Shiba family reunion on the beach

edited October 2011 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
This pass weekend, Lindsay, Pam and myself took our six Shibas to Long Beach, WA on vacation for a few days. Each of us brought two Shibas and we had a lot of fun. All dogs enjoyed their time together, the beach, the hike and we also did some training too - socialization, crate gates, body awareness games and recall.

All 6 Shibas are from the same breeder and they are related, so this is really a family reunion for the dogs.

Lindsay has Ike (4 years old male) and Farrah (1 year old female) . Pam has Eli (2 years old male) and Pip (4 months old female) and I have Maluko (6 year old female) and Koji (1 1/2 year old male). Farrah and Pip are half sisters and they are both Koji's aunts. Ike and Eli are 3/4 brothers and Maluko's grandsire links her to all the other dogs.



  • Looks like it was a grand old time. :-)
  • Looks like fun your lucky to be so close together so they can come play and stuff. :)
  • I loved that! It looked like a great time was had by all. I love the jumping on the sofa and over manuever--Bel used to do that too! And my god, the place looks gorgeous--does make me miss the Pacific NW!

    I am kind of sad every time I see such wonderful Shibas getting along though, since I don't have that. Shibas interacting together is a really beautiful thing--the way they play, the way they walk together, etc. I miss that.

    But I loved the video! And it was so well done too, with the "starring" photos in the beginning.....
  • Ah those San Jo shibas have such beautifully, consistently, deep color for reds!
  • Aww, looked like such a fun time! :)
  • I finally got a chance to watch the video...

    Looks like a wonderful time. :)

    I really wish I could have flown out and joined in! Hope you guys can do that again soon!
  • Me too! It was really fun.
  • thanks for posting the video, looked like they all had fun :D
  • Looks like you had a blast!
  • We need to all go out to the Pacific Northwest and hang out with Lindsay and Sandrat, and the Sanjo Shibas! Road trip!
  • That would be awesome, my place is open for a meetups anytime.
  • I would love to have a Shiba meetup in the Pacific Northwest to meet other forum members. I am very glad that I ran into Pam outside of a training facility many months ago with her Shiba and that I asked her for contact information. I did not contact Pam until a few months later and through Pam, I met Lindsay and her wonderful Shibas and of course, Grym. It is really nice to meet other people with Shibas in your region. Not only do you have similar interests, but you also get to know their dogs well.
  • Hey Sandra, if you organize a meetup somewhere in, say, southern Oregon, I might be inclined to attend. ;) Does that still count as the Pacific NW?
  • I vote for southern Oregon! But only since I live there XD
    I consider it the very very bottom of the PNW, at least my little part, since the weather and most of the landscape is pretty much exactly the same as Portland/Vancouver. It's just a bit wetter up there.
    @curlytails You could always park at my place and hitch a ride with me if the meetup were in Washington. That would save you something like 6+ hours of driving and gas.
  • Dude, that would be awesome.
  • @Losech, you know, I might actually take you up on that offer if this pans out...

    @sandrat888, now look what you started. ;)
  • edited October 2011
    I am open to any locations in the region as long as it works for most. So far, we have @curlytails, @Losech, @lindsayt, myself showing interests. And I know Pam (Not the B&G Pam, but the other Pam that went to Long Beach with us) would be interested too. Any other members that would be interested in coming? It is not limited to Shiba only. I would love to meet other Japanese breeds and their people too!

    @shibamistress, would you be interested in coming? I know it is kind of far for you.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm not a NK owner, but I'm in BC. It would be pretty cool to meet you guys and your dogs.
  • I thought you had a Shikoku?
  • Me? I'm currently dogless as I'm still finishing my degree. Shikoku is the breed I'm interested in, though.
  • I would love to, but it's unlikely I'd be able to get out there as it is pretty far (it took us two days to drive out to Grants Pass when we went to pick up Oskar). But.....I really would like to--it would be so cool to meet you all and hang out with Shibas! (Mine of course would NOT be able to attend anyway, given how unfriendly they are).

  • edited October 2011
    Sweet!! PNW meetup. I am up for a road trip with my two!! Love to meet you all!
  • how about sometime in the spring/summer?
  • That's what I was hoping. Say, early summerish? After May would be my request.
  • Yeah, that would work! I'm like major broke right now and need a bit of time to save up some gas monies.
  • If there is enough time to plan, could people make it to my place in Puyallup, WA? There is a fully fenced acre and seperate areas for snarky dogs. And a place for people to sleep if needed.
  • I am there, it is about a 5 hour drive for me coming from the east side of the state. It will probably be easier to stay at a hotel with my guys. Probably stay at La Quinta.
  • I would LOVE to meet your dogs!
  • edited October 2011
    Oh sure, Puyallup isn't too bad of a drive. About 6 hours if traffic is good, and only a bit over a tank of gas. I figured it was farther.
    If Conker can get along for longer than "dog park" time, and he normally does after an initial snarkfest, I could stay at your place, but only if you didn't mind. (I could cook dinner...) If not I wouldn't mind a hotel. The last time I stayed in one with Conker he barked at everything though. If anything I could pop back down to Vancouver WA and stay at my Grandma's place. I used to live there so she's plenty used to me.
  • You are welcome to stay, I hope you don't mind the roosters in the morning ;)
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