


  • She will be 6 in September. Doesn't seem old enough to slow down, but I don't know...
  • edited July 2012
    Well, she's still limping. We have an appointment for Friday for an exam and x-rays. I guess we'll see.
  • I'll keep my fingers crossed it's nothing serious Heidi! ~
  • Fingers crossed too! Hope it's not too bad.
  • Okay, so my car has needed serious repairs lately and today I took it in and it's still doing this weird wobbly things after shelling out $500 to replace axels and brakes (although the horrible metal on metal grinding sound is gone). I am think my car is on its last treads.

    What does this have to do with Rakka? Well, every time Rakka goes to the vet, the car needs to be fixed. When she got porcupine quills in her nose, the tire blew out on the way to the vet. When she had her cyst removed, we ended up in the ditch. It's crazy. So now my car breaks down the same time Rakka starts limping. Except I think the car is turning into an unserviceable piece of junk and we're going to have to replace it. We Also got the car about when Rakka was born.

    Couple that with the fact that I keep reading about bone cancer in dogs and how they get it in their legs, ans I'm practically convinced that Rakka's in serious trouble. I'm almost mentally preparing for her death.

    I know it's silly, but I had to get it off my chest.

    Well, it's not totally silly, because I do have cause for concern. Her mild limp has progressed to her totally refusing to put weight on that leg. She also used to let me squeeze and bend her leg without any fuss and now she yelps.

    Something's up. I do need to stop thinking that she's going to die, though. If that's the case, I may as well wait until I know for sure to be sad.
  • omg Heidi--you and Rakka are in my thoughts...I hope that the prognosis will be something manageable! *HUGS*
  • Oh, I so hope this is not something that serious. I know how it goes, though. When my GSD started limping I was pretty sure he had cancer too. In his case, he did. But he also was 11, not 5, and he never held it up that much, and the approach was quite slow.

    I wonder if it is something else like an ACL tear? Bel went from just limping a bit to carrying the leg entirely, and for awhile we were sure it was NOT the ACL because she didn't make a sound when the vet manipulated it. But when they did the surgery for LP her ACL was completely separated--it was unbelievable that she had not even whimpered when they were manipulating the leg!

    So maybe it is something like this instead? I mean, that wouldn't be fun either but it is fixable at least.

    Everytime Bel has a new health crisis, though I start mentally preparing for her to die. She seems to bounce back though (last time even the vet thought she was going to die). So I do understand this kind of mentally preparing. I know I grieved a lot for my GSD before he was even gone. I think it's just the way some people do it, you know?

    Anyway, I'll be thinking good thoughts for Rakka, and hoping it is something fixable.
  • I hope Rakka is OK and it's nothing bad like cancer.
  • I know what you mean Heidi. Don't think the worst until you can get her there & get some real answers. [ I know, easier said than done ]

    I'll keep you two in my thoughts. ~
  • :( Let us know how the vet appt. went today! You guys have been in my thoughts!
  • Let's hope fur the best!
  • Okay, so while *I* probably lost a year off my life from all that unnecessary worrying, Rakka is totally fine! She had her hips and elbows x-rayed, plus the regular exam and she's totally fine. She is free of any joint issues and she certainly does not have bone cancer!

    So, she's on anti-inflammatory drugs for a while to see if that helps. Most likely, we're dealing with a sprain and it's no big deal.
  • Very good news!
  • excellent! :)
  • Great news! So glad to hear it!
  • Thats great news!
  • Awesome!
  • Great news!
  • I'm glad hope she keeps doing better.
  • Glad she's ok! she's so beautiful
  • edited August 2012
    Oh man that's awesome to hear that she's doing alright! Joint issues are so hard to pin down in dogs simply because they're so stoic about pain. They'll hide pain and not make a sound until it's reached a point where it's really bad then finally act painful.
    Rakka is absolutely beautiful btw! I'm thinking a few years down the road that the next dog will be a Shikoku, if not then a JA.
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