


  • I entered this photo in the Dogs in Canada photo contest (theme was portraits).

  • That's a GREAT pic, Heidi! I hope you win. :o)
  • That is an awesome photo! :) Good luck!
  • That photo of Rakka is beautiful!
  • Those are awesome photos! Love the rolling hills with the dogs.
  • Nice picture I hope you win.
  • Really nice picture Heidi, I hope you win :)
  • Rakka's been extra snarky lately. She argued with every dog she met at the dog run last night. Actually, I put her back in the car and finished walking Sosuke because she was just being too much of a jerk. This morning, she growled at a little girl who wanted to pet her. Not sure what her deal is, but often, she acts this way when her prey drive isn't being properly dealt with. If I play a good game of tug and fetch with her, she's usually much better. Maybe she just needs some one-on-one time.
  • Mei gets like that. I think alone time would be great for her. Does she get time during the day to herself?
  • The portrait of Rakka won third place! I get a flip camera. Nice bit of good news on a day otherwise wrought with bad news.
  • That is an awesome picture! I wish I did more stuff like that still...only time my little girl sits that still is late at night, when I need her to go to bed.

  • Awesome! Congrats! :o)
  • Congratulations! That is cool that your photo placed and you get a prize!
  • Congrats! That is awesome :D
  • Congratulations, Heidi and Rakka!
  • Just thought I'd share some photos of pretty Rakka.


    This is her look-out spot on the deck.
  • Rakka IS very pretty! She looks nice and lean and her coat looks great, too! :)
  • Rakka looks great as always. :)
  • She's so pretty!
  • Love her look out spot!
  • Pretty girl!!! :)
  • This is Rakka's favourite sleeping position. Apparently it's comfortable.
  • Looking through this thread I realize I have a lot of pictures of Rakka's butt, lol. Hey, it's a good butt.
  • Haha! No worries, Shikoku Rakka butt is sexy.
  • Silly Rakka
  • ROFL @losech--"shikoku rakka butt is sexy"

    Kaiju sleeps in the oddest positions too!
  • LOL. Sosuke sure thinks so.
  • I'm really starting to think Rakka has some joint issues. It's pretty subtle, but she's just kind of stiffening up. She's getting so she doesn't like running as much. It's really noticeable when you compare her to Sosuke. I guess it's time to take her in for an x-ray? I'm not even really sure what to ask the vet for.

    She's also been limping today and yesterday. Her front left leg seems to hurt her, but when I lift it, bend it, squeeze it, she doesn't seem to care. It seems pretty minor like she just bumped it, but it's got me really paranoid.
  • Oh no, I hope it's not bad.
  • I love Rakka! :)

    How old is she now Heidi, I think around 5 years? Could it just be normal aging? [ ie: starting to slow down ] ~
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