they splinter. At least the ones that we have gone through here have never splinter.
  • kyuubi is in daycare right now until i pick him up around 5:30. if you want to watch him you can do so here:

    you have to be using internet explorer 32-bit. that's the only way i could watch it at work. he's in the small dog area (choose small dog 1 or small dog 2 under "camera select"). you should be able to find him easily with his tail. :)
  • New trick I'm teaching Kyuubi

  • Like! :-)
  • Awwww! Cute!
  • haha... That's cute! :o)
  • That is cute!!! I can't believe how big he is!! They grow up too quick.
  • Lol, after that video was taken, I asked him again who he loves, he didn't put his paw on me that time! He put it on Mika!!!
  • That's a cute trick!
  • So cute !!! I'm so happy to look at him !
  • Here are updated pics of Kyuubi~ Sorry it's pic heavy :P

    Dog Beach




    @ShikokuSpirit (Corina's) House




    Outside our house

    At work



  • Love the 'at work' pics. :-)
  • He's just gorgeous! I love his face! Those eyes are so beautiful!
  • He's very handsome!
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