Kyuubi (Haru's pup #2)



  • Kyuubi looks great! I love the at work pics too.
  • Wow, he is STUNNING!

  • I like that first "outside our house" pic! :o) The office ones really show his color, he has a nice color - very dark in the dark parts and very rich in the color parts. That's what I wanted in Taka, and why I kept her. She has that same type of coloration... Their masks will fade and mix with the brindle with time too.

    Taka's head has started filling out just recently, how about Kyuubi's?

  • Thanks everyone! Yeah he is a really handsome little man! :) I adore him, he's also such a love bug!

    @brada1878 - it is just so hard to capture what his color really looks like. But the black in his coat is very dark and the color in his brindle is very rich, he is just breathtaking under certain lighting :)

    He is filling out a bit more, and his head doesn't look as awkward like it did a few months ago. He isn't putting on any significant weight gain though. He's been borderline 29 - 30lbs the past few weeks.

    @hondru - how much does Sosuke weigh now? And we need some Sosuke spam please :)
  • I love his pictures I like the third outside of your house picture.
  • He's a handsome devil alright. :-)
  • Kyuubi is so handsome! Thanks for the pics!
  • "at work" pict number three !! I love it !!!
  • Love the pictures of Kyuubi! He has an adorable face.
  • "My" Kyuubi-kun! I miss him =/.
  • Awesome pics Julie, man Kyuubi grew up quick!
  • @ShikokuSpirit - you are welcome to take him any weekend you want ;)

    @shishiinu - yeah he really is growing up fast! I look at his pup pics when I first brought him home. He's so big now! haha But I still cradle him like a baby!
  • I hope I get to meet the boy one of these days soon...
  • He's very handsome! For some reason, I always think he should be wearing a tuxedo. Odd, I know.
  • Kyuubi wearing a tuxedo? that would be a cute dog costume. lol
  • edited September 2011
    Kyuubi really is a handsome dude! Love the pics, his color is amazing, I can easily imagine it's even better if you see it IRL ;)
  • So adorable! I haven't been here for awhile so reading this and watching photos of Kyuubi (nice how he is grown) made me feel so happy and also dreaming of own kai.. ..again. :)
    Nice name by the way ;)
  • edited September 2011
    Thanks! :)

    I'll try to get new pictures and videos of him this weekend. I've been a slacker :) But quick little update, this Saturday will be his third class (there are 5 classes altogether) for Obedience Level 1. So far he seems to be the only dog there that is listening and wanting to train. He is very eager to train and learn. He is very very food motivated, but sometimes he will get frustrated if he doesn't get his treat. Thus sometimes causing him to jump up and try to snatch it out of my hand or pouch. So we are working hard right now on his impulse.

    He still hates paws being touched, so nail trimming for him has become nonexistent. They do get naturally filed down walking on concrete, but his dew claws... haha really need a trimming, so I'm hoping to get them done this weekend without him throwing a hissy fit and praying he doesn't express his anal glads all over me eww.
  • Um, yuck?
    Thankfully I was able to train Conker to "like" getting his nails done. A better word for it is bribing actually, but he sits still enough for me to do them all since he knows he gets something to munch afterwards.

    Can't wait for the new Kyuubi pictures!
  • Glad he's doing good in training. :)
  • @Jujee - oh, Kyuubi's amazing; I can't believe how he has grown!

    However, gleaned from Kyuubi's expression, your job looks as boring as heck ;))
  • Kai and their toenails.. Sigh. The boys seem to be the worst with it.
  • @jujee You can take Kyuubi up here to visit and I'll take videos! ;-)

    Koda was great with his toenails before I clipped him. Now he's the worst! Mei scares me so I won't try. Both do well with other people so I'm told. Koda's last toe clipping was in surgery. I cheated on that one.
  • Yeah, I attempted his nails tonight, with lots of treats. He would even "touch" the clippers when I asked him to for a treat. I fed him treats while the clippers were right on his dew claw. Did this for about 30 minutes, but nope right when he sees me going to touch his paw he jerks it away and gives me the saddest look in the world. His dew claws are pretty sharp right now, so I may have to take him somewhere to get it done. Thing is he's super strong now!

    I don't want to force him into doing it if he doesn't want to but he really needs it trimmed. :( Kevin and I both tried holding him and calming him down, feeding him treats. He isn't small and danity like Mika so we are able to clip hers without any issues. He on the other hand will try his best to get away from us and we end up getting scratched a bit with him pushing himself off of us haha. :(

    @tjbart17 - really want to take him up to Nor Cal for a hike :)
  • Oh yes the Kai sad eyes. I know those very well. They get me everytime.

    I dont care what anyone says. If a Kai doesn't want to do it no amount of treats work. Compromise that's what I do. Lol.

    I totally want you to come up with kyuubi. We had a little setback on the koda front today but he will get better and I can always steal Mei for a hike. She's a lot of fun.
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