Shiba family reunion on the beach



  • Oh, a meetup would be fun! Though I don't have a nihon ken.
  • edited October 2011
    @WhoBitMe, You're still welcomed of course, anyone from the forum!!!
  • Don't mind roosters. My neighbors dogs have gotten me used to early morning animal sounds.

    I agree! I love BC's, and the meetups shouldn't be limited to just Shibas or only Nihon Ken.
  • @WhoBitMe

    BC's are definitely welcomed or any other breed. Lindsay has a secret crash on BC's after seeing how biddable our Agility trainer's dog is. :)
  • Yay! I would love to attend a meetup then. I'm glad to know BCs are welcome. :) It will be an interesting event for her in her 13th year to meet some nihon ken (so odd to think she'll be 13 next year).
  • Oh this sounds so fun! Hmm...I'll keep up with the planning, even though it's unlikely I could make it. I did think, if I could go, the problem is none of my dogs could go. Well, Toby loves people and loves to travel, but of course he hates all other dogs. Bel doesn't like people or travel. Oskar would be fine! But he's pretty big!

    Anyway, who knows, maybe with lots of lead time I could make it..... :)
  • @shibamistress, it would be great to meet you and your pups!
  • Such an amazing slideshow, I love it!
  • Should we make a different thread for the PNW meetup? It kinda took over this one.
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